It may not go anywhere but there are a lot of things pointing to it's success. Don't be short sighted and think the US is the only place that matters. Follow what's going on around the world and take some chances. It's relatively new and sure there are some hiccups but for the same reasons we complain about the dollar and the Fed is the same reasons why this could explode. In Forex people worry about the Chinese government and their manipulation of their currency. With BCs they don't have that worry.
It may not go anywhere but there are a lot of things pointing to it's success. Don't be short sighted and think the US is the only place that matters. Follow what's going on around the world and take some chances. It's relatively new and sure there are some hiccups but for the same reasons we complain about the dollar and the Fed is the same reasons why this could explode. In Forex people worry about the Chinese government and their manipulation of their currency. With BCs they don't have that worry.