I happened to watch about the last 10 mins of the Conn/Iowa gm w/ Sue Bird (Oregon)/Taurisi (UConn) on espn2..
Sue Bird was the 'glue' that holds that broadcast together, Taurisi appears to just be a kind of 'street' talker, as if she just walked off
the court from a pick-up game.. no polish, and acts as if she doesn't really care to be polished lol
I DO value their opinions and observations more than the hyped up announcers (whoever they are)! as I do most former players over just talking heads.. and Bird is easy on the eyes!
I still haven't gotten into the women's game much, but they did some good scheduling cuz there wasn't much else on last night lol..
and they have a great crowd, enthusiastic.. refs seem to let a LOT of fouling go to keep the pace of play almost at a frantic level..
and I also thought it quite odd that Taurisi was constantly drinking (not sure what).. she didn't seem drunk though, just overly thirsty lol
I think the success of the Manning brothers broadcast on MNF made the Espn execs decide it was worth a try.. and I think it is w/a little tweaking.