Looks like you had a decent day too. :00hour
Just a couple of my thoughts here:
There's a player that I have been following that I never posted here. Her name is Jie Zheng... .. . one of the littlest thangs running around out there; legs are MUCH TOO short for sports, but can she ever hit a tennis ball and accurately too. Sheet, if she had half the leg (length, that is) as, say, Venus, Zheng would be no. 1 IMO and I ain't kidding. I've been playing her for every one of her matches during this Open, cept the first round where her odds were too short. Only one stinkin unit each time, but the cash flow is starting to really show up in the ole bankaroo. BTW, for me, she's a play in her next vs. Kirilenko. Thinking about 2 stinkin units since she'll still be profitable even if she loses. Not recommending this play only cause she may be a little worn out by now. After all, she has to take TWO steps for every ONE step her oponents had to run to go the same distance.
Like your parlay but I ALMOST never play Tsonga. Don't like him and his wierdo antics, he can be eratic as well. Best play today, FOR ME is...
Asarenka -150: I u
nloaded on her one time; it was last year. At one point during the match - she started stumbling around in circles when gettting ready to serve. DIZZY a hell, she looked terrrble and it was a HOT, HOT day. She was about to blow out her cookies (er.. throwup) out there. She had to stop. If she ain't dizzy tonight, I LIKE her chances, she CAN play.
TIP... whatch for players with toothpicks for legs. Thems can HIT that ball and those thouroughbred legs makem FLY around the courts. Of course, there are a few exceptions. F'rinstance, Serena's a
HUGE exception to this rule. And I mean HUGE!
Rafa to win it all at +460 is an OVERlay fosho. Backing him up with Davy is prob. a good idea. I also had Baggie and got LUCKY that one was scored as "Cancelled".
Rafa's the ONLY player I'd consider as a
possibility when the mountain ahead includes Murray and The Fed Man. Gotta feel for the young MAN, he's a great guy, goes out there busting his chops and bringing home the cash with his father watching on (
with a twinke in his eye).
Then it's the USUAL stuff --> :violin:
father's now got the loot to start his own harem (or at least git him a nice, young, juicey Signorita)

~ (<- tongue should be hanging DOWN),
family breaks up. And that is one of the main reasons his tennis results went sour for awhile there. He's a STUD! What a world.
Rafa/Murray OVER is a lean. Celic (had him

), Cilic/Roddock OVER are leans too. I'd play Henin and Rafa as singles, but got enough on them to win it all.
Good luck whatever you play, GK.