Attacking a Soldiers medals is attacking all Soldiers Medals


Forum Member
Attacking a Soldier's medals is attacking all Soldiers Medals. Good point Zeke, or ahh Rafe, no wait its Clem. And what about throwing medals away?

Who really cares- Apply the same standards to Bush.

So your contention is that the Vietnam war was a good thing and should not have been protested. I lived during that time and like now supported the troops, but thought the war was a joke and was fought in an asinine manner.

If Kerry came back and said he thought the war was wrong and he made a mistake- Who would criticize him? As others before me have stated, Kerry opens himself up to this scutiny when thats all he refers to...Remember: "Reporting for Duty, Sir." And to publicly castigate all those who served when he was an Officer in Viet Nam no less, is less than honorable- IMHO. i have no problem to let the voters decide. And I'd say the same about Baby Bush if I felt that way.

Shammy makes the best arguments/answers IMHO.

In his speech to the Democratic convention, vice presidential nominee Senator John Edwards, D-NC, was the latest figure to distort John Kerry's service record in Vietnam:

When John Kerry graduated college, he volunteered for military service. He volunteered to go to Vietnam and to captain a swift boat, one of the most dangerous duties you could have. And as a result he was wounded and honored for his valor.

"I didn't really want to get involved in the war," Kerry said in a little-noticed contribution to a book of Vietnam reminiscences published in 1986. "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."

A normal tour of duty in Vietnam was at least one year for all personnel. Many sailors, like Tom Wright (who would later object to operating with Kerry in Vietnam) and Steven Gardner (the gunner?s mate who sat behind and above Kerry for most of his Vietnam stay and came to regard him as incompetent and dishonest), stayed for longer periods either because of the special needs of the
Navy or because they had volunteered to do so. With very few exceptions in the history of Swift Boats in Vietnam, everyone served a oneyear
tour unless he was seriously wounded. One exception was John Kerry, who requested to leave Vietnam after four months.

?Many took exception to the Purple Hearts awarded to Kerry. His ?wounds? were suspect, so insignificant as to not be worthy of the award of such a medal. That Kerry would seek the
Purple Heart for such ?wounds? is a mockery of the intent of the Purple Heart and an abridgement of the valor of those to whom the Purple Heart had been awarded with justification.?

Due to an obscure regulation that permitted release of personnel with three Purple Hearts. John Kerry is also the only known Swiftee who received the Purple Heart for a self-inflicted wound.
None of Kerry?s Purple Hearts were for serious injuries. They were concededly minor scratches at best, resulting in no lost duty time. Each Purple Heart decoration is very controversial, with considerable evidence (and in two of the cases, with incontrovertible and conclusive
evidence) that the minor injuries were caused by Kerry?s own hand and were not the result of hostile fire of any kind. They are a subject of ridicule within our unit. ?I did get cut a few times, but I forgot to recommend myself for a Purple Heart. Sorry about that,? wrote John Howland, a boat commander with call sign ?Gremlin.?
Moreover, many Swiftees have now come forth to question Kerry?s deception. ?I was there the entire time Kerry was and witnessed two
of his war ?wounds.? I was also present during the action [in which] he received his Bronze Star. I know what a fraud he is. How can I help??
wrote Van Odell, a gunner from Kerry?s unit in An Thoi. Commander John Kipp, USN (retired), of Coastal Division 13 also volunteered, ?If there is anything I can do to unmask this charlatan, please let me know. He brings disgrace to all who served.?
Swiftees have remarked that, if Kerry faked even one of these awards, he owes the Navy 243 additional days in Vietnam before he runs for anything. In a unit where terribly wounded personnel like Shelton White (now an undersea film producer who records specials for National Geographic) chose to return to duty after three wounds on the same day, Kerry?s actions were disgraceful. Indeed, many share the feelings of Admiral Roy Hoffmann, to whom all Swiftees
reported: Kerry simply ?bugged out? when the heat was on. For military personnel no medal or award (with the exception of the Congressional Medal of Honor) holds the significance of the Purple
Heart. John O?Neill remembers witnessing, as a five-year-old child, the presentation of the Purple Heart to his widowed aunt, standing with her five children, at a memorial service for his uncle, a
fighter pilot lost in Korea. Many remember the Purple Heart pinned on the pillows of the badly wounded in military hospitals throughout
the world during America?s wars in defense of freedom. For this reason, there were those in Coastal Division 11 who turned down Purple
Hearts because, when the medals were offered, these honorable men felt they did not really deserve them. Veteran Gary Townsend
wrote, ?I was on PCF 3 [from] 1969 to 1970 . . . I also turned down a Purple Heart award (which required seven stitches) offered to me
while in Nam because I thought a little cut was insignificant as to what others had suffered to get theirs.? To cheat by getting a Purple Heart from a self-inflicted wound would be regarded as befitting the lowest levels of military conduct.
To use such a faked award to leave a combat sector early would be lower yet. Finally, to make or use faked awards as the basis for running
for president of the United States, while faulting one?s political opponents for not having similar military decorations, would represent unbelievable hypocrisy and the truly bottom rung of
human conduct. Anyone engaging in such conduct would be unfit for even the lowest rank in the Navy, to say nothing of the commander
in chief.".


