Bellator 41


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
nice hit. Meant to tail you, but 5 hr time diff threw me off.

i had a very small play on robichaux as a relatively big it worked out well for you....which in all honesty,was an absolutely lousy wager,even on a decent-sized dog...this is why i like to see a weigh-in whenever possible...robichaux ried,but it looked like a man vs a boy in there...

i did have a solid wager on straus,though..and a par with warren,who should have absolutely lost his fight with galvao(imo) judge had it 30-27 warren?`s pretty hard to chalk that scoring up to incompetence...that judge should be investigated...

but,considering the bad beats we all take,i guess that evens the ledger a bit...:toast:
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