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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
HEY DEMOCRATS --- Doesn't life suck when a thwarted 911-sized terror attack actually hurts your political party??? :shrug: Sad but true...

First of all, I haven't been here in a while bc it's 90% San Francisco style liberals who act like they are constantly PMSing. Instantly when I saw the thread-board I could have sworn that I was logged onto either Moveon.org or CodePink. Wow, the liberals in here are as mad as ever lol!!!! I love it!!! I just feel sad because I wonder How can you go through life CONSTANTLY BASHING YOUR OWN COUNTRY?? Jesus friggin Christ you guys live dismal lives.

Now we all see that all this whining and crying and bitching about Bush / NSA wiretaps has made the democrats once again look utterly stupid...and constantly weak on terror. Real shocker huh?

Spin it all you want, but wiretapping thwarted these new attacks folks. Look it up. Thank god Bush is doing everything he can to play offense, instead of defense. The Bush administration intercepted the communications and passed along the info the Britain.

Blowing up 10 jets???....and the liberals are crying to give Geneva rights to terrorists???....unreal.

Military and intel success for the United States = bad news for the Democrats......now that's pathetic!! :mj07:
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the ACLU and San Fransisco Democrats are more worried about the terrorist rights than Joe American's right to be safe/live

If we let Nancy Hezbullosi 2 heartbeats from the presidency, Saddam Hussein, Charles Manson, and all other terrorists will be back on the streets wreaking havoc

With these fools in charge we would have 10 more planes in the Atlantic

They want to fight their wars as defense lawyers with ACLU judges on the bench ruling against the country stripping all law enforcement of its power


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
HEY DEMOCRATS --- Doesn't life suck when a thwarted 911-sized terror attack actually hurts your political party??? :shrug: Sad but true...

First of all, I haven't been here in a while bc it's 90% San Francisco style liberals who act like they are constantly PMSing.:[/B]

I only PMS a few days a month.
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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
dr. freeze said:
the ACLU and San Fransisco Democrats are more worried about the terrorist rights than Joe American's right to be safe/live

Are there any ACLU members or San Francisco Democrats here?

I understand you guys have specific viewpoints, and are making a point. But seriously, sometimes it seem's like you are just shadow boxing.

The folks here, whether liberal or conservative, and all points in between, seem pretty open to all viewpoints. So what's with the TOTALLY random coments?

Stop being talking point robots, and start being human beings on Madjacks. This isn't a contest, there isn't a winner. We are just people exchanging ideas.

JEEZ :shrug:


Registered User
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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
The quote from the Time article is "Britain's MI-5 intelligence service and Scotland Yard had been tracking the plot for several months"...nothing in the article mentions the Bush wiretaps as this had nothing with any US citizens. But hey, why let the facts get in the way of some good old fashioned Limbaugh style liberal bashing. Just keep beating that tired old drum. It is obviously a very simple, narrow minded perspective that allows alot of people to make sense of the world...if all these left coast liberals would just get out the way then those of us on the right who "get it" could set about fixing the worlds problems.

"Military and intel success for the United States = bad news for the Democrats"

Because someone is of the belief that we are putting our troops in harms way for a misguided cause does not mean that they are anti-military or that they are any less grateful for their service.
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Jabberwocky said:
Because someone is of the belief that we are putting our troops in harms way for a misguided cause does not mean that they are anti-military or that they are any less grateful for their service.



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Forum Member
Dec 2, 2005
"Thank god Bush is doing everything he can to play offense, instead of defense. The Bush administration intercepted the communications and passed along the info the Britain."

Too bad he didn't do this for the real 911....Isn't it?


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
So, you come back for one post, and it is a completely unbased claim. Even you could do better than that. The ONLY reference to ANY US-related "intelligence" gathering from the story you link to is this sentence:

"while a knowledgeable American official says U.S. intelligence provided London authorities with intercepts of the group's communications."

An unnamed official. US intelligence. Intercepts of communications.

What do you say? Bush/NSA wiretapping brought this plot down. The Bush administration intercepted the communications.

What kind of communication was it? How was it intercepted? Who intercepted it? No mention of anything specific, and yet you essentially say that George Bush was listening in on his secret phone tap and called Tony fricking Blair.