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2003
19th hole
All this bullshit about Viet Nam will be put on the back burner in
the next two months......
Eddie your attempt to act yourself as a conservative,
I asked you to SHUT THE FAWK UP, you know why, your antics
were an embarisment to people of character, I am so happy now
that you have gone back to your faithful with open arms and
have been well received.......speaks volumes...
now, back to my point...although Kerry brought all this on himself
with the Viet Nam Hero bullshit, that was only a decoy to kill time
so the American public won't talk about his record the last 20
years as opposed to his war record which he can at least muddle
long enough to prolong the eventual agony of exposing his true
the next two months in this election will not be about
will be about who votes which way...this election will shift from
spin to record....for all you liberals out there...that must make
you at the least uneasy, at the most couldn't have
picked a worse candidate, and you now know it.....Kosar, go
ahead and beat your chest over a few percentage points in the
polls, you know and I know that DNC was a bust...and in your
heart you know John Kerry is a fraud, a loser, and will go down
like a lead baloon....
back later with more, unlike you, Eddie, I have a life...


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Debates will tell true story. But then one of them Kerry wants 5 and the other wants 2. I hope we gets at least 3 so we can see if anything these two say makes you want to run right over and vote. I have idea they cant.
Last edited:


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
The reason I care is he is running basically his whole campaign on it.
Just how do you question a legitamate purple heart? Unlike most over there who who were medivac in or required surgical procedures you have a commander who takes himself into the aid station to have scratches attended to and applies for purple heart himself???
If he wants to dispute those inquiring why doesn't he release his medical records or easier yet put up pictures of the healed wounds on his website.Bottom line is if you received wounds that merit purple heart shouldn't be hard proving----especially on three occasions.

The bronze Star
While his traveling companion has told everyone at almost every stop how he saved his life,which is his perogative as I am sure he is greatful--I do question the "beyond the call of duty" medal.
From the simplest standpoint.--When there is man in water drowning and you are on boat in vincinty you have only 2 choices--take your boat and pick him up or leave him to drown.

The Silver Star--there has plenty written and Ive went over scenerio that makes this a remote possibilty a best several times.If you want instant replay I'll oblige.

His most adamant supporter from his crew has been Sanduski (spl) and as I mentioned before--during convention he was interviewed live by Oreilly and when asked how he felt about Kerry getting out of Viet Nam early he said anyone that is "shot 3 times" deserves to get out.So I put little merit in any testimony from one who can't tell a gunshot from a fingernail scrape.

---and you ask how can anyone question his service record?????????????????????
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Clem D said:
Talk about blind allegiance? I just did a search on Dr Freeze. All Republican all the time. His stance on the reason to go to Iraq before this debacle took place was quite interesting and laughable. Bet you'd like to rethink that now? You were dead wrong in your blind allegiance of this administration. As for John McCain If only Rove and Bush didn't lie about him in South Carolina. This discussion would not be taking place. He'd be president and be a shoe in for reelection. Instead we are left with President dumbass and Cock Cheney. Who are in a dogfight because they have no honor.

