Boxing 2/18 - 2/19


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Apr 6, 2007
I saw this bout differently.

I thought Donaire was stronger, faster, more accurate from the opening bell.

Montiel was getting tagged early and often. He was raked with a hook in the first round (a very similar punch to the finish).

Nonito was the right side here - and I think he would be anytime they fought. Just the better guy.

At least that's how I saw it.

As far as the Victor Conte angle, that info was widely available on the internet this week. HBO Sports even ran a piece Tuesday night that got a lot of publicity. The Conte info was critical in capping the fight - but it certainly wasn't hidden information. Nonito has been very up front about working with the guy (unlike Andre Ward who tried to keep it on the down low).

Also want to give props to weepaul, who said very early on this bout would be a wipeout, a slaughter. Very accurate prediction. Paulie, you were adamant with your pick, and you were spot on with this one. Congrats.

100% correct :0074. Nonito destroys him 10 out of 10. Bigger, stronger, faster, better defense. It's why Vic refused to rematch in spite of the bravado talk. Montiel's ONLY chance would have been to land a Sunday punch and the chance of that happening before he got tattoed was slim and none. Does anybody actually think Montiel would seek a rematch? Congrats all Nonito backers...the MUCH better fighter won :toast: :toast: :toast:


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May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret
i think donaire is a fantastic fighter...but i`d like to know why any professional athlete would hire a felon like victor conte as their "nutritionist"......

after the mosley stink...all the questions surrounding manny...marion jones...bobby bonds....

imo,it`s insane to put your rep on the line by dealing with an admitted/known cheater...

but that`s me....

yeah, man but this is america, they all forgive/forget if you win

most people forgot big ben and kobe are rapists

mike vick is a dogkiller

conte knew how to beat the system, imagine the wealth of knowledge he's accumulated, that's why those guys hired him, nonito also got some russian track conditioning guru


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
agree with my brothers romi and g.k....nonaire has looked other-worldly....

he k.o.`ed 3 guys in a row in a 7 month period ...7 months........three guys that had never been stopped..2 during careers that were replete with fights vs top drawer competition(and neither made it into the 5th round)... .dominated them to a point that has me wondering,"wtf is going on here?".....

up until the marquez fight,donaire had 23 wins with 15 inside the distance...not bad...but not amazing,either...

this is a carbon copy of pacquaio-style domination........this victor conte fellow is one amazing nutritionist...:0074


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Dec 12, 2003
Donaire made it pretty clear that he had no issues giving blood. Let's not forget this guy wrecked Darchinian with 1 punch as well long before conte. I just hope he takes his time moving up. Things will get tougher when he gets to 126.


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Sep 28, 2007
Also want to give props to weepaul, who said very early on this bout would be a wipeout, a slaughter. Very accurate prediction. Paulie, you were adamant with your pick, and you were spot on with this one. Congrats.
Thanks Bro :0074 . You know me, I'm usually good for 2 or 3 picks a year that I am positive about. This was the first one of the year for me.

I really like Montiel and think he's a stud but he also has a very upright fight style.
I just thought this was a recipe for disaster against such a fast, slashing puncher in Nonito.

:toast: :toast: :toast:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Donaire made it pretty clear that he had no issues giving blood. Let's not forget this guy wrecked Darchinian with 1 punch as well long before conte. I just hope he takes his time moving up. Things will get tougher when he gets to 126.

they need olympic style testing in boxing ,imo....
if not,the whole thing could get ridiculous....

conte thinks current testing in boxing is a joke...he publicly laughs at their methodology...and this after doing time for cheating...

he`s a ballsy s.o.b. (for a felon/scumbag)...i`ll give him that much...
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Dec 12, 2003


I read stuff like that when I learned he was working with Andre Ward a while back. Regardless, unlike Pacquiao, Donaire has said he's not afraid of testing. Not that it really matters, olympic style testing will never be fully implemented into boxing, it's not cheap.


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Apr 22, 2007
Oh, forgot about Holyfield look. I'll start going for the less confident look and the fighter that struggled at the scales. Perhaps that's how we should look at it. Good call on the eyes. Spot on.

Hey Von Trash,

I need you to acknowledge our dialogue post fight now, not just some pre-fight trash talk. You came into this forum ( as a new user name) and trashed the linesmaker and took quite the shot at me above, ridiculing me , when all I did was slipped in some advice to you to not look too hard into "the look of a winner" (Montiel) and the supposed weight struggles ( Donaire) . Now myself and a few others here are sharp far beyond just boxing betting , communicate outside the forum, and recognize who your prior user name was, and also an identity that I'd think you'd hate me to expose here and other key boxing forums. An explanation of your above post may go a long way for you along with an apology, and then we can move forward, who knows, maybe you can go back to - - - - - e - Perhaps you were throwing a compliment in the last two lines to me regarding Montiel's tired eyes. That could help a lot. Talk to me V.T. Were you having a bad day? Frustration from the boxing betting performance the past (fill in the number) years?

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
What the hell are these 3 up to

What the hell are these 3 up to

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