BIG Monday

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Yesterday 1-1 -3 units
This year 48-26 +64 units

1-5 units

1 unit 9-5
2 unit 15-10
3 unit 10-5
4 unit 9-2
5 unit 5-4


Central Mich -2 2 units (W)
Minny +2 5 units (L)


Boise State +19 5 units ( @ 9:30am central)
E. Caro -4 4 units ( @ 9:30am central)

Still looking at a couple others (Indiana and Siena), be back if I play them. Love the two above which you will have to get on early as the lines are already moving against our favor.....

Good Luck,

Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 10, 1999
Las Vegas, NV
HW, like the plays. Can you tell me where you got those lines? My books have +14.5 and -8. I'd love to put some more on ECU at -4 if I can get it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
man, you've got to share your outs with us. best lines on those games i've seen this morning are ecu -7- (i missed that and got -8) and boise +14 (not enough of an edge for me but i would surely bite at +19).

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
I got both lines on early this morning. I would still take the games at +14.5 and -8. I think with Nsonwu-Amadi for Wyoming out (we saw the effects vs. Wash) that Boise Stats might actually have a chance to win this out right. They have 5 players averaging double figs and Booker Nabors back in action. He put up 12 in their last game. Boise State has won 4 in row, and although Wyoming is a very strong rebounding team who could have probably gotten in the top 25 with a victory over Washington, they REALLY miss Nsonwu-Amadi's 16.7 pts per game but mainly his 14 boards per game. This should be a very close game with Boise State having a chance at the su win.

VTech and ECaro have been heading in opposite directions. ECaro is coming of back to back road wins and gets to come home to try to get revenge from a 90-62 last year loss in blacksburgh. They looked awesome offensively in the 1st half against Old Dominion shooting 62% from the floor (on the road). VTech on the other hand shot a miserable 33 % vs Bill and Mary. I think you see a double digit victory from ECaro here.....


Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
I have noticed (especially today) that lines move quite a bit from site to site, service to service. Therefore, I will start posting where and at what time I place my wagers (I have gone in and edited it with my first posting today) as you will see. If time permits I will also check back and try to let you know if I would still wager on the games at the recent lines. Like I have done with the previous posting. I try to include write ups on all my postings but its hard to do when there is a really large card as I cap a lot of games! (Saturdays are impossible!) I am on here throughout the day quite a bit though and I appreciate any input on my postings (agree or disagree)!

Thanks and again.....Best of Luck to All,



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
Wagerline post lines that are 'guesstimates' the day before, way before any real books posts any numbers. Those aren't actualy numbers you can bet against (Boise St +19, ECU -4), those were posted there Sunday book had lines available for those yet. Just checking there now they have lines for tomorrow games that will be at least a few points off from what the real openers will be for the most part.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
east coast USA
siena's karangwa returned to LY's ncaa tourney form w/25 pts v canisius in a saint's win that was characterized by sloppy play, at least in the opinion of hc lanier (& most of the team as well)...karangwa himself has had 7 to's in just 1 game, but the feeling here is that he's now settled in for the season & will produce consistently (had zero pts game b4 canisius)...frosh haddix started for the 1st time, a strong big-effort kid who seems to have a nose for the hoop & has been a factor in every game thus far...lanier is a no-bs guy who rewards hard practice work w/ gametime minutes, so everybody hustles, which has been a siena trademark as far back as mike deane & paul peter's has 5'7" keydren clark, the NATION'S leading scorer (30.8 ppg) after 4 games (17 v xavier, last 2 games avg 46 ppg) who in n az game goes 16-29/10-16 treys then drives the hoop v st francis & goes 17-19 ft' now he's no secret, saints handle him & the peacocks, caper

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Hoops said:
Wagerline post lines that are 'guesstimates' the day before, way before any real books posts any numbers. Those aren't actualy numbers you can bet against (Boise St +19, ECU -4), those were posted there Sunday book had lines available for those yet. Just checking there now they have lines for tomorrow games that will be at least a few points off from what the real openers will be for the most part.

