Remember in April when you said it the bubble burst the week before when it was around 260 and it would never see that price again. Now it's over double that at 575. Maybe next week it's back at 100 and then again maybe next year it's well over 1k. It's risky business but so is betting on 21 year old kids to win you a couple of grand you have on the line.
yeah, and when the illegal drug market website was shut down, the prices plummeted. i am sure the resurrection of that website did a bit to help push prices back up.
the prices are a rollercoaster. if you post your TV on craigslist, how many people that see your ad are going to know what a bitcoin is, let alone have any to buy your tv with?
i just dont understand why anyone would want to use a monetary unit that could literally be worthless 15 minutes from now. you arent guaranteed what you buy in for, and you could literally have a million dollars turn to pennies. it isnt like something that slowly goes up or slowly loses value giving you time to get out. the swings are drastic.
also, if theres only 21 million produced, how is it going to "catch on"? many of the early guys have thousands if not tens of thousands of them when you could get them for practically pennies. if you were one of those guys, hats off to you for jumping in, but how high can you actually expect them to go?
I would think that the majority of the people that have bitcoins are 1 of 2 things. they are people like you who are investing in them which isnt really doing anything as far as making them practical in every day life, and there are people who are using them to purchase illegal things without trace.
now what happens when governments have finally had enough and step in? certainly that day will come if the thing runs wild.
also, when all 21 million bitcoins are produced, why would their value go up? it isnt like something people collect where if they produce a limited number of a product people buy it up and can sell it on later for more than they paid because its scarce. it is meant to be used to pay for things....nobody is going to buy a bitcoin to pay for something that they could get cheaper if they paid in real dollars or whatever real currency they use.