Bill Maher: "Politically incorrect" last show


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Jan 15, 2002
Obviously, Slew, your application of one positive adjective to the terrorists indicates you completely agree with their actions.


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Jul 16, 1999
What is courage, also when are you a coward. The following I believe are cowards.

An Israeli settler who guns down a group of palenstine kids playing basketball, unarmed.

A palestine sucide bomber who walks on to a bus full of school children and blows himself up.

A group of killers who take over a plane and crash it into a building of innocent civilians.

all three examples are of cowardly acts. they did not attack armed people. when a sucide bomber attacks a school bus of children. once he is on the bus there is nothing to stop him, the children cannot stop him.

when someone armed kills and slaughters dozens of unarmed people, is that not being a coward. Even if you do not care if you die, did you not carry out murder, also against people who could not shoot you, is that not being a coward.

I guess if you do not believe they were cowards then you believe this act showed bravery.......:rolleyes:

these acts are cowardly because they attack people who cannot fight back.

cannot believe how much support there is for these people who kill thousands of innocent civilians....... I have no doubt that years from now some university in the US will describe these attackers as misunderstood heros.



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Jul 16, 1999
Seatle Slew like Neemer I also disagree with you strongly

That's the point!!! What is the point, you mean these men are not cowards, then are they brave?

These men killed thousands of people who had no way of fighting back. If you killed dozens/ hundreds of unarmed people without any regard of what happened to you; does that make you brave.

it is a cowardly act because these people who murdered without any chance of fighting back.

If these men were brave they could have fought in a war where the people opposite of you can actually shoot back.



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Jul 16, 1999
by the way since were using a dictionary

Cowardly.......of a coward; like a coward: He made his threats at a cowardly distance

these killers did not face the people they killed face to face, they did not arm them with weapons before killing them. they killed thousands of unarmed inocent civilians. a cowardly distance.



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
TheShrimp, thank you well said.

The men and women of the Armed Forces are courageous. They and all those that have served, whether in wartime or not, are courageous. The men and women that ran into enemy fire with complete disregard for their own life, yet do so on the mantle of freedom and Liberty, Justice and Democracy, to protect the country in which we so richly inhabit. That is the "Spirit of Bravery". It is absolutely NOT represented by the murdering scoundrels who accepted financial gain and prosperity for their families upon completion of their murderous "act of bravery". To self execute in the name of a belief or deity is not courageous, it is fanatical. Not courageous, crazy. Those individuals were brain washed not heros.
Heros have never and will never been created in any society I want to live in simply because they accepted money for an act that involved the execution or self execution of an innocent victim.
No Slew, if I am going to hang a Red Badge of Courage on any man woman or child, it will be on the one who commited so selfless an act as to exhibit the highest levels Bravery, Courage, and Goodwill , Strength, and disregard for their own fortune just to save that of another. A fireman that charges up flight after flight of stairs just on the chance that he and some lucky victim might get a second chance that day. That is a hero, my friend. Having served my country and visited many others to include Egypt, and Arabia, the people I know and don't know that are giving up their lives right now under the symbol of freedom are the people I choose to make my heros.
What Bill Maher said was irresponsible and in very poor taste. I understand that he was speaking of the individuals that actually flew the plane to certain death. Don't substitute brain washed for bravery. Or crazy for strong willed. What Maher should have done before he made such an assinine remark, was look around and realize what it is that allows him to get away with any kind of positive statement about a murdering pig. Democracy allows for that, not jihad. Our Constitution allows for that, not fearlessness in the face of death. Seattle Skewed I am sorry that you have let Bill Maher or anyone for that matter, to even consider a paid assassin as brave. That is very sad indeed. To even allow myself to entertain thoughts of what those scumbags were feeling as the plane crashed upsets me. I wish they would have lived so we could "study" them right. Maybe give them some mental health care, and then try them in our legal system, but no worry about them being killed....because if they are considered mentally ill they can't be given "the ultimate" punishment. Your boy Bill helped see to that, I do believe he applauded that decision. No measure for the innocent.


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Jan 24, 2001
Tempe, AZ
I know, I should be tried for treason..sheesh
If there are people who want to believe that we are dealing with a bunch of pussy cats, then that is their decision..

No one is supporting the terrorists, you know that. We are discussing the enemy, not rallying behind them. To infer that we are pro-terrorism is an insult...

I wish the battlefield is where this war would play-out, you're right - it would be much better and much safer that way.

I'll be back in a few..



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Jan 24, 2001
Tempe, AZ
you are arguing a very valid point.
Unfortunately we are running on two different tracks.
I never called these people brave...

Holy Chit...

Be back to answer your essay more vigorously..



