Bashing 101 -


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
I am going to start this thread tongue in cheek and hope for the best.

There are posters who go into the betting forums that really do not even realize they are bashing.

In Bashing 101 you will learn the fine elements of what constitutes bashing.

Lets first try to list differant bashs -

1. The Moron Bash - Saying stupid things when someone has started a thread and is trying to win.

2. The Contrary Bash. - Making opposite assertions rudely going against the persons play who started the thread and is trying to win.

3. The Argument Bash - Argueing with another poster who did not start the thread, which can take the thread to the Dumpster.

4. The Subtle Bash - this is the bash where you are carefull to word it just right so you won't get called out, but still say something smartass. It usually works out OK and most posters ignore these. But then some don't and away we go !

5. The Repeat Bash - This is the bash where you pick up on something stupid that has been said 10 times, and then wait a few days, then jump in the thread and say it again.

6. The Intellectual Bash - Named for kosar. He is a expert on this one. The gun may not fire alot, but it is fully loaded and accessable.

7. The Just Kidding Bash - This is where you say something nasty and then say something nice at the end to smooth things over. followed by j/k.

8. The Stat Bash - This is the one where you contradict the persons play rudely , tell them they will lose, and you provide the stats to back it up.

9. TheCooler Bash - This is the one where you get so worked up you challenge the poster to make a bet and then disappear after you lose or you don't honor the wager.

10. The Political Bash. - Named by GM.
Basically, it doesn't matter what you say, no matter how intelligent or thoughtful it may have been. If the Political Basher is of a different political affiliation than you, the Political Basher has already determined that you are ALWAYS wrong about EVERYTHING, and will bash you and your beliefs even if it has no relevance to the current thread.

11. The StartSomeShit Bash This one is where the person has no intention of even betting a game, but just comes in the thread to start up some shit.

12. The Inside Information Bash - This is where you doubt the posters inside information and call him a fool or worse.

13. The onetrickpony Bash - This is where you post fictitious plays that you won or lost after the game is over.

14. The Post Game Prognotiscator Bash - named by DTB -
After seeing event they climb on all those that had the nads to put up their opinions prior to event--using after event stats to back up their post game opinion which is "always" 100% correct

15.The Scoreboard Bash - named by BobbyBlueChips where you can point out an adversaries records like, if one were to point out how hypocritical it is of edludes to call anybody a square when his bestbettor record is: well you get the picture.

16. The Homer Bash - named by Blackman Post a play against a team, and then someone with that teams avatar comes in and tells you that you don't know what you are talking about and that their team is a lock. This can also work in reverse, example would be if I post a play on the Eagles with some statistical basis, and a basher comes in and just says I am betting on my favorite team without looking at the game objectively.

17. The Picture Bash/ named by kosar Like when you're arguing with someone and you bust out a picture of a waving piece of toast or something.

18. The freelancc Bash-/ named by kosar This is where your entire post is an icon of a dude with a sign pointing up that says, 'I'm with stupid'....or simply posting a picture of a can of spam.

19. The IN YOUR FACE Bash - / named by Blackman the basher takes your own ammo and uses it against you after the fact.

20. The personal attack Bash - This is the worst of the worst. It is where you make things personal just trying to hurt someone. Its much easier to do sitting behind a computer.


I will add to the list as we go and I can think of more. Anyone else feel free to add to the list.

Maybe we can get to the root of this trouble and move on and win.

Jack and the moderators let us have some slack in the Gen Forum and Political/ Religious forum.
There is no need for it in wagering forums.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
I can search through the archives and come up with some classic examples of bashing.

edludes is famous for it.

BobbyBlueChips is also, but since he won all the money I think he went to Tahiti and is drinking them drinks with the little umbrellas all day.

This will take some time.

Take a hard look at what you write in the betting forums. Is it constructive? Is it being helpfull ? Does it add to the information
about a play ?

whew - I am tired already.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
dont worry billy madjacks will survive without you have a good time in arizona be safe / johnny4675 with 49 posts

this was in billyblastoffs thread. I must say that billy has ice water in his veins or he just don't give two shits about doing anything but posting winners.

This is known as the subtle bash. Notice at the end where he says the have a good time etc.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
now how does this system work again? / Dr. Maddog 39 posts

This is called the repeat bash.

