I have no problem backing up with a wager.
So make the wager with BBC.....
So, who, exactly is BBC, how do I know he's good for a few grand, where and when is he going to put his money, who is going to hold it?
BBC has been here for many years, if you don't think he'll pay I'll back up the $500 wager.....I know I'm good for it and paid debts here in the past....I don't always agree with BBC but I believe he will back up anything he says....You, I'm not sure but here's your chance....
Sure, right, wager with a screen monkey who has no verifiable name or address, and will pay off how when he loses?
See above
But, Sports, if you can find a VERIFIABLE bettor, someone who can and will pay when he loses, and who I can hunt down if he doesn't, then fine.
I've got $10K that says Bitcoin is worth less 12 months from now.
Now it's your turn, Mister Mouth. Where and with whom are you going to post your $10K?
I'm not into BITCOIN and have no knowledge about it...So I wouldn't bet $10 let alone $10,000 but have no issue backing BBC's wager if he falls through "if you agree".....Just sick of seeing you flap your gums bitching about everything in life....
How about a verifiable, licensed attorney who I can talk to? No, then how about a verifiable bank officer?
My $10K says Bitcoin is lower on 5/22/2019 than it is today. And I'll put it up with a known licensed lawyer or verifiable bank officer of your choice.
Your $10K is deposited with whom?
Oops, sorry, Sports. Phew!! Did you just shit your pants?
Pardon me while I shower....You're such a putz.....