Yeah I have "blind allegiance" because I believe we needed to go to Iraq....

disregard taht I disagree with
1. His Mexican Border policy
2. His health care spending
3. His refusal to bomb the hell out of Fallujah and other hot spots
4. The Patriot Act

yeah but I "blindly follow him" you moron

As far as McCain goes....i dont trust any guy that tries to play both sides for power.....that is exactly how I see a matter of fact, i dont trust 95% of the politicians up there....especiallly if they made a career out of it....whether it be Tom DeLay, John McCain or John Kerry...I think they are almost all dishonest

Zell Miller is one of the few who I respect....the guy was a democrat all his life until he couldnt take it anymore....also like Trent Lott...he got railroaded because context was added to his words...this guy also sticks up for what he believes in and was one of the few Repub's against some of Bush's bad bills....but he got railroaded on that too


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Nov 4, 2000
Doc, Zell played both sides thats forsure. In fact he is not even close to being as good a man as John Mc Cain. No one would vote For Zell as Pres. John could win easy.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
.....Kosar, go
ahead and beat your chest over a few percentage points in the
polls, you know and I know that DNC was a bust...and in your
heart you know John Kerry is a fraud, a loser, and will go down
like a lead baloon....

I guess you were looking for a bounce and that didn't happen? Not sure what the f*ck you're babbling about. You spout off about how the polls are looking bad for Kerry and now are downplaying ' a few percentage points(that Kerry leads by)'. He's lead by these same few points for months.

Well, yeah. It seems weird that you're citing 'polls' that show Bush behind while trying to say that the DNC was a bust.

There wasn't the usual bounce and there won't be after the RNC either. As i've said all along, this will be a very close election. Some people, like yourself, think it will be a Bush landslide. It won't happen. It will be 2-3% of the poipular vote either way. Flip a coin.

Even if Kerry is a 'fraud' and a 'loser', he's the only one out of the two that hasn't proven as much as a president. And sadly enough, that's all we have to go on as far as Kerry goes. I, for one, don't give a shit who's running against this admin. No, not really. Give me ANY republican or democrat who promises to fire and to not be influenced in any way by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rove, Ashcroft, etal....and i'll vote for them.

Bush is Bush. An idiot. I have no problem with him, actually. But then again, he's not actually running this country.

Think for yourself every now and then Salty Dog, it can be refreshing.


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
The Right just can't stand that they can win this election by wrapping themselves in the flag, their usual tactic. So they try any pathetic lowlife tactic they can to discredit the opponent because they can't point to ANYTHING positive about their own candidate's (or his VP's) war record (lack thereof).


Let's talk about W now. Now where was he while Kerry was serving in Nam?


Forum Member
ocelot said:
The Right just can't stand that they can win this election by wrapping themselves in the flag, their usual tactic.
I don't agree w/the following, but f' It I found this and thought I'd post it.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
all that was retracted was what Kerry's campaign journalist wrote about in the Boston rag

Kerry wraps himself in his service/medals/heroism, and he is getting what he asked for


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Criticizing Kerry a Mistake?

Monday, August 09, 2004

By Jim Angle

The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Criticizing Kerry a Mistake?
John Kerry's former commanding officer George Elliott, who joined a number of Vietnam swift boat veterans in criticizing Kerry's war record in a new campaign ad, was quoted in the Boston Globe as saying that his accusation that Kerry "has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam" was a mistake.

But later today, Elliot released an affidavit saying he was misquoted by the Globe and reaffirming his belief that Kerry has not been honest about what happened back then. Elliot had recommended Kerry for a Silver Star during the war ... but reaffirmed today that he didn't know all the facts ... and would never would have made the recommendation had he known Kerry only pursued and killed one wounded, fleeing enemy soldier.

Elliott told the Boston Globe that criticizing Kerry now, after recommending him for medals in 1969 and supporting him as recently as 1996, "makes me look kind of silly, to be perfectly honest." But he says he sided with Kerry's critics because he can't believe they would all lie in concert, adding that he, "absolutely does not know first hand" what happened.