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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
ryson said:
His show was good on Com Central, after it went to network the host was just a little to left for me. On Com Central he was middle of the road, I guess he was playing to his bosses on the network TV.

Wow, that's what I said about the show weeks after it moved to ABC. I had to explain to my friends, after I told them to watch it, why I thought this was such a great show. All I could tell them was it was a lot different on Comedy Central.

I think he got even more full of himself, if that's possible. He was also able to get a more high profile group of guests, which I'm guessing was also more liberal.

I think the whole Clinton mess influenced him to be more gung-ho to the left as well.

Maybe he'll take the whole thing back to C.C. and it will return to what it once was.


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Re: Bill Maher: "Politically incorrect" last show

hello there said:
Can someone please tell me what happened on his last show, what he talked about etc etc?? I always watch his show, but I missed his last one, would be really greatful if someone could reply, thank you.

the final guests were:

kid, from kid n' play
arriana huffington
michelle phillips
ann coulter.


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
One final reply to this:

JT said:
Liberals, liberals, liberals. WATCH OUT, they maybe hiding under your bed. :rolleyes: As for Mr Maher, he was a libertarian.

He's pro-affirmative action. He supports PETA. He's wacky on the environment. Those are the things that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. No Libertarian would even consider such nonsense.


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Jul 16, 1999
No one is supporting the terrorists, you know that. We are discussing the enemy, not rallying behind them. To infer that we are pro-terrorism is an insult...

I dont care if you believe it is an insult, an insult is to call these murderers brave, for killing thousands of people. Just because they were also prepared to die, that does not make them brave. just watch in a few years there will be some university coarse which will describe the actions of these "brave" men in the US.

they are killers, I am sorry for all of the people who lost someone that day, I am sure they would consider it insulting to consider their loved ones killers as brave. of coarse most people do not consider the victims in these cases.

SS to consider them brave is insulting enough.

I forgot Bill was a supporter of peta, a group that celebrates shark attacks on people and attacks on diary farmers in the US.

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Jul 16, 1999
"If there are people who want to believe that we are dealing with a bunch of pussy cats, then that is their decision.."

do not believe anyone refered to these people as pussy cats. I mean they blew up two embassies, killed 18 US soldiers in Yemen, planned on blowing up the LA airport. of coarse nothing was done until 9/11.

they are a very capable organization who gets major funding from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, of coarse that money flow has not stopped. but just because their dangerous and sucidal and committed does not make them brave.

I do agree with you SS that it would be much better and easier if this battle/war would take place on the Battefield. I think we would both agree it would be easier that way, this will be a difficult challenge going into the future.



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Jan 24, 2001
Tempe, AZ
Guys, it doesn't look like we are going to agree on any of this. Because it is semantics we are arguing...

Not once have I called them BRAVE.
Being brave is not the opposite of being a coward.
Bravery doesn't simply mean you aren't afraid...
Bravery is a quality/virtue to which few people can claim..

The context, the POINT, of my argument is that the men piloting the airplanes were not afraid they were about to die.

And I'm not arguing the reasons they weren't afraid to...
I know they are brain-washed..
I know they are misguided, twisted, blood-thirsty, fanatical...

You argue that not being a coward means an act of chivalry..
When I am telling you not being a coward can can be an act of lunacy.


p.s. Bill Maher is not "my boy." lol....I don't even agree with him that often. I feel sorry for those who saw the show for nothing more than Maher's soapbox. It was a good open forum for current events and politics. Now we get another reality tv show....whoopee..


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Aug 24, 1999
by your logic the sucide bombers in the middle east are courageous and brave, because they try to go in supermarkets and kill women and children. brave????

I dunno what person's post you read, but it damn sure wasn't mine. If you derived the above statement from my previous words, then you are tremendously mistaken. I really don't know where in the world you got this "supermarket", "women & children", and "brave" scenario from. They DID NOT come from me, and if you reread my post, I believe you'll come to the same conclusion as myself. Apparently there were a few terrorists who knew what the end result of this mission entailed, or there would have been no planes crashed into certain buildings. In my opinion, ANYONE that commits themselves to death for WHATEVER reason, is certainly no damn coward in my book. NOW, if these degenrates walked into a supermarket and killed a bunch of innocent women and children and then hauled ass in some getaway vehicle, then by all means that is a COWARDLY act in the strongest sense of the word. I too agree that these assholes are some of the biggest worthless pieces of chit that the world has ever seen. I could come up with an infinite amount of adjectives to describe these brainwashed baffoons, but the word "cowardly" isn't something that comes to mind. It's the ultimate sacrifice that one can do to themselves. They actually GAVE their life for a cause, a rather idiotic cause, but nonetheless, it was something I'd say that 99% of the world's population would not have done.

