bill ayres` personal communist manifesto


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
OMG Wicked, you are not only a leftist criminal defense attorney and I'm sure a card carrying member of the ACLU, you are an outright Marxist. Why don't you just take your family and move to the New Soviet Union, you could represent Putin and be like a pig in shit in all your glory.

What about his post makes him an "outright Marxist"? You should stick to listening to right-wing radio. Parroting stuff you don't understand makes you look like dumb.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Interpretation--stay away from character issues--its the rhetoric that counts right Matt.

Maybe you you'd like to share with us your reasons for voting for O.

I'll let you off the hook on qualifications--
-- maybe you could just give us your take on his issues you like?

-and don't pull a Bobby-Bryantz ect and disappear--because I'll bump the thread till you answer--and if it's going to be on the change theme--be specific of which changes --when he was running as far left as he could in primaries or trying to move to middle in general election-

examples: he gas done complete change on FISA, NAFTA, campaign public financing, town-hall meetings with McCain, offshore drilling, nuclear and coal power, capital punishment and gun control, his characterization of Iran, the surge in Iraq, and the future of Jerusalem
--or is that what he meant by change :)

No prob Matt no one else has any either---

It's not really an election on priciples and qualifications--

I was curious because his priciples and past voting record is extremely detrimental to you personally as small business owner--consider your taxes--wages of employees--possibilty of being unionized--your social securty--

-unless you missed it --when trying to defend his refund (can't 'refund" something you don't pay) to those that don't pay taxes- he said "they pay other taxes"--he was talking about ssn and medicare. In other words his way of shoring up medicare-medicaid-ssn is" refunding" taxes paid into them.

Not a thing wrong with being a democrat--but liberal is and always will be a 4 letter word--to the tax payor. O is not a democrat in any sense of the word Matt.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I find it amusing that those who supported Bush conveniently overlooked his own lack of experience when he initially ran for President. Bush was a shitty Governor and a failed businessman but apparently that was enough "experience" to be elected as leader of the most powerfull country in the world. :rolleyes:

Would that be opinion or fact????
I don't think he was homeless and paying off credit card debt in his 40's.

--and you might add he was elected twice--the 2nd time after invasion of Iraq--by "we the people' and by a larger margin than 1st time.
Appears numerous others had diff opinion?

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Not only was Jesus a Marxist, he was also born in Bethlehem, which I believe is in Nazareth County. If my geography is correct, that would place him in modern day Israel.

So, if he was born in that region, all of these pictures I've seen of him, caucasian and all, would have to be airbrushed, right? I mean wouldn't he have been pretty brown skinned, kinda arab like.

So, Jesus was an brown skinned, arab colored, marxist jew. And Mary, every picture I've seen of her has her skin as lilly white as the snow. She must of looked a lot more like Michelle Obama than Cindy McCain.

So, further, if I understand my geography and biology correctly, this brown skinned, arab colored, marxist jew was born in a barn cause to a dark skinned virgin who could reproduce like an amoeba, and who couldn't check into the hotel because the Hiltons, or whoever they were back then, wouldn't let this baby mama into the hotel.

And of course nowadays, the the modern day right wing Christians would be able to pick out these poor dark skinned, future sons of God, and wouldn't treat them like the ruling class did 2000 years ago. Just like they tacitly agreed to the killing of several hundred thousand Iraqis.



Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I don't think George had to worry about credit card debt. Nor do I think he ever had to worry about being homeless. Prescott assured the family that neither would be a concern.

We the People huh. I don't define we the people as Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell.



Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
So, Jesus was an brown skinned, arab colored, marxist jew. And Mary, every picture I've seen of her has her skin as lilly white as the snow. She must of looked a lot more like Michelle Obama than Cindy McCain.

I believe Olive-skinned is what he's thought to have looked like. It's been a while since I had Bible study, but I even think he was referenced to be that in the Good Book.

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
Would that be opinion or fact????
That would be a fact, sir:

The Failed Corporate Record of George W. Bush
Several researchers have investigated the business history of the Bush family. The facts that they have uncovered are not very pretty. The business record of George W. Bush holds some revealing insights to how his presidency has operated, and helps to explain why the country has fallen so deeply in debt and has so many other problems.

