any umpires out there?


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Forum Member
Sep 3, 2002
Thanks BUCKY1. Only being around the YOUTH stuff from listening to others and watching a few games, but aren't parents a lot harder on COACHES than umpires nowadays?


Not in my personal experience. I was fortunate enough to have most of the same kids year after year. Parents were all great. I have seen some heated exchanges involving parents and coaches at the diamonds though.


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Sep 3, 2002
Next year will be 30 years for me.

I started as a 15 year old in '91. Was taught at a youth league park. Went on to be a bad to decent umpire for the next 10 years. In 2003, I got a little more serious about it and started calling more games. In 2005, I went to Cooperstown Dreams Park and went through the Umpire Clinic they put on. I realized how many bad habits I had developed and how much better I would have been if I had received better training as a 15 year old. With that goal in mind for the next generation, I started the Texas Hill Country Umpire Association. I have a book of 500+ umpires and we easily called more than 10000 games over the 10 year period it was open. We called T-ball through College. I was the only one that ever got a varsity college game but we took over NCBA Club ball honors for Texas State and the University of Texas and still call the TSU games today.

I'm super proud of what we accomplished and can say that we did achieve our goal of having some younger umpires go on to do bigger and better things. We started at 1 youth league and by the time we were done, we had 4 youth leagues (turned down 2 others), 2 high schools and 2 colleges that called for umpires. The Select organizers wanted my umpires and it was a battle protecting my book from them. They seemed to only care about the money and not the game and I can easily speak on BuckWheat's behalf here, He has not called for 50 years because of the money. While the money offsets our expenses, this is not a get rich hobby at the levels we call.

There was a Wednesday, circa 2014, when we had 26 fields going, 50ish games, with ~50 umpires. Weekends we would have 30 fields with nearly 200 games. When I shut it down, I had lost the goal of making young umpires better to just making games happen. I had some really shitty umpires and I had to use them to fill games. I would bounce them from park to park and field to field while knowing the phone call would be coming later. I had a few high, drunk umpire incidents where we dodged bullets but that grazing lead me to pull the plug.

I made 4 trips to CDP. In 2007, I received the highest honor of calling the plate of the Championship game. I have made 1000's of baseball friends over the years and my phone lights up every playoff season when they're is some type of rule interpretation. See runner interference, 1st base Astro's v Natty's 2019.

I umpire 8-12 series a year for Texas State NCBA nowadays. We got in 3 series before Covid killed the season this year. Those 24 - 36 games are enough for me to get my umpire fix without taking the fun out of it.

I have the same stories B-Dub has and I have started the book he has talked about. One story I enjoy telling... About 10 years ago, I am wrapping up our umpire clinic in San Marcos where we usually get mainly college kids. I'm talking to the youngen's about asking questions and throw out the line, "Some of my favorite times as an umpire have been having a beer in the parking lot talking rules." We end the clinic and a few weeks later start calling games. I would make sure to umpire a game with any umpire that had 0 umpiring experience. One of those kids was a guy named Clinton S. I shoot him a text about where to park, what color shirt we were wearing and asked if he was good taking the 2nd plate so he could watch me call the 1st. He shot back that he'd prefer to do the 1st plate and that he'd bring the beer. I lol'd, said ok, and we went and did the game. He brought a 6 pack and afterwards we sat out at the truck and went over things he did well and things to improve on. I turned him loose on any level of youth ball and went about the season.

The love interest. The park in San Marcos is owned by the city and they staff it with park rangers who help facilitate the volunteer score keepers, coaches and concession workers. One such Ranger, Jessica J, was a 25 year old woman who I became friends with. One night she tells me, "Josh, I need a man" I tell her I'm flattered but that I'm taken to which she replied "As if, I'd just go to the old folks home" We laugh and I tell her I have the perfect guy for her. I just need to check with him. I have her number and she says "If he's interested, have him call me." We part ways and I pass on the info to Clinton S. He says he'll give her a call. Time passes.

I'm out at the fields one night when she tells me that I'm the funniest person she knows. I agree with her but I'm not sure why. She couldn't believe that I would go through and have a high school student call her for a date. I pull out my phone, search my emails for Clinton's registration form and look.... The kid is 17 years old. He brought beer to our first game. Legend status confirmed.