If you've been around here for the last few years, you would realize that there isn't a more patriotic and admirer of their country more than myself. I in no way, shape, form, or fashion condoned what these maniacs did. I simply made a personal observation that I think quite a few people probably share.

these sucide bombers do not go after military targets,

This statement is flawed as well. Just recently they went after the U.S. battleship Cole, they also went after the American embassy in Africa, and another American embassy that I'm unsure of. I also believe you're forgetting the plane crashing into the Pentagon, which probably is the biggest military establishemnt we have within our borders. I really don't think it would have mattered to these individuals if the WTC towers were filled with military offcials or private citizens. The went after the WTC towers based upon the amount of people they could kill. No other two buildings in the U.S. hold more people, and these assholes wanted to cause the greatest amount of destruction possible and kill the greatest amount of people that they could.

If you feel they are brave you can send them money, never mind Saudi Arabia sends them all they need, and the US already does not say anything about it.

This is another statement that is way off base, and I really don't see how in the world you derived this from my statments made previously. I would probably be the LAST person on this earth to assist ANY terrorist organization that kills innocent people. Perhaps a re-read of my previous post will shed a little more light on my comments...


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Jul 16, 1999
SS I agree we maybe arguing over a few definations and will agree to disagree. We probably agree on most when it comes to this event, just a few words.

Neemer you are correct I probably read to much into your post and for that I do appologize. however I do think they are cowards.

as for the supermarket quote "sucide bombers in the middle east are courageous and brave, because they try to go in supermarkets and kill women and children. brave????"

these groups have no trouble getting sucide bombers that will kill themseleves. their targets for the most part in the middle east are supermarkets and school, bus, ect. full of women and children. these people also intend to kill themselves, this is not an act of bravery to kill innocent civilians. women and children, but they are prepared to kill themselves, this to me is a cowardly act.

Alquada has targeted military targets however their last two attacks have had civilian targets, and if they strike in the US it will probably a civilian target since it will be easier to hit and kill more people.

civilian targets have been 3. if you believe the bombing of the Russian appartments which the Russians claim was done by OBL.

me and you disagree on wether a sucide bomber is a coward. since most of the time their targets are civilian I would state they are, even if they intend to end their life. to me it makes no difference.

As for the targets, they were planning on blowing up the LA airport a civilian target on new years, and would have done a job (ie. Russian appartment over 300 poor civilians killed) also planned on bombing Jewish area in Montreal.

The two embassies were mostly civilian non US cassulitites, that is important because the US gave most of it lip service, besides listing OBL as wanted. The Cole attack could be classified as a military attack and the weak response probably gave OBL confidence to try something bigger. they blew up some buildings and the state department even pulled off the lead investigator because he was causing diplmatic problems according to Saudia Arabia. he became chief of security his first week on the job was in Sept. and died on the 9/11. by the way he was apperently going after the money behind the Cole attack, I am sure it was just an average person in the Saudia Arabia. best not to find the money trail..........I guess

the "If you feel they are brave you can send them money, never mind Saudi Arabia sends them all they need, and the US already does not say anything about it. "

was off base and wrong.

the WTC was often a target in the pass because of who built it, and the history and what it stood for. the fact the number of people killed and it was an easier target to hit, was also important.

finally in the future I will try to avoid most of these threads as I get wound up on the topic. back in 98 I would exchange emails with a few people over the internet about stocks and invesments,
not a large group (less than 10) and have lost touch with half of them. one worked in NY, last email got from him was in August of last year. I do not know much about him, knew he was a trader not even sure he worked at the WTC.
the chances he was in the building are probably small.

just think of the storries you read where families have been detroyed and the pain those people must have gone through, I cannot imagine that.

anyways probably did read to much into your post Neemer and in SS. I still think they were cowards......we will have to agree to disagree on that..... now back to the stock forum.... and try to survive this brutal bear market....:nooo:

by the worldcom is has gone to zero, Qwest will follow, Elan. only own two telco stocks.....

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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
To anonymous,

First of all, when one is referring to a place or structure, the proper word is 'site', not 'sight'. Sight is what you use your eyes for.

Also, the proper spelling is asinine, not assinine. One too many 'esses' there on that one, but quite apropos.

If 'somebody' feels that they want to ridicule another person for a misspelled word, they better be a little tighter than this.

I definitely agree with everything Selkirk has said on this issue at hand.

Neemer, killing oneself is never brave. Killing oneself and a bunch of civilians is even less so.


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Aug 24, 1999
A BIG fat "Thank YOU" Kosar, you never cease to amaze me. Still to this day, I find it soo amazing how your vast amount of intelligence can make such difficult issues seem so simple. You truly are a man before his time!

Raise your glasses gentlemen.....:thefinger
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