As explained by Kevin Phillips in his book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, George W. Bush's businesses fail but he makes millions. Among Mr. Bush's business ventures:

Arbusto, an oil exploration company, lost money, but it got considerable investments (nearly $5 million) because even losing oil investments were useful as tax shelters.
Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. bought out Arbusto in 1984 and hired Mr. Bush to run the company's oil interests in Midland, Texas. The oil business collapsed as oil prices plummeted by 1986, and Spectrum 7 Energy was near failure.

Harken Energy acquired Mr. Bush's Spectrum 7 Energy shares, and he got Harken shares, a directorship, and a consulting arrangement in return. Harken, under Bush, brought in Saudi real estate tycoon Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh as a board member and a major investor. Over the next few years, Harken would turn out to have links to: Saudi money, CIA-connected Filipinos, the Harvard Endowment, the emir of Bahrain, and the shadowy Bank of Credit and Commerce International.

A 1991 internal SEC document suggested George W. Bush violated federal securities law at least 4 times in the late 1980s and early 1990s in selling Harken stock while serving as a director of Harken. This is essentially the same kind of activity that Martha Stewart is going to prison over. Except at the time of the investigation, Mr. Bush's father was president and the case was quietly dropped.

In his book, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush, John W. Dean explains that his family name and his father's prominence were significant factors in George W. Bush's business "success", or, were significant factors in repeated saves from serious business and financial failures. Both Arbusto/Bush Exploration and Spectrum 7 failed with Bush as chairman and CEO. At Harken, Mr. Bush was relieved of day-to-day management responsibilities but still served on the board of directors. Dean also notes:

George W. Bush claims his formative years, which he extends to age 40, are out of bounds. Yet those are the years when one's character and values are formed. Bush had occasionally overindulged with alcohol, and he was a bit of an irresponsible youth.

Dean believes Mr. Bush took advantage of his insider information when he sold his Harken stock in 1990, but he escaped SEC penalties because his father was president and many of the investigating officials had Bush family ties and other conflicts of interest. Many of the facts about the Harken deal remain buried and Bush has stonewalled all efforts to find out more.

Our first oil company/MBA president naturally views the world through the eyes of a CEO, according to Eric Alterman and Mark Green. In their book, The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America, they describe how this results in a probusiness/anticonsumer record, including crony capitalism with the awarding of post-Iraq war contracts (Halliburton, Bechtel, and MCI/Worldcom getting most of the contracts). Alterman and Green note that the first 2 years of the Bush administration coincided with the biggest corporate scandals and bankruptcies since Teapot Dome in the 1920s. Mr. Bush had to manage a falling economy riddled with corporate malfeasance. Companies on the corporate rap sheet:

MCI/Worldcom -- the single largest corporate securities fraud in U.S. history.

Enron -- the largest contributor to Bush's political career. The Bush administration is staffed with numerous former Enron employees and consultants.

Harken Energy -- Bush's behavior on Harken's board of directors was similar to that of the companies caught in the corporate scandals. Mr. Bush received several memos from Harken officials about the impending financial crisis in the company, sold his stock, then several days later the Harken financial problems wewre made public. He failed to file notice of these sales to the SEC for 8 months. The SEC simply stopped their 1990-91 investigation.

Halliburton -- Dick Cheney served as CEO and chairman from 1995-2000. He sold Halliburton stock before bad financial news regarding his company was made public. Halliburton committed fraud on its investors by overstating its earnings.

Enron and Worldcom were followed by scandals and failures at Adelphia, Tyco, and others.

As he did to his unsuccessful businesses, George W. Bush is doing to the country -- leading it down a path of failure:

Huge federal deficits

The Bush family has had financial and oil business ties with Middle Eastern countries for decades. As explained by Kevin Phillips in his 2004 book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush:

"no other political family in the United States has had anything remotely resembling the Bushes' four-decade relationship with the Saudi royal family and the oil sheikhs of the Persion Gulf" (page 315).

The investment firm, The Carlyle Group, is run by the Bush crowd (George H.W. Bush, James Baker III, and Frank Carlucci have been/are its top managers and advisers). The Carlyle Group served as an interface between these Bush characters and the Saudi bin Laden family. "Some commentators felt that some connections between the bin Ladens and their black-sheep relative (Osama bin Laden) persisted" (page 315). This connection directly links George W. Bush to Al Quaeda and leads to the logical question: In spite of the president's rhetoric, are Mr. Bush and Osama actually working together? Could that be why Osama bin Laden hasn't been caught?
"Greg Palast (asked) 'What made this new president [George W. Bush] take particular care to protect the Saudis (after the September 11 terrorist attack), even to the point of stymieing his own intelligence agencies?' The answers, he said, kept coming back 'Carlyle' and 'Arbusto,' the two prominent interfaces between the finances of the Bush family and those of the bin Laden family" (page 316).