The end of the story. Jessica and I play in the same softball league and she ends up meeting her husband shortly after. They have 3 kids and her oldest is the same age as my son and both went to the same day school. Clinton, is now a tax client and has his own small fencing business. I occasionally remind the 2 of the story and give updates on each other when I see them.

2007 CDP

[FONT=&quot](left to right) Right Field Line: George Booth (West Monroe, LA); First Base: Steve Pelham (Highland, MD); Home Plate: Josh Schwartz (Kyle, TX); Second Base: Richard Sporl (San Diego, CA); Third Base: Bill Heede (Crystal Lake, IL); Left Field Line: Eddie Gray (Raleigh, NC)

Booth & Gray were both minor league umpires. Booth comes to me before the game and says, "Hey, As long as the first pitch isn't in the dirt or at the back stop, try to get a strike. The whole place will go nuts and no one will remember the first pitch."

The 1st pitch of the game is around the shknee. My brain said down, My mouth said Strike. The place lights up just like George said. I give him a look and he gives me the umpire clap.
This is some great stuff!:popcorn2


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Thanks Bucky


Covid postponed my T-Ball Coaching debut with my 5 year old.

Not saying it would ever happen (hell, maybe the strikezone....not sure) but the technology is possible. Obviously the list above couldn't be replaced....but the things that piss everybody off would be eliminated.

Not saying it would ever happen (hell, maybe the strikezone....not sure) but the technology is possible. Obviously the list above couldn't be replaced....but the things that piss everybody off would be eliminated.

There are quite a few umpires who get ass hurt when you talk about technology. And the Purist, you can't forget about the Purist.

I'm neither. There are many areas where technology can make getting the correct call easier. They need to work on getting those calls correct faster now.

You do need umpires because judgment and timing exists.

I think the easiest way to implement these technologies is to use a 5th (8th playoffs) umpire in a booth onsite. Don't call New York. Don't stand there like a dumbass with a headset on. Everyone should be linked up by ear piece to the 5th umpire who can relay information to umpires in real time. This can eliminate some replay opportunities. Replay can still exist as they are using it but let someone on site work on it.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Really great read Josh. Wish I had the book here on the beach on vacation with kids and grandkids. Beach here is pretty empty in Sarasota on Siesta Key. Probably 15-20 yards between chairs/towels/groups. Hope you all are doing well in Austin.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
So many of the stories are short and what I would consider to be only humorous to umpires.

Here is how I got in to the CDP Click (Clique) in 2005

My Crew Chief that I am assigned to is a guy named Mike P that I would become good friends with but who would steal from me one day after letting him, his mistress and 7 year old son stay at our house. But that's a different story for a different day.

Our crew has a chief, Mike P and 3 other yahoos. I'm one of the yahoos.

Mike is addressing us for the first time and he says, "Tell me your name, where you're from and something interesting about you."

The first kid says, "I'm Teddy, from Towedo and I've been umpiring for 8 years and do high school ball.

The older guy says, "I'm Steve, I'm from Pittsburgh and I've been umpiring for 35 years. I do college ball.

Mike turns to me and I say, "My name's Josh, I'm from Austin and my wife just had jaw surgery."

He hands me his clip board and says, "You're in charge."

So I got to hang at the cool kids table while eating and I met some guys that I'm still friends with to this day. One guy that I met was a Triple A umpire from Cali, Mike S. Mike S. turns out to be a terrible human that took advantage of troubled teen girls and is currently in prison for it, but wasn't caught until 2012. On a side note, I never once suspected anything out of the ordinary with Mike S and it haunts me to this day that I could become such good friends with a monster and not know it. There may be a monster reading this right now and that has changed the way I view individuals and society which is damn shame because I use to be a glass is half full type guy.

Mike S, Mike P, Tom M and myself go to do a 4 man game. Mike S is anchored at 1st, Mike P is the rabbit and Tom M is entertaining the left field bleachers. I've got the stick, I'm calling the ball on this day.

