BIG Monday

Keyser Soze

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Jan 20, 2000
Hey GRIDIRON, in the future why don't you just not bother looking into Mr, Wrecker's posts, that way you won't have to worry about what his lines are. At least he posts the number that he is using, therefore people can make their own decision as to whether or not to follow. This guy has made quite a few people quite a bit of money over the last few weeks and there are many:) faces...........Since you hae it all figured out, I'm sure everybody will be happy to see your upcoming picks and lines under your own thread :p Another one of those guys that's never happydance2 A guy gets given a loaf of bread and then hits the bread giver over the head because he didn't give him his wine. The idea here is to share information, but every once in awhile one has to do some actual work themselves. If you're going to coattail, coattail. If you're going to "whine" go find your own "cheese".:)


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Nov 14, 2000
Longview, TX, USA
I second that motion. He's adding to my bankroll daily and I for one appreciate it. Some people are just eager to criticize I guess.

Home Wrecker

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Sep 26, 2002
Everyone, thanks for the cudos! I only hope to keep making positive units each day. As we all know, the ball will not bounce our way all the time we only hope it does more then it doesn't!


If you have read all my posts.....then you will see that I have already explained the lines.....I replied to Hoops about the lines that I got yesterday on Wagerline which you could go see that several others got the same lines (over 100 people on each top unit games that I played). As Keyser Soze (great name by the way) so greatly put.....I post the plays with the lines that I GET! I have also started posting the time I get it and the place I got it. I use a local service more then any because I have used them for years and they too have everything on-line. Unfortunately you really need to know someone in order to get an account....until they launch the site for everyone......ANYWAY, I also use wagerline and I am currently looking into others (bestbettors at IE's recommendation)....but I have been very happy with my wagering services.....I have also stated AGAIN IF YOU HAVE READ MY POSTS that I will TRY to come back and check lines in the late afternoon and recommend if "I" would still take them....which I did with all my plays yesterday and you still would have gone 4-1! Keyser Soze could not be more correct when he made these statements...... "he posts the number that he is using, therefore people can make their OWN decision as to whether or not to well as.....The idea here is to share information,"

This is the ONLY reason that I have started posting this year. So many people on this website have been so kind to post their OPINIONS, research, INFORMATION, and picks that have benefitted me. I feel that I DO know a lot about College Hoops because it is one of my greatest passions, so I thought if there is anyway that I could give back to all those who have given to me through their hard work it would be HERE......Sharing my THOUGHTS, OPINIONS, and information on College Hoops and hopefully they will ultimately take it for whatever its worth to them and make their OWN CHOICE......Believe me, I don't think any of knows someone who is 100% at this stuff and if you do then you have found someone who can actually see into the future....let me know as I think a lot of us would like to talk to this person!!! I have been fortunate SO FAR this year and it feels really good to be doing well.....BUT I am no dummy. I have also be on the other end and know that feels as well. There is no guarantees, no locks, and no givens in this hobby. Anything can happen and everything the end we can only hope that our number is a positive digit and not a negative one!

Sorry for the length of this, but its my whole thought process behind such a great "sharing of info" site. I just don't think some of us realize how much in debt we are to guys like Jack and everyone that has PUT EFFORT into this site for nothing.....never asked for single cent.....

Enough on this, I need to start getting to work on tonights games.....Thanks for everyone's time.

Good Luck to ALL! Lets hope this ride continues!

Back later with plays and record update!!!!





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Forum Member
Aug 18, 2002
North Canton, Ohio-Viking Country
I doubt if they got the same lines that you had on Boise and East Carolina because those lines never existed. I guess Keyser has a reading problem that he construed that I bashed your plays, never once did I question your plays, I just know for a fact that those lines never existed.

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002

THEY DID EXIST. I HAD THEM AT WHAT I POSTED. This is the last time I am going to touch on this subject. For your information and so that I can help you to see that they did in fact exist......

GO TO on college hoops left hand the bottom of the page click on the arrow pointing left from the date to take you back to find the games you are questioning me on.....ECU vs VTech.....go to the far right and click on "consesus" you should see how many people bet on wagerline and the lines they got.....I'll be damn, over 100 people including myself got the line at -4! Now do the same for Wyoming vs. Boise St.....I'll be damn again if over 100 people including myself got the line at 19....Now if you want to see when those lines moved go to "line moves" HELL it gives you the damn times that they moved. Now YOU can see that I did get the lines that I said I did and posted my picks here on the forum with THOSE LINES.......I will continue to get most my lines from wagerline or my local until I can look into other sites but AGAIN I will come back and give my opinions on the lines after they have moved if they have moved if that is helpful to far as the bashing goes I did not take it as you bashing me but I do take offense to you saying that THE LINES NEVER EXISTED......when they actually did on wagerline before 11am eastern time.

Either way, lets put this to rest and move onto todays games. I will be back with MY Plays and I hope that we all (no matter who we chose to take) come out on top!



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Aug 10, 1999
Wrecker- Nice job last night and wish you continued success. I think you are missing the point that I (along with gridiron) was making. Those lines from Wagerline aren't 'actual' lines. You can't go to an offshore book and play them, that's all. You can 'play' them at Wagerline, sure, but these aren't lines that exist in the realm of what people can actually bet real money on.

Sorry I if am coming off as petty..not my intention..just trying to make a point as I'm sure plenty of people who read your posts were wondering what those lines actually are.

Good luck tonight.

Home Wrecker

Registered User
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Sep 26, 2002

Thank you! You are right I was missing the point totally. That is the biggest problem with communicating through email/postings etc, you just can't receive the sincerity from a tone of voice and therefore sometimes read into things a different way. You have definately not come across as petty. Thanks for clearing it all up.

Hoops & Gridiron,

I apologize for my misunderstandings. The best of luck to you both. Where do most of you get your lines?

Go Hoosiers,



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 18, 2002
North Canton, Ohio-Viking Country
Your not understanding, maybe wagerline had that line but no book had that line. Most of the games that your are posting have lines that don't exist, I am not knocking you but why dont you try scoresandodds and get the lines from there. They constantly update the lines through the day, I am sure others can tell you some other sites that do this also

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
MOST of the games!!! These are the first games that have been brought to my attention. I just went back and looked at all my posts, and someone besides myself got the same lines on every other posts with the exception of yesterdays two.....which both won with the lines that I was asked about -8 ECU and +14.5 Boise St.......

I will check scoresandodds, thank you for the suggestion.

I will not be checking this thread anymore!!!!

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