Do you have any idea if I can link the Circle account to a prepaid card if I'm not 100% comfortable giving out my actual debit card?
How about one of those reusable prepaid debit cards that you can just keep depositing cash onto at the grocery store or walmart, etc...
Heres the deal in the US. If you are transferring funds the company providing the service has to have MTL or money transmission license. They also have to know their customer as in KYC or CIP due to Patriot Act.
Nothing is anonymous with exchanges. If you want complete atonoumy then use and buy with caution.
Now this is a generic guide and is not specific to any activity but bitcoin in general.
Go to and buy an offline physical storage device. Its all fun and games until your account gets frozen. 99 bucks but its not your money unless its in your control. Make no mistake, bitcoin wallet is a horrible choose as its bloated, unsecure and frowned upon by the bitckin community. Trezor takes your coins off into cold storage. Sleep better at night knowing nobody can freeze your account.
Go to and register.
Dont buy bitcoin but deposit an ACH of a grand. Two reasons, money transfers move quicker and it takes 6 days for coins to land in your wallet. You pay 1000 for bitcoin and it tanks day 3 on a 6 day wait... now youve lost 200 bucks and had a shitty experience.
Go to shift payments and register for a prepaid card. Shift is tied directly to your coinbase account. You need 200 inmediately? ATM. You want to spend 500 on an unforeseen bill, youre in luck as you have 1000 daily spend limit.
Now, your ACH deposit has hit. And youre ready to buy your first bitcoin. Well almost ready.
Log in to which is the Coinbase exchange. Go to deposit and pull your funds from you USD wallet to the exchange... congrats, youre now officially a day trader.
Click limit, buy, scroll to the green to see current active price. Click price and put total amount to purchase.
Wait for it to fill with ZERO fees. Withdraw your btc back to coinbase. Use your shift card as needed to make purchases in USD...
Shits never been so easy.
I vouch because I know them personally. If you gamble, never ever send straight from circle or coinbase. Always to your trezor and then where you want. Back to your trezor back to your coinbase.
Theres a reason, gambling is illegal in US.
Trezor keeps you clean from auditing by a bank... always use a device like trezor.