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Meanwhile, lawyers for John Kerry and the Democratic National Committee are asking TV stations across the country not to run the anti-Kerry ad. A letter to station managers across the country, signed by the general counsel for the Kerry Campaign and the DNC, calls the ad an "inflammatory, outrageous lie."

The Lawyers say the veterans, "purport to have served on Senator Kerry's Swift Boat," but in fact, the veterans merely say they served with Kerry in Vietnam. The participants in the ad all served on swift boats in Kerry's group.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
It's always fun to watch folks go for cover. Or if nothing else give there subject that look of how to you believe anything there saying. I always like. If I new then what I know today remarks. Chit we all can say that and we all be either rich or dirt poor. For a simple reason. Even tho's that would know what was up ahead of time would still screw it up.


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Gee, and I thought Kerry was the one who was supposed to be the waffler. This guy reminds me of the guy on the bridge in Monthy Python's Holy Grail who couldn't decide what his favorite color was.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
It is my understanding that a group of drinkers who were served with George Bush, Jr. at Thelma's Dodge Inn back in 68 in Tuskeegee, Alabama are forming a group called Veteran Drinkers Against George Bush. Although I am unable to find the link to the groups website, here are a few quotes from the group.

Billy Bob Callaway of Tuskeegee stated, "Although I was never at Thelma's when Bush was in there drinking but I used to drink at the bar next door, The Backdoor Inn, I would not want to drink with him as I knew he could only do 5 Yeagerbombs at one sitting." "Party animal................ not," Callaway continued.

Another veteran drinker who claims to have actually been served with Bush at Thelma's commented, "we are a tight knit group, us party animals, and we dont appreciate those who formerly were served with us suddenly finding the Lord and quit partying," stated Hal I. Burton who said he was with Bush for four months at Thelma's.

"Those guys who came out and said they drank with Bush and that he was a hero when he stepped in when Opie Taylor had too much to drink and threatened Thelma behind the bar are full of it," Burton continued. "Bush didn't do anything when Opie started yelling at Thelma about last nights bar bill," Burton said.

"Bush never saved Thelma's life that night," Burton claimed. "Bush got those scratches when he was drunk and tripped over the broken step as he was walking out of Thelma's," Burton reported. After the incident at Thelma's, Karl Rove a fellow drinker, contacted the Tuskeegee Daily Mirror and told them of Bush's alledged heroics.

When I find the link, I will post it.



Forum Member
XLNT post Eddie. I don't think it's UnAmerican to ? the Iraq conflict or Unpatriotic to ? Kerry, on his War Record, especially when it is done by ppl who served w/him.

Here is another article w/a different slant...

John Kerry is too strange to be president. I don't mean "strange" in the way of his predecessor. Al Gore, the first Android-American to run for president, was weird. But Kerry's strangeness is of an entirely different order.

For purposes of comparison, go back a couple of months to that fevered few weeks when Michael Moore, bigshot Democrats and the media were hounding Bush over his allegedly spotty attendance in the Texas Air National Guard during the early Seventies.

The point is, even if it were true, it fits the Bush narrative: he was a lackadaisical son of privilege who goofed around, drank too much, found Jesus, sobered up and got his life together. If you've got 30-year-old pictures of him dancing naked on a bar in Mexico when he was supposed to be back at the air base, so what? It's compatible with the official version. That's Bush: the bad stuff still fits the picture.

But with Kerry, even before any gaffes or scandals, the official narrative makes no sense. He's publicly opposed to the Vietnam War. But he volunteers for it. Then he comes back disgusted with his experience in war, publicly hurls his medals away (or someone else's: that story keeps changing), denounces his fellow veterans as war criminals, torturers and rapists, and claims that he personally committed atrocities.

But then he decides to run for president and suddenly Jane Fonda morphs into John Wayne and all those war criminals are war heroes he wants at every rally and he's got his medals back and his disgust at his wartime experience has mysteriously turned into pride in his wartime experience to the exclusion of all else.

