Aren't we supposed to be getting increased help from the world, not losing it. Especially from the only country who gave substantial help at all. I can't blame them though.
I wonder if Dogs will regard this as 'chickening out' and 'letting them win' like he does Spain and the Phillipines.
It shouldn't matter much though, because as Charles Manson puts it, 'there are 35 countries with boots on the ground'. 35 countries totalling about 150 troops.
Cutback: Britain 'to reduce troop numbers'
LONDON - Britain is to scale back its 8,000-strong military presence in southern Iraq next month despite fears of worsening security in the run-up to elections, The Observer newspaper said yesterday.
It said the drawdown will take place when the 1st Mechanised Infantry Brigade is replaced by the 4th Armoured Division, currently based in Germany, in a routine rotation.
While numbers are still being finalised, the size of the deployment once the rotation is completed is likely to be 'substantially less' than at present, The Observer said, quoting military sources in Iraq and London.
It added that a military spokesman in Basra, the main city in southern Iraq where British forces are headquartered, had confirmed the scaling-back of Britain's commitment.