In the 3rd, Mike S walks down and says, "I'm bored down there, throw me a check swing if you can" I say alright. The next half inning, I have a pitch way outside and the batter took a big step but the bat hardly moved an inch coming forward but I go ahead and throw it down to Mike S.

"Hey Mike, Did he go?"

Mike's mouth says, "Yes!" but he signals a safe motion.

I flash the count to the pitcher 1 & 0. The head coach of the pitching team comes out on me.

"Whoa whoa whoa, he said yes, he went."

"John, I don't get to pick who I work with." I gesture to center field, "That's my crew chief, he's umpired in the minors, Tom at 3rd calls Big 10 ball. The guy at first started umpiring last year after retirement and he calls little league ball. The little league technique is to ask if the batter held up. That's why he said yes and signaled safe."

John accepts it and heads back to the first base dug out.

Mike S comes down and asks me between innings what I said to the coach and this is what I told Mike S, "I told the coach, You see that umpire in center field, he works for CDP. You know what happens if a coach gets kicked out of a game? They pack up your shit and walk you to the front gate and digitally erase your existence from the park. So do you still want to argue balls and strikes with me."

Mike S gets a big grin, and gives me an atta-boy.

The head coach from the first base dugout is now on offense and for whatever reason he has been coaching 1st base this whole game. We have a decently close play at 1st base but the kid was out by a half step. I'm already halfway down the line following the play when the 1st base coach looks down at me and says can I get help with that. Mike S looks at me and mouths MotherFucker then walks over to the coach and says, "No he can't help you, that's my call. The only words I should here out of your mouth is turn left, come back or good try. Got it?"

The coach doesn't have a response and looks at me so I give him a shrug and say, "Must be a little league rule" before heading back to the plate.

When the real story came out at the bar that night, I was promoted from being able to sit at the cool kids table to having my own chair.

I've felt like being an umpire is attuned to being a stand up comic in a room full of hecklers. You have to be sharp, witty and ready to fire.

There was a game where a kid pokes a ball down the right field line for a double that scored a run. Defensive coach queries me, "Did he step out of the box?"

"No, his foot was on the line"

We get an out and that defensive coach is now heading to 3rd base for his offensive half when he stops and says, "Hey, there aren't any lines"

He looks at me and I just stare at him. He then realized, "Oh, there aren't any lines, sorry blue"

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
My Crew Chief that I am assigned to is a guy named Mike P that I would become good friends with but who would steal from me one day after letting him, his mistress and 7 year old son stay at our house. But that's a different story for a different day.

<iframe src="" width="392" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>



That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
=You Keep Talkinvia GIPHY

I'm just going to call him CockSucker and the other one Pedi so I don't have to do the Mike P & Mike S thing

So one October, CS calls me from Waco which is about 90 minutes away from the house. I drove down from New York, you got any ball to call? Can I crash at your house?

It's not the first time he's just shown up, but usually he comes down, I schedule us some games, he drives off.

He shows up and I meet him outside. Some 20ish year old girl gets out that is not his wife and I look at CS and he does the eyebrow raise. Then a little boy gets out of the car. with a suitcase. Da Fuq.

Autumn is a little less than thrilled when she gets home and finds out we now have roommates.

CS was working off season at Wal-Mart and sweet talked this girl in to doing extracurricular's. They did some of these events at Wal-Mart, got caught and both got fired. Instead of facing the music with his wife, he said, hop in the car and we'll go see my friend in Texas.

I remember CS's Mother-In-Law called me and said, "Josh, didn't you find it a little strange when CS showed up with that whore and not my daughter?" I said, "Honestly, no Beth, this seems pretty standard for CS. I figured he'd be here a week, miss your daughter, and drop the new one off somewhere on his way back."

I deflected her blame.

So I make CS about $2500 over 4 weeks calling ball but that obviously wasn't enough because he went through and stole football, baseball and basketball cards that I had collected since I was a kid. I was about to put a value on it but what the CS stole was my ability to sit down with my son and go through the collection and pass it on to him one day. Motherfucking Cock Sucker He took every Michael Jordan card I had. I have Horace Grant but no Michael Jordan's. How do I explain that to my son?

