Thanks for the props almly...good to have you around again
However...gardenweasel was on Dawson before I posted my play on him, we agreed on that usual
gl bl
thank you,brother...and i`d like to add a little context on my hissy fit....not that it`s worth the effort....
my "friend" almly has apparently e mailed me about some football and boxing computer,as box knows,has been infected with some sort of virus that forces me to have to reboot time and again,restore my system and it f-cks up my e mail on an intermittent basis....
it can take hours to log on....and i`m lucky if i get e-mails...
i didn`t respond in a timely fashion to his e mails,and then i saw his comment in this thread basically saying he was through with me....
soooo,cause i liked almly and we go back a ways,i e-mailed my "friend" almly back explaining my situation and giving him a write-up on him pros and cons ..and concluding that he was a nice play and getting 2-1 odds to boot...this was after i emailed box on 01/31 indicating i liked dawson....
i don`t care who gets credit,but reading his comment thanking box for the dawson play seemed like an intentional shot at me..........after taking my time to send the man a write up....
soooo,maybe my slip is showing a bit...maybe my panties got bunched up a bit....but that got under my skin.....
end of soap opera...
box,if you want i can send almly your e-mail....this way he won`t have to fool with me...
i`m fine with it....