Its funny because about two weeks ago I went in Billys thread and facetiously asked him how the system worked.( if anyone can find it post it in here.)

And I thought it was funny. But if it goes on and on then people can get mad and leave over some dumb stuff. There are some that left I don't miss. But damn there are some guys that I made some cash with reading their plays and thoughts.

Alot of times posters will not complain because it bumps their thread back to the top. The only thing is its in the wagering forums ! We are not supposed to be funny in there. We are supposed to make money.

Positive energy wins the cash.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

not really.

I repect you telling me that.

I am open to constructive critisism. Well maybe not from beantownjim.

Its a open forum and if people get tired of my threads, just don't open them. How many times has that been said in here ? a million.

If posters wouldn't open threads of ppl they didn't like too much we would have peace. But its all part of the rat a tat that goes on in any sports forum.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Why would you reference threads that make you look like a total idiot? /kosar


This one is the intellectual bash. kosar posts this type steadily but never in the betting forums.

just kidding.

That reminds of the the Just Kidding bash. I have got that one alot. That is where the poster will bash the hell out of you and at the end put a j/k. Like that washs away all sins.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
thanks homey

got your ass in here didn't it.

I know you read the topic and thought you would be featured so you came in to look.


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada

Good list but you forgot one of the major ones. The Political Bash. Basically, it doesn't matter what you say, no matter how intelligent or thoughtful it may have been. If the Political Basher is of a different political affiliation than you, the Political Basher has already determined that you are ALWAYS wrong about EVERYTHING, and will bash you and your beliefs even if it has no relevance to the current thread.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

Yeh thats a good one.

Holy Christmas there are alot of differant kinds of bashs. Add that to the many types of people and personalities that come here and that is like mixing up some dynomite.

No wonder we have trouble.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
you have got to be kidding. If you watched last years game you would have know that they started the no blitzing rule last year. I doubt Vegas overlooked this little fact. Inside Information:mj07: / SoCalYo .... 490 Posts

This is the Inside Information Bash. Its where you
mock the posters inside information.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Had under 66, thank you Vinatieri

Feb 13 7:07pm Football - Pending 1000.00 to win 909.09
1. Football - NFC/AFC - total Under 66 (-110)
for the entire game held on Feb 13 at 7:30pm [pending]
onetrickpony Posts 230


This is the one where you come in after the game is over and post a ficticious play that you won or lost.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Scott-Atlanta said:
Had under 66, thank you Vinatieri

Feb 13 7:07pm Football - Pending 1000.00 to win 909.09
1. Football - NFC/AFC - total Under 66 (-110)
for the entire game held on Feb 13 at 7:30pm [pending]
onetrickpony Posts 230


This is the one where you come in after the game is over and post a ficticious play that you won or lost.

This should be called the Tahoe Rich special. Old wagertrash guys will remember.


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Scotty, I actually like this thread, very nice for someone of your obvious lack of intelligence (OOPS, backhanded compliment bash), just kidding (seriously).

I think you need to add a listing for when someone takes part, or all of a statement made by someone and uses it as their signature line, for example I was considering using the following:

When I love WR told Mama he could be compared to his avatar she responeded with:
no, not quite sure what you mean. my interpretation would be that you have saggy nuts, short legs, and no dick?? is that right?

Thats a very special kind of bash that deserves extra credit and attention.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
The Jack Mocking Bash - this is when someone tries to be funny by pretending he is a moderator only to realize later that he just made an ASS of himself.
example 1:
quote by Scott-Atlanta
By all rights Jalen45, vyrus858, and soul train get banned for one day.This is exactly what Jack was talking about.
You guys will never learn.
I am reporting this to the proper authorities.

example 2:
quote by Scott-Atlanta
To all others let this be a example.
This is bashing.
Those that respond to this are bashing.

example 3:
quote by Scott-Atlanta
sorry Jack
But this is what starts this crap and they don't even get it.
I don't worry much about it because I am used to getting bashed in most of my threads and no one ever gets banned even for a day.
Glad to see your looking out for this though.

Does this make the list?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
My Fav----The post game prognotiscator-Basher

After seeing event they climb on all those that had the nads to put up their opinions prior to event--using after event stats to back up their post game opinion which is "always" 100% correct :)
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