I obviously don't catch that the cards are gone until he and the new family had moved on. They swung through Alabama and another umpire buddy made him some money out that way. He dropped the girl and kid off and went back to New York shortly after to make up with his wife. CS & his wife are still together and live with his Mother-In-Law to this day.

And that's the rest of the CS story.


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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Damn, I truly would not put this book down if it was a book. I never thought about blue needing to be a stand up comic and always ready to respond to anything, but it is true. Sucks about your cards, truly a CS.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
I'm just going to call him CockSucker and the other one Pedi so I don't have to do the Mike P & Mike S thing

So one October, CS calls me from Waco which is about 90 minutes away from the house. I drove down from New York, you got any ball to call? Can I crash at your house?

It's not the first time he's just shown up, but usually he comes down, I schedule us some games, he drives off.

He shows up and I meet him outside. Some 20ish year old girl gets out that is not his wife and I look at CS and he does the eyebrow raise. Then a little boy gets out of the car. with a suitcase. Da Fuq.

Autumn is a little less than thrilled when she gets home and finds out we now have roommates.

CS was working off season at Wal-Mart and sweet talked this girl in to doing extracurricular's. They did some of these events at Wal-Mart, got caught and both got fired. Instead of facing the music with his wife, he said, hop in the car and we'll go see my friend in Texas.

I remember CS's Mother-In-Law called me and said, "Josh, didn't you find it a little strange when CS showed up with that whore and not my daughter?" I said, "Honestly, no Beth, this seems pretty standard for CS. I figured he'd be here a week, miss your daughter, and drop the new one off somewhere on his way back."

I deflected her blame.

So I make CS about $2500 over 4 weeks calling ball but that obviously wasn't enough because he went through and stole football, baseball and basketball cards that I had collected since I was a kid. I was about to put a value on it but what the CS stole was my ability to sit down with my son and go through the collection and pass it on to him one day. Motherfucking Cock Sucker He took every Michael Jordan card I had. I have Horace Grant but no Michael Jordan's. How do I explain that to my son?

I obviously don't catch that the cards are gone until he and the new family had moved on. They swung through Alabama and another umpire buddy made him some money out that way. He dropped the girl and kid off and went back to New York shortly after to make up with his wife. CS & his wife are still together and live with his Mother-In-Law to this day.

And that's the rest of the CS story.

Was/is he also an alcoholic? Sounds like three people I know (stealing from friends etc...) and all three have been in and out of rehab.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Was/is he also an alcoholic? Sounds like three people I know (stealing from friends etc...) and all three have been in and out of rehab.

If I were to guess, Meth. He was in his early 50's and had what the elderly call, Falsies.

I drink more than this guy but I think it's because I'm competitive. That being said, his birthday hit during this trip. I had been gifted a bottle of either Herradura or Patron and I pulled it out for a birthday shot. He and his girl drank the whole handle. It was with my blessing but I felt like he was just drinking it because it wasn't Montezuma's. Tequila and I had a falling out in '95. We can still see each other but lime juice has to act as an intermediary.

The book I started Chuck was fictional and was premised upon an umpire making a blunder so big during an extra inning game 7 that it lead to exactly what Joker was talking about. Electronic umpires. Just like the heads of tennis spectators, fans would have to turn, look and read before reacting with cheers or jeers.

The umpire would go back home and start calling youth ball with a buddy who chose not to go to umpire school with him but stick around the little town he grew up in with his high school sweetheart. There would be the typical dickhead Dad/Coach who has enough money to always get his way who runs the league. His ex wife who would be the love interest of our protagonist. The child/ball player, would be stuck in the middle of the developing triangle.

I would be able to tell the humor of umpiring by telling the stories, calls, training and situations that happen during a youth season from an umpires perspective. We would follow Major League Baseball through highlights and headlines as Baseball players who operate with a number of unwritten rules would find different ways to exploit the technology to gain advantages. All of this leading to a major malfunction during the playoffs which finds MLB asking our hero to comeback and call again and him having to make a major decision. Which is best told by The Clash, "Should I stay or should I go."

I write in a decent conversational style but it didn't take long to find out that it is a very difficult process to take the thoughts, scenes, pictures, smells and put them to paper. You can't just put a single tree on a canvas, you have to paint the surrounding scenery. That's hard. It is a skill that Joker has that I am envious of.