If Steven Spielberg, Barbra Streisand or any of his other Hollywood supporters got a script like that, they'd send it to rewrite. Either that or they'd figure they'd got an early, rejected draft of the new Manchurian Candidate.

That's what people mean when they talk about how "complex" and "nuanced" Kerry is. They don't mean his positions on the great questions of the day are complex and nuanced.

Quite the contrary: for the purposes of this campaign, his entire political career ? 20 years as Senator, Lieutenant-Governor to Michael Dukakis ? has been dropped from his CV. If Kerry had exhibited the slightest trace of any interestingly complex view of any policy matter, you can be sure we'd have heard about it. But he hasn't.

So the only "complex" aspect of the Kerry campaign is the man himself, who's complex in ways that don't seem entirely healthy. My chums across the page were rather dismissive yesterday about "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth", a group of fellow officers who think he's unfit to be president.

Let's take it as read that Swiftees who support or oppose Kerry are "politically motivated": the fact is, the Swiftees opposed to him significantly outnumber the four who support him, which is interesting in itself. But consider just one of the items from their new book about him.

For decades, John Kerry has told anyone who'd listen that at Christmas 1968 he was on an illegal mission inside Cambodia. On the floor of the Senate in 1986, while attacking President Reagan for turning Central America into another Vietnam quagmire (wrong as usual), Kerry said: "I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the President of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared ? seared ? in me."

The illegal Yuletide foray was so seared into him that he brought it up at every opportunity.

As he told the Boston Herald in 1979, "I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas. The absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real."

LBJ was President on Christmas Eve 1968, but let that pass. Here's an Associated Press story from 1992: "Navy Lt John Kerry knew he had no business steering his Mekong River patrol boat across the border into Cambodia, but orders were orders? By Christmas 1968, part of Kerry's patrol extended across the border of South Vietnam into Cambodia."

Just one problem. It never happened. Every living officer up his chain of command says Kerry was never ordered to Cambodia. At least three of his five crewmen say their boat was never in Cambodia. And if you don't believe any of his fellow veterans, read the excerpt from Kerry's own journal published in Tour Of Duty, the recent hagiography by Douglas Brinkley.

On December 24 1968, Kerry was at Sa Dec ? that's well inside Vietnam, 55 miles from the Cambodian border ? and waxing wistful to his diary about a quiet Christmas far from home: "Visions of sugarplums really do dance through your head and you think of stockings and snow and roast chestnuts and fires with birch logs and all that is good and warm and real. It's Christmas Eve."

I'm Vietnammed out. But it's the centrepiece of Kerry's campaign: the other day, asked a straightforward question about 9/11, he stuck to the current millennium for a good 20 seconds and then veered off into "the war that I fought in was a war where we saw America lose its support for the war, where the soldiers came back having had to do what our soldiers are doing today, carry an M-16 in another country, try to tell the difference between friend and foe. I know what it's like to go out at night on patrol", etc, etc. So, since Vietnam seems to be the only subject on which he has anything to say, it would be reassuring to know that at least he's got that right.

For most of his adult life John Kerry has peddled as his central Vietnam anecdote ? the one that drove him to turn on his nation's leaders ? what appears to be a complete fantasy. Why would he do such a thing? If there's a good answer to that question, maybe someone in his doting press pack would like to ask it.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I agree. Question Kerry on his war record and question Bush on his. If Kerry does make it an issue, and I think he does, he better be telling the truth. I would have rather he not emphasize his record as it deflects attention from the Bushmeisters military record, or lack thereof.



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: :thumb:

Shame on the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush
John Kerry saved my life. Now his heroism is being questioned.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

I came to know Lt. John Kerry during the spring of 1969. He and his swift boat crew assisted in inserting our Special Forces team and our Chinese Nung soldiers into operational sites in the Cau Mau Peninsula of South Vietnam. I worked with him on many operations and saw firsthand his leadership, courage and decision-making ability under fire.

On March 13, 1969, John Kerry's courage and leadership saved my life.

