by your logic the sucide bombers in the middle east are courageous and brave, because they try to go in supermarkets and kill women and children. brave????
I dunno what person's post you read, but it damn sure wasn't mine. If you derived the above statement from my previous words, then you are tremendously mistaken. I really don't know where in the world you got this "supermarket", "women & children", and "brave" scenario from. They DID NOT come from me, and if you reread my post, I believe you'll come to the same conclusion as myself. Apparently there were a few terrorists who knew what the end result of this mission entailed, or there would have been no planes crashed into certain buildings. In my opinion, ANYONE that commits themselves to death for WHATEVER reason, is certainly no damn coward in my book. NOW, if these degenrates walked into a supermarket and killed a bunch of innocent women and children and then hauled ass in some getaway vehicle, then by all means that is a COWARDLY act in the strongest sense of the word. I too agree that these assholes are some of the biggest worthless pieces of chit that the world has ever seen. I could come up with an infinite amount of adjectives to describe these brainwashed baffoons, but the word "cowardly" isn't something that comes to mind. It's the ultimate sacrifice that one can do to themselves. They actually GAVE their life for a cause, a rather idiotic cause, but nonetheless, it was something I'd say that 99% of the world's population would not have done.
If you've been around here for the last few years, you would realize that there isn't a more patriotic and admirer of their country more than myself. I in no way, shape, form, or fashion condoned what these maniacs did. I simply made a personal observation that I think quite a few people probably share.
these sucide bombers do not go after military targets,
This statement is flawed as well. Just recently they went after the U.S. battleship Cole, they also went after the American embassy in Africa, and another American embassy that I'm unsure of. I also believe you're forgetting the plane crashing into the Pentagon, which probably is the biggest military establishemnt we have within our borders. I really don't think it would have mattered to these individuals if the WTC towers were filled with military offcials or private citizens. The went after the WTC towers based upon the amount of people they could kill. No other two buildings in the U.S. hold more people, and these assholes wanted to cause the greatest amount of destruction possible and kill the greatest amount of people that they could.
If you feel they are brave you can send them money, never mind Saudi Arabia sends them all they need, and the US already does not say anything about it.
This is another statement that is way off base, and I really don't see how in the world you derived this from my statments made previously. I would probably be the LAST person on this earth to assist ANY terrorist organization that kills innocent people. Perhaps a re-read of my previous post will shed a little more light on my comments...