The biggest problem now is that I started back before replay. The game has changed a bit over the past 8 years. The way I have it in my mind it would have to take place in the early to mid 2000's. Maybe I'll type up what I have and post it here or somewhere where people can get to it. It's just not finished.

Thanks for talking it up Chuck. You've given me a shot of confidence even if it was given blindly.


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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Dude, the best part is that you set up the surroundings better than you give yourself credit for. I can see you with the mask and meeting the ump to discuss giving a check swing opportunity. And the way you describe them all makes me feel like I know them and am there watching you two converse. It literally just had my eyes flowing across the reading, rather than re-reading a sentence to make sure I totally understand the situation in books. Mindless situational entertainment is what people want sitting on a beach sometimes. Good luck bud. And yes, Sir Nicholas is really good as well, look forward to his new book. :0074


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Forum Member
Aug 13, 2009
Got another one for you JOSH. Just happened last week in COED softball. I wasn't doing the game but was asked how to rule. A weak hitting female hits a ball off the front part of the plate into FAIR territory. The UMP has brain lock and YELLS "FOUL". Fortunately out of 20+ " KNOW IT ALL" players no one questions the call, and the game moves on....The ball is obviously FAIR, and with only one ump, there is no one to appeal to.

I told him with no one noticing he probably did the right thing and let it go, but not sure how to handle it if the defense rightfully realized it was fair and threw her out at first. Thanks for answering


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
I lol'd on the 20+ Know it alls

When I went to look up our info that we taught the young umpires, I was reminded how often they call a foul tip, a foul ball. Same premise, you took a live ball and killed it.

I've unfortunately had to defend this fair/foul situation more than a few times by some of our younger umpires and up until replay taught, "You can always turn a fair ball, foul, but you can never turn a foul ball, fair."

I would usually go on to say, to put the ball back in play, 3 things must occur. You must have a pitcher in possession of the ball touching the rubber. A batter completely in the batter's box. A catcher in his/her catcher's box. At that point the umpire can motion to the pitcher and say, "Play"

The umpire just has to eat shit on it and stick with the foul ball call.

"I thought it was foul, that's why I called it foul. Once I said foul, the plays over and a strike is awarded."

So I know in that situation the coach is coming out on me, pissed. He/She would have to get violent for me to dump 'em since I caused this fuckarowl.

At this point, the only mistake you have made is calling a fair ball, foul. Hell, they got this one wrong in the ALCS a few years ago with 6 pro umpires. Don't compound your mistake by making another one. Don't try and make up a call on the next pitch. We work so hard to not make mistakes. You should never make a mistake on purpose to even out your calls. It's not the last mistake you'll ever make.

So NCAA added a rule that you can turn a foul ball fair, after video review. The Umpire then places runners with discretion. When I did a quick google search for validation, I was reminded of one of the stranger rules now in NCAA.

In NCAA you can have a HBP that was actually a fair ball get turned in to a never happened.


Example 2. A pitch strikes the bat, but the umpire erroneously rules ?hit batter ? dead ball.? Thehead coach on defense appropriately invokes replay and the crew chief reverses the call. If theball lands foul, the crew chief shall call the ball ?foul.? If the ball landed fair, the crew chief willacknowledge the erroneous call, return all runners to the base occupied and batter to the box,prior to the pitch and nullify the pitch. (The pitch does not count).

I went to the archives for my THCUA videos - We would have young umpires watch these before our clinics. I was a lot skinnier back then.

This is the Fair/Foul portion -
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


We talk about the never can turn foul, fair under 'foul tips'

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 13, 2009
Hey, JOSH. Umpiring COED Softball by myself this past weekend, and the same thing happened. Defense turns a double play on it because nobody ran....Obviously the offensive was complaining, but I quickly explained it. Told them my partner missed it 2 weeks earlier by calling it foul and got away with it. I wasn't going to make the same mistake. :toast:



That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
That's awesome.

It's always amazing the things that are seen by 1 or 2 but missed by 20.

I sure hope you are enjoying it Buck. I have a lot of great memories and stories from the ball fields.

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