While returning from a SEA LORDS operation along the Bay Hap River, a mine detonated under another swift boat. Machine-gun fire erupted from both banks of the river, and a second explosion followed moments later. The second blast blew me off John's swift boat, PCF-94, throwing me into the river. Fearing that the other boats would run me over, I swam to the bottom of the river and stayed there as long as I could hold my breath.

When I surfaced, all the swift boats had left, and I was alone taking fire from both banks. To avoid the incoming fire, I repeatedly swam under water as long as I could hold my breath, attempting to make it to the north bank of the river. I thought I would die right there. The odds were against me avoiding the incoming fire and, even if I made it out of the river, I thought I'd be captured and executed. Kerry must have seen me in the water and directed his driver, Del Sandusky, to turn the boat around. Kerry's boat ran up to me in the water, bow on, and I was able to climb up a cargo net to the lip of the deck. But, because I was nearly upside down, I couldn't make it over the edge of the deck. This left me hanging out in the open, a perfect target. John, already wounded by the explosion that threw me off his boat, came out onto the bow, exposing himself to the fire directed at us from the jungle, and pulled me aboard.

For his actions that day, I recommended John for the Silver Star, our country's third highest award for bravery under fire. I learned only this past January that the Navy awarded John the Bronze Star with Combat V for his valor. The citation for this award, signed by the Commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Vietnam, Vice Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, read, "Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service." To this day I am grateful to John Kerry for saving my life. And to this day I still believe that he deserved the Silver Star for his courage.

It has been many years since I served in Vietnam. I returned home, got married, and spent many years as a deputy sheriff for Los Angeles County. I retired in 1989 as a lieutenant. It has been a long time since I left Vietnam, but I think often of the men who did not come home with us.

I am neither a politician nor an organizer. I am a retired police officer with a passion for orchids. Until January of this year, the only public presentations I made were about my orchid hobby. But in this presidential election, I had to speak out; I had to tell the American people about John Kerry, about his wisdom and courage, about his vision and leadership. I would trust John Kerry with my life, and I would entrust John Kerry with the well-being of our country.

Nobody asked me to join John's campaign. Why would they? I am a Republican, and for more than 30 years I have largely voted for Republicans. I volunteered for his campaign because I have seen John Kerry in the worst of conditions. I know his character. I've witnessed his bravery and leadership under fire. And I truly know he will be a great commander in chief.

Now, 35 years after the fact, some Republican-financed Swift Boat Veterans for Bush are suddenly lying about John Kerry's service in Vietnam; they are calling him a traitor because he spoke out against the Nixon administration's failed policies in Vietnam. Some of these Republican-sponsored veterans are the same ones who spoke out against John at the behest of the Nixon administration in 1971. But this time their attacks are more vicious, their lies cut deep and are directed not just at John Kerry, but at me and each of his crewmates as well. This hate-filled ad asserts that I was not under fire; it questions my words and Navy records. This smear campaign has been launched by people without decency, people who don't understand the bond of those who serve in combat.

As John McCain noted, the television ad aired by these veterans is "dishonest and dishonorable." Sen. McCain called on President Bush to condemn the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush ad. Regrettably, the president has ignored Sen. McCain's advice.

Does this strategy of attacking combat Vietnam veterans sound familiar? In 2000, a similar Republican smear campaign was launched against Sen. McCain. In fact, the very same communications group, Spaeth Communications, that placed ads against John McCain in 2000 is involved in these vicious attacks against John Kerry. Texas Republican donors with close ties to George W. Bush and Karl Rove crafted this "dishonest and dishonorable" ad. Their new charges are false; their stories are fabricated, made up by people who did not serve with Kerry in Vietnam. They insult and defame all of us who served in Vietnam.
But when the noise and fog of their distortions and lies have cleared, a man who volunteered to serve his country, a man who showed up for duty when his country called, a man to whom the United States Navy awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts, will stand tall and proud. Ultimately, the American people will judge these Swift Boat Veterans for Bush and their accusations. Americans are tired of smear campaigns against those who volunteered to wear the uniform. Swift Boat Veterans for Bush should hang their heads in shame.

Mr. Rassmann, a retired lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, served with the U.S. Army 5th Special Forces Group in Vietnam 1968-69.
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