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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
not the war on terror.....i really don`t care who does the heavy lifting....

i don`t believe the british police needed warrants to investigate those jihadis..

maybe that`s a bridge to far for some libs....i`m of a belief that the constitution isn`t a suicide pact...

and i don`t believe that the founding fathers had any inkling regarding the type of enemy we now face...

every business....every organization stresses flexibility.....adapt or die...


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Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
I heard quite a discussion last night that this thwarting of 9/11 #2 is sure to boost Bush's popularity rating significantly. It was also mentioned that some pundits feel people will be afraid to back democrats for fear of being soft on terrorism. Of course, the source was perhaps biased - Newt. But interesting points nonetheless. Luckily, haven't heard much else regarding this hypothesis.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Some truth in that, ferdville. There will be those that believe the hype, whether merited or not, in many situations. Knowing what you have is less scary that not knowing what you will get. Many vote - and voted - out of fear. Which, in some ways, is understandable. I just wish people would do some research to back up what they think they believe in. A lot of time and events to come before we go to vote for our next President. A lot can happen, good and scarily bad.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Let me qualify that last comment. Knowing what you have FOR MANY is less scary than not knowing what you will get. No way in my mind that things could be more scary with our next president after this one, unless it was Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld. Maybe Jesse Ventura. But that would be kind of fun, too. I need to get away from the computer for a while, methinks...

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Chadman said:
I just wish people would do some research to back up what they think they believe in. A lot of time and events to come before we go to vote for our next President. A lot can happen, good and scarily bad.

unfortunately for you peaceniks, that is what happened in the last election as people found out that John Kerry said things that POW's in Vietnam were tortured for not saying
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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
The lies will be thrown out by Tony Snow and guys like GW and DTB and Freeze will repeat them non-stop. Hopefully, people will be able to tell the difference this time around. That Bush has made the country weaker against terrorism by occupying Iraq. But that remains to be seen.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
how exactly are we "weaker"?

the only way i can see that we are any weaker, is because countries like Iran, China, and N Korea see all the leftist and media whining and complaining about having to fight back all the time


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
dr. freeze said:
unfortunately for you peaceniks, that is what happened in the last election as people found out that John Kerry said things that POW's in Vietnam were tortured for not saying

lol- 'peaceniks.'

Hey Freeze, please list all of the conflicts/wars that we have won since WW11, where we had the USSR taking care of business in the east and nukes taking care of business in the west.

You have plenty to choose from. GO!

You support Iraq? Still? That's funny, but predictable.

Hmmmm...that shows a certain 'deficiency' that weasel spoke of earlier.

BTW- I like your sig, but the 'gossip' that you mention that I provided was from Saved By the Bell, not 90210.

Screech got mugged by a chick!!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
You are joking right? We are weaker by about half a trillion dollars and a deficit that is eating this country alive. Do you think that the terrorist think they can defeat us militarily? They want to bankrupt us. And they are doing a pretty good job of it thank to the Righties in control.
This latest stop just shows unprepared we are. Why are liquids all of a sudden dangerous? What about the rails, the ports, the bridges and anything else they can think of blowing up.
But maybe you are right, we almost have the electricity in Baghdad up to the standard Saddam had it after the Gulf War. What a joke.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
dr. freeze said:
how exactly are we "weaker"?

the only way i can see that we are any weaker, is because countries like Iran, China, and N Korea see all the leftist and media whining and complaining about having to fight back all the time

yes, the media.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
kosar said:
yes, the media.


why does the media focus so much more on our losses than our victories?

why does the media focus so much on deaths abroad and none on deaths at home in our own country?

why do they pick the stories that will demoralize the military and the country about the war?

why are they doctoring photos?

why do guys like Mike Wallace go over there and pl;ay right into the enemies' hands?

why are we not constantly publishing stories to increase morale as we did in WWII when fighting fasciism?

why does the media not focus on the stupidity of not profiling at the airports?
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
CBS Refers to Would-Be Terrorists as 'Martyrs'
Posted by Greg Sheffield on August 11, 2006 - 11:25.
How strong is the word "martyr"? After the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi last June, Aljazeera.net reported that a Jordanian got in trouble for using that word to describe Zarqawi, his former countryman.
Jordan's parliament has condemned an Islamist MP for calling Abu Musab al-Zarqawi a "martyr" and demanded that his party question him and three other members for attending the dead al-Qaida leader's wake.
Mohammed Abu Fares tried to ease the blow of his statement.
He said later that the term did not apply to Jordanians who died in last November's triple hotel blasts in Amman. The attacks were claimed by al-Zarqawi's group.
All this controversy over a word that CBS correspondent Jim Stewart used freely yesterday to describe the would-be plane terrorists who were stopped by the British government.