The Bush administration demanded major deletions (especially in the 28-page section dealing with the role played by the Saudis and other foreign governments) in the 2003 joint report of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees on the origins of the 9/11 attack and how it might have been prevented (page 316).
Kevin Phillips comes to a frightening conclusion about the Bushes and America in his book on page 330:

Mr. Bush's main advisor, Karl Rove, is an avid reader of Machiavelli. Machiavelli wrote his books, The Prince and The Discourses, during the early sixteenth century at a time when his own Florentine republic was undergoing political turmoil. "French, German, and Spanish imperial power was overrunning Europe, including Italy, through a scale of wealth and military capacity that doomed many of the old city-states. Florence (Machiavelli's home), one such, surrendered its republican status in the 1530s and took the Medici as hereditary rulers. ... the advice Machiavelli gives in The Prince was dedicated to the Medicis and designed to work in the new princely, aristocratic, and neo-imperial milieu of 16th-century Italy."

"The possibility that the United States could edge toward its own Machiavellian moment in an early-21st-century milieu of terrorism, neo-imperialism, and dynastization is not far-fetched."

"Chapter 4, in its discussion of Bush domestic policy and 'compassionate conservative' rhetoric, has already referred to Machiavelli's advice that the Prince should lie but must 'be able to disguise this character well, and to be a great feigner and dissembler.' Moreover, 'to see and hear him, he [the Prince] should seem to be all mercy, faith, integrity, humanity and religion. And nothing is more necessary than to seem to have this last quality. ... Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are.'"

"Other advice dwells on the merits of fraud, hypocrisy, faithlessness, and related practices, and 20th century academicians have noted Machiavelli's appeal to leaders like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. Doubtless there are also hundreds of copies of The Prince at the CIA. Which makes it revealing, and arguably ill advised, that the two political advisers to the two Bush presidents should claim it as a bible of sorts."

"Even in religion, Machiavelli's advice to emphasize it is relevant to the early-21st-century United States. His career in Florence overlapped that of Friar Girolamo Savonarola, the Religious despot who ruled the gasping republic from 1494 to 1498 with a politics of fighting sin and immorality. Doubtless the youthful Machiavelli absorbed how close Savonarola came to achieving a theocracy even in republican Florence. Not a few Americans see a little bit of Savonarola in George W. Bush."
"The advent of a Machiavelli-inclined dynasty (the Bush dynasty) in what may be a Machiavellian Moment for the American Republic is not a happy coincidence, but one that demands attention."


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
examples: he gas done complete change on FISA, NAFTA, campaign public financing, town-hall meetings with McCain, offshore drilling, nuclear and coal power, capital punishment and gun control, his characterization of Iran, the surge in Iraq, and the future of Jerusalem
--or is that what he meant by change :)


I just came upon the craziest coincidence. I was reading the NY Post(as i've mentioned numerous times that I read almost daily) while having dinner and I read an opinion piece by someone named Victor Hanson.

The above part of your post is verbatim from his article. At least give this guy the credit for it! Or maybe you two are just on the same wavelength. lol

On another note, i've never heard of this guy and haven't bothered googling him yet, but usually when these random opinion columnists are in the Post, they at least, at the end, tell us who they are and who they work for. A brief backround. Something.

This guy at the bottom simply had 'author@victor'

Do you have any evidence of all these things Obama 'changed' on? Victor didn't mention anything. Or are you just parroting some random guy? Victor.

Ray spamming the forum with a chain email and now this. Desperation.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this a-hole actually republished his "manifesto in 2006....

but obama would have only been in his 40's when ayers published this?....who are we to cast blame?...

it`s nothing more than a "rhetorical flourish"(see joe biden gaffes)....


note...for any joos out day you guys will realize just how antisemitic the "new" left which has hijacked the democratic party can hear it on this board....

sirhan sirhan....who ayers dedicated his manifesto to,shot robt. f kennedy because of his support of israel and dem joos...



