Buffalo Bills Fans take note


ad interim...
Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
"...Quo fas et gloria ducunt..."
well, just to jump in here:

I'm trying to be polite, mind you.

He Hate Me,you don't seem to understand that:

1) you don't go around insulting ANY CITY's fans in here.

2)insulting women? c'mon, you can do better than that. Let's have a little better constructive criticism on the team...you were doin ok, until you called the fans "loyal losers" and that their 'chicks are ugly". Sorry, but what does that have to do with the argument about the BILLS?



He Hate Me

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Forum Member
Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
Your right Toronto,I got a little carried away,my apologies.

Its my opininon that the Bills released the wrong qb,the coaches made that decision and the ATS and W-L record of this team will speak for itself at seasons end.

The beauty of a women is the inside,not the outside.

Once again my apologies to anyone I offended.

wannabe whale

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Mar 3, 2000
Rochester, NY
JMize-just like yourself-I am a LOYAL Bills fan. I have been going to almost every Bills game since 1982 and have made it to 3 out of 4 Superbowls. My Sundays start with only 1 thing on my mind-Buffalo Bills and my Monday mornings start with only 1 thought-next weeks opponent. Football season is live and die.
I will not even go into the slamming of our city-where I grew up. By now you must be used to it. Alot of people think of Buffalo as the armpit of the east coast-surely this is not new hearing this. However, not everyone can enjoy the splendor the WNY has to offer. I have found Rochester to be an awesome place to live-except for the weather. Don't be personally offended-forget those comments. Who the hecks knows what it is like where they live-we know what life around here is good.
On to my main comments. I am not going to jump on your bandwagon too quick. Buffalo has way too many ??? right now. It is great that the troops are getting in line behind Coach Williams-but the mess that Butler and Fat Wade left behind is a big one. The cap hits are going to be very costly.
My main concern is QB. Rob can get the offense and he can move the ball-but can he stay HEALTHY??? He left the game at some point in like 8 games last year. Van Pelt or Gonzalez will not cut it over an extended period. The OL may look a little better-but the west coast offense needs to get rid of the ball fast and the key will be Centers.
Trvis Henry could help out at RB. I like Sammy and I think we are ok here.
The comment by HHM-that Moulds is our only O-is weak. Look for Peerless Price to have a HUGE year-if Eric gets 2-teamed. Jay R needs to stay healthy and go straight down the field. I think he is top 5 in the league.
D is also a big ?? Sam Cowart and Antoine Winfield healthy WILL help immensely.I have always believed in their D and will continue as long as Fat Pat clogs up the middle.
STeams is going to be 20x better-it has to be. I think they should have let Christie go as well.
Looking at their potential record:
I think 4-4 in the Division would be good.
At home:
NO-tough opener. Better team than most think. Bills win on emotion. W
Pitts-will be much improved. Buff still better. W
Seattle-could be a sleeper L
Carolina-Dec in Buffalo W
On Road:
@Jax in primetime L
@SD everyone will key on this game. Could be the Chargers best effort L
@SF W or L
@ Atl-much improved will be ag Vick by then W or L
That makes it 8-8 with a split on the last 2 road games.
Not expecting a playoff bid-just improved play.
One last note about Buffalo fans-they ARE fair weather fans. Watch this year with the Sabres mid year. Going to a Bills game is an event for most. The schedule maker was nice this year with No late Dec games. They must breed a WINNER in order to draw. Attendance at camp here in Roch is down. Talk is cheap-show it when the game starts!!
Maybe I will see you at a tail-gate this year-you are always welcome.


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2000
WANNA BE, very nice write-up.i know this team has many question marks especially on o! but if johnson does stay healthy they will be ok! as far as the d , i also think they will be ok there williams came here from being a d-coordinator. s-teams definitely will improve 100% due to this guy-williams very strict and very organized. i didn't want him when they were looning, wanted marvin lewis instead, but you know what i think they really made the right choice. people here in buffalo are starting to get excited about the upcoming season. i still see 8-8 the worst. although don't have the same talent-remember who thought st.louis would go anywhere 2 years ago?? think about it. time will tell, by the way we'll have to hook up for a game iv'e had my seats the last 11 years



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Sep 8, 2001
just testing my first post...

BUT...here is what the Bills can do to improve. Get a new owner, Ralph Wilson is senile. Get a new GM, Donahoe (he is a ho, not a hue) has shown absolute imcompetence in his personnel choices, gutting of the team, etc. Get a new Head Coach, Gregg Williams is a pompous idiot who watched Remember The Titans and thinks you can run an NFL team that way. Get all new players, except for maybe a half dozen, like Sam Cowart (out for the year), Eric Moulds (pissed off), etc. But definitely a new QB.

Also they need lots and lots of PRAYER!

Frankly, I don't give a crap what they need to improve. I want to make some money from their nosedive this year. I am a bettor, not a fan. They will be lucky to win 2 games this year (maybe Pats and Seahawks?). But I definitely think they have an outside shot at running the table! With focus and staying in their present game plan, they just might lose EVERY GAME! ;-)

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