Announcement from NDNFAN

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Forum Member
Apr 3, 2002
good luck pete!

good luck pete!

im going to miss going head to head with ya....

you are talented and will do well $$$$
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
I'm always around too. Always willing to help.

I'm writing a book on baseball handicapping. Saw where you posted a lot of information. Decided not to read it until I get my book done. Curious as hell to read your infromation, but decided not to. I don't won't to be accused of copying information.

Very anxious to read it when I'm done with mine. We can compare notes then.

Take care!

MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Wayne......thanks, I appreciate it. Also looking forward to reading that book you're writing.

As for the post on "handicapping baseball" I put up, I originally wanted to just get the basics up to help some newcomers who don't have a lot of experience capping baseball, but the post kept getting longer and longer. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid of leaving anything out, even things that maybe don't weigh quite as heavily as other stuff, but I'll be the first to say that a lot of capping stuff that I look upon is not in there. Would love to discuss baseball handicapping with ya sometime. Everyone caps games in there own way, but feel we share many of the same views...likewise I'm sure we have some different feelings on certain things as well :cool:

Good luck with the book and the upcoming season!



Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Re: good luck pete!

Re: good luck pete!

slvrblet said:
im going to miss going head to head with ya....

you are talented and will do well $$$$

Hey Mark....Thanks, you are very talented capper as well in the bases. Good luck this upcoming season :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 17, 2001
Northern Wisconsin
I am sure that I am among many that will miss your insights and selections. I wish you great success in your venture and will still look forward to your more occasional visit to the forum. Thanks, ndnfan, and good luck.:(
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Good Luck. I hope you stick to the same methods you have used the past few years. Waiting a week or two to start making selections and passing on days when you really dont see any value. I have no doubt your service will be a success.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX

first let me say speaking with written words is a bit of a weak spot with me.. its very hard for me to get my point across sometimes. i dont know i guess being in sales so long im just better with the ol face to face.. but ill do my best...spelling and grammatical errors are also frequent and common so please be patient with me..

im just going to speak from the heart and hope this comes out right..


im not going to apologize for what i said or they way i feel about pay services.. i am sorry for singling you out personally.. i have the upmost respect for you, and this isnt just about you..

its just im tired of seeing this..

what i mean is, im tired of Jacks being used as a stepping stone for guys to build a clientele, then go pay...

to many times ive seen fellas come in.. they have a few winning seasons.. they build a reputation, they develop relationships, they develop friendships, and finally loyalty.. then suddley they want their loyal followers and friends to pay them money for there once free and open advice.. this seems sum what shitty to me..

and again its not just you specificallly.. im not going to drag in names, we know who others are..

its different for guys like fletch who have always had the pay service.. but frequent jacks to help out and share info.. but coming in and building a clientele first rubs me the wrong way..
hell, fletch is pay but hes here more than anyone.. where are the other jackers who went pay and used to be here daily??? they never come around anymore.. they built their clientele, they got what they needed from this site, and they dumped it..

this is probably not the way you guys see it.. but i do..

But the real problem i have with this continually happening are for selfish reasons.. what can i say im a bad person...

i work my ass off capping football and NCAA hoops.. i spend countless hours going over numbers.. as im sure all of us do..

we do it to beat the book.......we do it to make money.. well we can do that on our own..
so why post here??
whats the point.. ??
i dont post here for the glory, or for people to tell me im a great capper.. or to beat my own chest..?? i post here
A. to help others..
B. and more importantly, i post here so that others can help me..

the way i see it.. i have a service too... i bust my balls all season capping football... and i work even harder to produce winners in college hoops.. and i offer these picks to others here not for money..
but for the exchange of them giving me their picks and advice when i need it.. especially in sports i have little experiance with..

i busted my a$$ to cap around 66% in football this season.. and i offered them up for free.. and what do i expect in exchange for my services..??? not cash, but picks and advice from others when it comes to my off season, and im the one who needs help.. this is how we all pay each other at Jacks..

i did pay for my picks..through all the hard work and free winners.. we all have paid.. all of us who work hard to help others.. the service is the constant exchange of ideas advice and helping each other in our weak areas.. this is how it should be..

but what keeps happening year after year during my offseasons?

"well Gibber thanks for the help in football, but if you want my help, i want money"

and its happend in every god damn sport on this site.. NBA, NCAA, NFL, and now Baseball.. every year it seems after im done working my ass off and im looking for someone to follow.. they want to go pay.. and im sick of it.. thats not what this place is about.. the other posters here are the trade off for the hard work.. but some use this place to find potential customers..

like i said this isnt about you specifically, it been bothering me more and more each time it happens..

i got upset only b/c i respect your abilities.. i think you are a fine capper.. my work for the season is almost done... and i was looking forward to following your advice.. then i found out this has happened again.. and i got upset.. sorry for singling you out..

i also have the all the respect and admiration in the world for the other guys who have gone pay.. this is more of a rant than anything..

but if all the great cappers keep leaving.. whats the point of even posting here??

i post in exchange for your advice, and it seems the well for help is running dangerously dry..

i wish you they very best NDNFAN and you will be sorely missed..

GL to you :) :)

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