Hoops, 1st of all those lines were there this morning until 11:00am eastern me i bet them at those numbers and several others did as well. You can see this by going to the site and to the far right of the lines click on "opinion" for each game and you will see the "teams experts" plays and the lines they got each with OR you can also drop the consesus down to all players and then go to the game at the the far right you click on detail and you will see how many people played each team and what they got the lines at.....there are several at these numbers....101 people got the same +19 as I did and 122 got the same -4 that I did. Had anyone with an account gone in THIS MORNING before the lines changed at 11:00am eastern you WOULD HAVE gotten these numbers. So YES wagerline does post guesstimates but you can play them the next morning, and YES you could have actually bet these actual numbers. (Boise +19, ECU -4).....I am sorry to all those who didn't get these numbers if you like these two teams.....The public is obviously all over them because even my other service (local) has gone from 18 (Wyoming vs. Boise St opening line) to 15 and ECU -5.5 (what he opened it at this morning) to -8.....Hopefully you will still win at +14.5 and -7.5....or whatever you get them at.....By the way please don't take this in wrong context....I am only trying inform with this message not critisize. I have watched you for the last couple years Hoops and I have a great deal of respect for your capping....

Good luck,


:) :) :)

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002

Nice write up. I couldn't have said it any better. Saints are outrebounding opponets by almost 9 rebounds per game and have been awesome on the offensive side. They have everyone crashing the boards once a shot is put up. That coupled with the 42% FG percentage and the 10 game SU winning streak they have over St. Petes (mentally beat) they should cruise by double digits.....


Indiana -13.5 2 units (local service 4:10 central)
Siena -5.5 2 units (local service 4:10 central)


True I am a die hard and I have said that many believe you should never bet on your favorite team because it causes you to play with your heart and not your head.....But with the Hoosiers I am a little different....Being my favorite team, having access to practice info, locker room info (how the players are getting along, who is sick, what happen during the week etc.), overall attitudes of the team members building up to the game ETC.....I feel as though I know this team better then any other team in NCAA....I don't bet on the games that I think will be close ones or that I don't feel there is an edge to as I can enjoy Hoosier games without having money on either side.....I have even be known to wager against them when the situation is good for the other side (Maryland in the Championship)! BUT....tonight I think their inside-outside combination, tough defense that they are starting to play, (Mike Davis has been putting tons of focus on getting better defensively), playing at HOME in Assembly Hall, and quickness will get to Vanderbilt. I feel that there is a slight edge on the Hoosiers to cover this line as long as they hit from beyond the arc (45% in home games this year including 2 exhibition and two reg. season....48-107 in those 4 games). Here are some other numbers for their 4 home games (Assembly Hall...2 Exhibition, 2 reg season).....

121-252 for 48% from the floor
48-107 for 45% from 3pt line
56-73 for 77% from the line (could be better, 25-30 last game)
74 assists to 46 turnovers (33-13 last 2 game Illi Chi $ Maryland
22 Block shots and 26 steals in 4 home games

Come on Hoosiers stay hot for us!

As long as they don't develop a cold night shooting they cover this number!!!

Good luck,



Forum Admin
Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999
wagerline(sportsnetwork/VI feed) will be a thing of the past soon,

check your bettable lines and line moves right here:

two more offshores being added within next 48 hours.

90 second scoreboard by the end of the week.......

now i could be little bias :) since we are at madjacksports and madjacksports will ultimatley give you a product that will cater to what the serious handicappers needs...

good luck on your plays tonight, just thought i would point out something others might not be aware of.

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Adding Ind/Vandy over 139 2 units (local service 5:22 central)

Check out Valuist thread on total for opinions....



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 6, 2001
scranton, pa.
Hey...Wrecker.... Great Work So Far This Season!!!!!!!!!!

Hey...Wrecker.... Great Work So Far This Season!!!!!!!!!!

Was doin well myself....... till last week...... then went on an 0-5 run.... so took the weekend off.....

Question on E. Car-V teck.....

Cappin this game, V. tek beat them by 30 last V. tek, but it seems both have essentially the same team as last year...

Also.... E. car seems to have a short bench, whereas Virginia Tek seems deeper..... use more players......

Could You add insight

Thanks.... Respect your opinion


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