And you say no matter how WE spin it? Whatever. Go back to your blow-hole Chuck. No need to stop by for your monthly PMS check if this is all you have.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
No matter how Manson portrays it it still proves we are doing more harm than good in Iraq. Good for the Brits for stopping this. But we are spending way too many in a useless occupation of a country that was not a threat to us.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
AS MI-5 said going back to problems with Ireland. You just will not stop them all of the time. If enough keep trying sooner or later one sneaks thru. If we never get hit again. No matter what we do I would be surprised. And it won't matter if your Reb or Dem. We need to keep in mind many times the enemy from with in is just as bad as ones trying to get in.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Thwarting the Airline Plot: Inside the Investigation

""U.S. picked up the suspects' chatter and shared it with British authorities; new federal alert warns that peroxide-based explosives could also be employed in future attacks in the U.S.""

it was apparently a collaboration of british intel,nsa wiretapping and pakistani informants .....

and it`s not "Bush/nsa wiretapping"...it`s AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE in all it`s forms and capacities....

you guys are really sick....if it has anything to do with "bush"...even if it means saving several thousand lives,you guys whine and carry on like jilted school girls...

pathetic...act like frickin` amaricans and be thankful your fellow citizens...the economy...and the well being of our country didn`t get a major kick in the coulumes....

i get these crazy islamists considering themselves jihadis before brits or americans...they`ve been indoctrinated and are probably just pawns of the imams and radical holy men....

you guys are semi-educated....you can`t claim diminished capacity....

:thinking: :thinking: ??????

on second though,strike that last comment...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Where did you get that story GW? Looks like one of those "Liberal Rags" you whine and cry about all the time. If the wire taps worked that great, I hope they lead to more arrests. It still doesn't explain Iraq and the unnecessary squandering of resources by Bush and his boys.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I don't know if you're referring to me in your comments, but I am very happy that this horrible thing was stopped. I gave props in another thread for the good job everyone did in getting this done. My post was merely towards Charles and his baseless post and namecalling rips towards 90% San Francisco Style Liberals. If somebody doesn't agree with him, they are limp-wristed fags. I merely pointed out that the claims he made were not based on facts, just leaps of faith based on his delusional Bush-loving hysteria. It could have been some kind of NSA wiretapping, I don't know. Hell, if it was a wiretap, maybe they even got a permit by following the law, I don't know that either. If so, great job. If not, well, I'll save that for the other threads we had going, or will have going.

I'll wait to see if you were ripping me, before I rip back...lol.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
pfp should stand for *post for post* and i would like to see the two heavyweights GW and Chadman in a 12 thread match

GW consistently makes me laugh and Chad can actually digest other points of view
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 2, 2002
the question i pose whether these "wire taps" were something that a warrant was issued for rather than warrantless wire taps...or even better if they were discussions that the authorities could have easily obtained warrants for prior to the Patriot ACT or like legislation? and if the conversations even occured in the U.S.? ???

regardless of the above issues..I am happy that these extremists were caught and the "plot" foiled..we can all agree on that



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL

The topic of this thread began with the statement "HEY DEMOCRATS --- Doesn't life suck when a thwarted 911-sized terror attack actually hurts your political party???"

and goes on from there. Who is whinning and carrying on like a schoolgirl? I was only pointing out the facts. And the fact is that the "Bush" wiretap debate was about abiding by the standards of the Federal Intelligence Survelliance Act. There is no evidence that this intelligence was gathered by the violation of these standards. Of course kudos goes out to the intelligence community for thwarting this plot. The only point being that this is a victory for American and British intelligence, not for George Bush against the democrats. But of course you are blind to the inflamatory idiocy of CharlesManson, and come in to tell us to grow up, stop whining, etc...

My last point is in reference to your "semi-educated" comment. I really do not want to get into educational pedigree (its not a fair fight) but I would remind you that our finest institutions of higher learning are nothing but breeding grounds for pinko-commie liberal brainwashing...but now you make an attempt at an insult by bringing up education. What do you guys need with an education?
All of your thinking is done for you by a sad collection of talking heads. Thats why you all sound the same and beat that same tired old drum...damn liberal media again...left coast commies...dope smoking university types...first gays are gonna be getting married and then the whole country is gonna go down the tubes...blah blah blah.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

i really try and deflate some of the "tension" in here with a little humor....while trying to make a point here and there....

not everyone appreciates the effort...but that`s cool....i`m glad you get it...

and yes,chad is a good dude....he`s usually fair....and pretty sharp....

i can honestly say...without a moment`s hesitation.....that i wouldn`t give a damn that clinton was caught with 500 republican fbi personal files in the white house....

and i don`t care if sandy burglar was caught stuffing documents from the national archives in his skivvies....

if they were involved in keeping us safe from these nutters,i`d be defending them to the very end....

i don`t see this as a partisan issue....and i don`t believe...not for a second...that bush is interested in getting personal info on my sorry ass....that`s 1st degree left wing bush derangement syndrome in full blown metastasis.........

chad..i`m not ripping anyone....lets all try and think outside the box...at the larger picture...

about another major terrorist attack...and the ramifications that it will have on us all....the economy....jobs...on real civil rights concerns(civil rights that will certainly have to be compromised if we`re hit hard again)...

the clear and present danger...and ease up on the civil rights straw man(which it is...as theres no proof of abuse)...that will put us all in harm`s way....

thank me very much....
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