Originally posted by Muff Diver 01/08/19
" But I'll give you a date specific prognostic prediction:
Here, write this down.
Donald Trump will not be President April 1, 2019.
He will resign before that.
How do I know this? Simple - look at Trump's history. Since he was still a student, he has always been a bully, a coward, a braggart and a runner. He ran from Trump U, Trump Taj Mahal, Trump charities, and he has paid off sluts in large chunks of cash.
Whatever else Trump may be, one thing is certain:
He is a mouthy coward. Brag, boast and shout, and then run like Hell, that's Donnie, Pure pussy.
Hey, maybe you get that chance to hit that poop-chute. Wouldn't be much fun. He's shit his drawers so often that when he tries to fart, it's just whoosh."
Last edited by Duff Miver; 01-08-2019 at 05:24 PM.

" But I'll give you a date specific prognostic prediction:
Here, write this down.
Donald Trump will not be President April 1, 2019.
He will resign before that.
How do I know this? Simple - look at Trump's history. Since he was still a student, he has always been a bully, a coward, a braggart and a runner. He ran from Trump U, Trump Taj Mahal, Trump charities, and he has paid off sluts in large chunks of cash.
Whatever else Trump may be, one thing is certain:
He is a mouthy coward. Brag, boast and shout, and then run like Hell, that's Donnie, Pure pussy.
Hey, maybe you get that chance to hit that poop-chute. Wouldn't be much fun. He's shit his drawers so often that when he tries to fart, it's just whoosh."
Last edited by Duff Miver; 01-08-2019 at 05:24 PM.