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
No prob Matt no one else has any either---

It's not really an election on priciples and qualifications--

I was curious because his priciples and past voting record is extremely detrimental to you personally as small business owner--consider your taxes--wages of employees--possibilty of being unionized--your social securty--

-unless you missed it --when trying to defend his refund (can't 'refund" something you don't pay) to those that don't pay taxes- he said "they pay other taxes"--he was talking about ssn and medicare. In other words his way of shoring up medicare-medicaid-ssn is" refunding" taxes paid into them.

I'm willing to take a chance on all that. We'll see. I'm not as much about paying a few more dollars as I am about foreign policy and I know damn well the last 8 years have been a disaster.

I still haven't heard your opinions on family values regarding McCain banging a young rich chick while his wife was in the hospital. Any word on this yet?

Our current idiot in chief reduced taxes while prosecuting(sic) two wars. Spending on everyting was unheard of.

NOW we have a senile candidate talking about further reducing taxes while he jokes about bomb-bomb- Iran. I mean, wtf?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
the fact that this prick ayers is not only still sucking oxygen,but is held in high esteem by his liberal wacademic friends is proof that theres something really wrong with our republic.....

now obama is on the precipice of becoming president?.....with all this baggage...... :nooo:

if ayers were the opposite kind of dissident in the kind of regime you guys claim bush runs(but it`s really the kind your boy is trying to push onto OUR republic) he'd have been a missing person ages ago...

and bush is the monster?...

no story here folks...these mofo`s are far more concerned about sara palin's clothing budget(they expected her to run for v.p. wearing the l.l. bean fleece she wore back home)...

another little ditty on bock`s buddy/sponsor/fellow re-educator...the man he wrote a glowing endorsement for in the man`s book....

well,that man`s a rapist,too....

willfully blind.... it`s gonna be very difficult for the msm to run interference for these socialistic anarchists for 4 long years...

this craps gonna see the light of some point...


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Interpretation--stay away from character issues--its the rhetoric that counts right Matt.

Maybe you you'd like to share with us your reasons for voting for O.

I'll let you off the hook on qualifications--
-- maybe you could just give us your take on his issues you like?

-and don't pull a Bobby-Bryantz ect and disappear--because I'll bump the thread till you answer--and if it's going to be on the change theme--be specific of which changes --when he was running as far left as he could in primaries or trying to move to middle in general election-

examples: he gas done complete change on FISA, NAFTA, campaign public financing, town-hall meetings with McCain, offshore drilling, nuclear and coal power, capital punishment and gun control, his characterization of Iran, the surge in Iraq, and the future of Jerusalem
--or is that what he meant by change :)

So that's why your for McCain? Because he is steadfast in his views

And let me know what threads I've disappeared, it's usually not because I don't have an answer, it's probably that I realize that it will just take too long to get you to speed.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

I just came upon the craziest coincidence. I was reading the NY Post(as i've mentioned numerous times that I read almost daily) while having dinner and I read an opinion piece by someone named Victor Hanson.

The above part of your post is verbatim from his article. At least give this guy the credit for it! Or maybe you two are just on the same wavelength. lol

On another note, i've never heard of this guy and haven't bothered googling him yet, but usually when these random opinion columnists are in the Post, they at least, at the end, tell us who they are and who they work for. A brief backround. Something.

This guy at the bottom simply had 'author@victor'

Do you have any evidence of all these things Obama 'changed' on? Victor didn't mention anything. Or are you just parroting some random guy? Victor.

Ray spamming the forum with a chain email and now this. Desperation.

Excuse me Matt but if I was trying to pen this as my own would I be using correct punuaction and grammer like-- commas instead of --

Doesn't take a wizard to tell my writing from a journalist--and doesn't take wizard to copy and paste phrase google and found where it came from either :shrug:


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Excuse me Matt but if I was trying to pen this as my own would I be using correct punuaction and grammer like-- commas instead of --

Doesn't take a wizard to tell my writing from a journalist--and doesn't take wizard to copy and paste phrase google and found where it came from either :shrug:

I don't randomly google parts of peoples posts. I was reading the print edition of the NY Post last evening after having read your post yesterday morning and I noticed the 'similarities.'

You might have missed the part where I asked if you had any back-up of all these 'changes.'

That paragraph was integrated into the rest of your post which was obviously your words. I had no reason to think the other part wasn't yours also.

Still waiting to hear where McCain stands on your family values index or your misery index or whatever you can come up with.
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