Boehner?s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Boehner?s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating

By Stephen C. Webster
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A strange thing happened Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill.

As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren?t odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to help working Americans, footage from C-SPAN went silent, then cut away.

Moments later, C-SPAN took to the Internet to explain that it wasn?t their doing, but someone working for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

The incident occurred mere moments after the House went into session. Hoyer made a motion for a vote on the Senate?s payroll tax cut extension, which would extend the lower rates for another two months, but the Republican presiding over the House did not acknowledge the motion. He instead adjourned the House, then got up and walked out.

?As you walk off the floor, Mr. Speaker, you?re walking away, just as so many Republicans have walked away from taxpayers, the unemployed, and very frankly, as well, from those who will be seeking medical assistance from their doctors, 48 million senior citizens,? Hoyer can be heard saying.

?We regret, Mr. Speaker, that you have walked off the platform without addressing the issue of critical importance to this country, and that is the continuation of the middle class tax cut, the continuation of unemployment benefits for those at risk of losing them, and a continuation of the access to doctors for all those 48 million seniors who rely on them daily for help.?

And that?s when the audio cut out. Seconds later, footage faded to a shot of the capitol from outside.

Moments later, someone at C-SPAN took to Twitter and explained: ?C-SPAN has no control over the U.S. House TV cameras ? the Speaker of the House does.?

It?s for reasons just like this, one might infer, that Boehner told C-SPAN back in February it would not be allowed control its own cameras.

The non-partisan political network, produced as a courtesy by the nation?s cable operators, had said it wanted to offer a more ?journalistic product,? but the speaker denied their request to place and operate more cameras.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
If this whole situation doesn't show people how dirty these guys are i don't kno what does. Im talking about the payroll tax fiasco. Chad i saw this last night and the guy speaking was my Senator Mike Fitzpatrick. One of my best friends is a good friend of his. I called him last night and said "did u see what Fitzpatrick did last night?" He goes "oh no what did he do now" :mj07:
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Duff Miver

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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Boehner caved in. The debate must have interfered with his bar time.

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
The Republicans should tell Harry Reid and the Senate to VOTE on their BILL, then tell them they'll return after the Senate VOTES on it.



I think Newt and Mitt called in and said to stop the fawking shit now.....

what are you crazy giving Obama ammo in a fawking election year ?



Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Or, Boehner should have listened to all the other Republicans who wanted him to bring to vote to the floor and get it done - typical, blaming Reid for something with extreme bipartisan approval that doesn't go your way... sadly, laughable "observation," again.

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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Or, Boehner should have listened to all the other Republicans who wanted him to bring to vote to the floor and get it done - typical, blaming Reid for something with extreme bipartisan approval that doesn't go your way... sadly, laughable "observation," again.


Reid hasn't passed a BUDGET in close to THREE YEARS, he has NO CREDIBILITY.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
What is Boehners plan after he dumps all middle class working Americans into bankruptcy? Stupid neocon POS!

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Well this is a time u have to applaud Republicans. they stood up and did what is better for the country and didn't let a couple of agenda laden hacks control things. This guy Cantor makes me sic to my stomach. The slimmest of the slimy. He got that all natural boy look with a forked tongue.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Well this is a time u have to applaud Republicans. they stood up and did what is better for the country and didn't let a couple of agenda laden hacks control things. This guy Cantor makes me sic to my stomach. The slimmest of the slimy. He got that all natural boy look with a forked tongue.

Like they're not all like that.



What is Boehners plan after he dumps all middle class working Americans into bankruptcy? Stupid neocon POS!

Well you Government Employees won't have to worry..
Just Tax and Spend some more to keep the INEFFICIENT BLOAT of GOVT in EFFECT !!!!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Well you Government Employees won't have to worry..
Just Tax and Spend some more to keep the INEFFICIENT BLOAT of GOVT in EFFECT !!!!

Like I asked what was the plan after everyones unemployment runs out? When he taxes the poor. How will that get them to spend more money?
What do we do with those people. How do we feed them when they can't find jobs because the hgreedy pig CEO's sent all the jobs overseas?


Like I asked what was the plan after everyones unemployment runs out? When he taxes the poor. How will that get them to spend more money?
What do we do with those people. How do we feed them when they can't find jobs because the hgreedy pig CEO's sent all the jobs overseas?

Cmon Stevie.. The jobs went overseas because it's not feasable to keep paying somebody $90,000 a year to zip on a few bolts...

The out of control unions are a huge part of the Exodus...

Yes there are some greedy jackasses but the main problem is the unsustainable Union demands!!
It's even worse in the Public Sector.. Just keep Hammering on the Golden Trough i.e. THE TAXPAYER!!

If you are poor because of Hard Times I'm all for helping( Yes the Money is available) but this entitlement mentality MUST END.. Stop firing out 10 kids when you cannot afford 1 and hey here's a little gem STAY IN SCHOOL AND LEARN THE 3 Rs !!!!

I'm off and Running it's OFFICIALLY HOLIDAY PARTY TIME!!

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