HARRY SMITH: Many flights were canceled, security was tightened dramatically, and all of that led to long, long lines. CBS News has a team of correspondents covering all the angles of this still developing story. We'll begin in Washington, where Jim Stewart has details of the plot, what it was and when it was to be carried out. Jim:
JIM STEWART:Harry, U.S. counterterrorism officials say the London plotters were as close as a matter of days and no more than two weeks away from launching their suicide attacks when Scotland Yard began rounding them up. They had also--also collected all of the essential elements for their bombs, and they had picked the targets for their transatlantic terror plot.
The attacks were planned against commercial flights on US airlines leaving within about an hour of each other for the most popular American tourist cities. Direct from Heathrow Airport in London to New York, Washington, Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston. Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, investigators say, the martyrs planned to simultaneously explode small chemical bombs made from ingredients in their carry-on luggage.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Oh, I see, Freeze. China, Iran and North Korea are watching our media to base their plan against us. I guess they only watch the "bad" media, and not the highly-rated media like Fox news, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and the like. The leftist media has worse ratings, and yet our real enemies only base their intelligence on leftist wackos and say that is the real pulse of the US. How convenient is that BS logic?

I would say that China is a bit more upscale in intelligence than that. They seem to understand that allowing us to chase all over the world, while supporting those countries that are keeping us busy militarily and financially, is probably a good plan. They understand that they can't allow their people to have a difference of opinion from the dictatorial government view, like we have here, or their plan will not work. They understand that loaning us money and assisting the devaluation of the dollar - while at the same time watching us litterally flush those devalued dollars down a cesspool in Iraq is a good way to move forward in worldwide stature. They understand that our military is stretched out worldwide, our soldiers are tired and frustrated, our people are not being asked to sacrifice - they are actually receiving extra cash (well, the really wealthy ones and the oil company one are, anyway) from the administration in tax breaks while the country is at war for the first time in history.

As for North Korea and Iran, they are smart enough to know how distracted our country is right now, and it's time for them to try their own power plays. They are smart enough to realize how stupid (my opinion) we are for doing what we're doing in Iraq and that evidently we are going to keep doing it. Iran is smart enough to be funding conflicts against us and our ally in Israel to keep us off balance. They are smart enough to be sending insurgents, terrorists, and anyone with a gun or bomb-making ingredients in to Iraq to kill our soldiers.

These countries are too busy studying the obvious idiocy of this administration to watch the news, I offer. We are so busy mired in so many things all at once that they can do pretty much whatever they want. In short, they really don't have to "Knock that sh*t off," as our leader seems to think.

When in doubt, blame the media. But only a few parts of it that fit your BS commentary. Of course the media is one of those nebulous, no referencing terms that cover up the real problems we face. Which are completely being caused by this administration - for reasons I don't think any of us can truly understand.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
dr. freeze said:

why does the media focus so much more on our losses than our victories?

why does the media focus so much on deaths abroad and none on deaths at home in our own country?

why do they pick the stories that will demoralize the military and the country about the war?

why are they doctoring photos?

why do guys like Mike Wallace go over there and pl;ay right into the enemies' hands?

why are we not constantly publishing stories to increase morale as we did in WWII when fighting fasciism?

why does the media not focus on the stupidity of not profiling at the airports?

What losses, and what victories?

What deaths at home in our own country?

What stories are you referring to, the ones where select groups of US soldiers are engaging in the kind of behavior we are supposedly fighting against to a large degree? Acting like the people we are fighting against, and reporting that behavior as being disturbing? Which does give our country some credibility and shows how we as a society are different - better?

You mean why is one freelance photographer photoshopping out dust from his photo so it will be more sellable? You mean why are freelancers trying to make their photos look more clean or impressive to make a buck, and an under deadline news desk person picked one or two of those out of hundreds?

You mean why does one of the most respected interviewers in our nations history gain access to a never before US interviewed worldwide leader to present a picture we've never seen before? And before any of us have seen the interview, you know what the content of it is, and that it will help the enemy?

Maybe people are having a harder time understanding what this administration is doing compared to WWII. At least some of us here think that the two situations are radically different, unlike apparently you do. Most of the country was behind our situation in WWII, for crissakes. Many in our country now simply don't agree with Iraq and this administration, as it is foolish and costly for what they can see as being a benefit to the country. There was no doubt in WWII about the value or the cost of not being a part of it. Iraq?!? Give me a break. And maybe there aren't that many feel good stories out there right now...certainly not ones as galvanizing as the ones in WWII.

And, many parts of the media are focusing on the "stupidity" of the airports situation, although many agree with it. Many libs in here, including myself don't agree with the views of the ACLU and not profiling in air travel situations. But you lump it all together and blame the media with your big paintbrush mentality.

It's easier to blame people not responsible for the situations we're in, than to admit when someone or something you support might be wrong. Or to assess blame on the people reporting on the situations, when the people in charge are to blame.

It's easier to blame people than face the situation sometimes. And with you, it's all the time.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
YUP Media told Bush Arrest these guys now. They are planning things for the future. However MR Pres your ratings are in the tank and this will help you. For sure after that out come against the war in election in Connecticut. WE can help send message to Iran and N Korea we know whats going on. Well at least the Britts did. Dam good thing they told us. Because since 9/11 our security is not heck of a lot better. But we still had to cut the budget for Home Land because of the drain on our cash in Iraq. That wonderful place were so loved. What you say Mr. Pres cut the budget are
you sure. Who should tell the world us or you.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Oh boy by acting earlier then they wanted to. The Britt's Say they may have to put some these guys back on the street. Lack of evidence? To bad if true and our administrations actions helped cause this.
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