Bush Administration finalizing Internet gambling regulations

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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
November 12, 2008

The Bush administration is moving in its last weeks to finalize regulations to enforce a controversial law that seeks to block Internet gambling. The move is drawing hot protests from Democratic lawmakers and supporters of online betting.

"This midnight rulemaking will tie the hands of the new administration, burden the financial services industry at a time of economic crisis and contradict the stated intent of the Financial Services Committee," the committee's chairman, Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., wrote this week to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

Frank asked Paulson to postpone the regulation, which was reviewed by the White House budget office last week, usually a final step before publication in the Federal Register.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said in response Tuesday that "no regulations are being rushed. They are all going through the process and getting the full due diligence required." She said she couldn't comment specifically on the Internet gambling rule because it was not yet final.

At issue is a law Congress passed hastily in 2006 when Senate Republicans, pushed by then-Majority Leader Bill Frist, attached it to an unrelated port security bill in a rush of year-end legislation. The law sought to curb online gambling by prohibiting financial institutions from accepting payments from credit cards, checks or electronic fund transfers to settle online wagers.

The result has been a cascade of disputes because the law didn't offer a clear definition of Internet gambling, instead referring to existing federal and state laws which themselves provoke differing interpretations.

Banks, credit unions and others have protested about being put in the position of enforcing an unclear law complicated by the difficulty of determining where payments are going and the fact that online betting businesses can disguise themselves with relative ease.

Officials with the Treasury and Federal Reserve testified before Frank's committee earlier this year that they struggled to write the implementing regulation because of the law's vagueness. The regulation they proposed would require designated payment systems to establish procedures to identify and prohibit Internet gambling transactions. The regulation doesn't attempt a definition of illegal online gambling.

Frank's committee passed legislation in September to block the regulation and instead require rulemaking to define the term "unlawful Internet gambling."

The bill never passed the House, and the Treasury Department sent over its proposed final rule for review by the White House budget office late last month.

"It is irresponsible for the Bush administration to rush through a fundamentally flawed regulation that even representatives of the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve have stated on record is unworkable," said Jeffrey Sandman, spokesman for the Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative, which represents online gambling groups.

Sandman's group and Democratic lawmakers are also making an issue of the alleged involvement of a former NFL lobbyist, William Wichterman, who was appointed by Bush in April as special assistant to the president and deputy director of public liaison.

Betting on fantasy sports is not viewed by law enforcement as illegal gambling and the NFL has supported Congress' ban. In a letter to the White House counsel last week, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., asked for details on Wichterman's involvement in developing the proposed rule and contended that "the appearance of a conflict of interest is undeniable."

Perino said that Wichterman "appropriately sought and received clearance from ethics officers to be able to work on this rule." She declined to comment beyond that.

-- AP

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
sounds like pockets are getting greased again to push this through. aren't there any MORE important things this country faces and need attention? fucking hypocrites!!


Forum Member
Jan 8, 2004
Hey Jack,
Don't you think it is funny that William Wichterman an NFL lobbist would be in favor of this... the TV rating would almost be cut in half on most games. I mean what would be the point of watching San Fran vs Arizona in the big markets if this was passed?

Just a royal pain in the arse.

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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
why would it"tie the hands" of the new administration" and a democrat congress?...

if the president can push it through without having the house pass it,why wouldn`t this just be extremely temporary until the democrats undue it?.... pass another law?...

it sounds so convoluted,that there probably no way it could be enforced given the "vague" nature of the bill.....this happened in 2006 and it`s still on the drawing board?...

the house didn`t pass it yet it still gets pushed through?....how?...executive order?...

if thats the case,bock can just zap it after he takes office, just like stem cells and oil drilling on feceral lands stuff he already plans to do away with......

theres alot missing from this story...sounds like political b.s...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
it did pass the house...from 2006....

""(CBS/AP) The House passed legislation Tuesday that would prevent gamblers from using credit cards to bet online and could block access to gambling Web sites.

The legislation would clarify and update current law to spell out that most gambling is illegal online. But there would be exceptions ? for state-run lotteries and horse racing ? and passage isn't a safe bet in the Senate, where Republican leaders have not considered the measure a high priority.

The House voted 317-93 for the bill, which would allow authorities to work with Internet providers to block access to gambling Web sites. ""

damn...not only republicans,but an awful lot of dems voted for this bill...

and this update...this is good news..


jackson...i wouldn`t get to upset about this...with bock in the wh and a dem congress....not to mention all the trouble the banking industry is having,i doubt that this will become much of an issue...

it looks like dueling bills,with the dem congress and obama having the last say...

i don`t think enforcing a ban on internet gambling is high on the priority list of the obama administration...:toast:
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
why?...this thing isn`t gonna change anything...even if it happens(which i seriously doubt)...

why get jack all worked up for nothing?

i'm not "worked up". i've been reading about that for several weeks now :shrug:
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
damn agent...i disagree with bush on this myself....:shrug:

but i doubt that this has any sea-legs with barney frank and the crew making this an issue...and the fact that the dems are in control for 4 years(at least)...

we have bigger fish to fry..

what i don`t get is that house vote 317-93 in favor of this in 2006?......i`d like to know which dems went along with this bill..
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
a tidbit...convicted felon/lobbyist/republican hack(hope you enjoyed that agent) jack abramoff did significant lobbying against this bill...

this thing`s all over the map....strange bedfellows...
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
damn agent...i disagree with bush on this myself....:shrug:

but i doubt that this has any sea-legs with barney frank and the crew making this an issue...and the fact that the dems are in control for 4 years(at least)...

we have bigger fish to fry..

what i don`t get is that house vote 317-93 in favor of this in 2006?......i`d like to know which dems went along with this bill..

they voted with the bill because it was attached to the port security bill and they pretty much HAD to vote it in.

some crooks (FRIST) found a way to attach it to a completely unrelated bill. assholes!


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
they voted with the bill because it was attached to the port security bill and they pretty much HAD to vote it in.

some crooks (FRIST) found a way to attach it to a completely unrelated bill. assholes!

that`s why all these earmarks and the underhanded practice of attaching unrelated crap to bills at the last minute should be stopped dead...

but,don`t expect this administration to do any more about it than the last...

that`s why all these jackholes leave office millionaires(from both sides of the aisle)...

being a congresscritter is a license to print money..

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
that`s why all these earmarks and the underhanded practice of attaching unrelated crap to bills at the last minute should be stopped dead...

but,don`t expect this administration to do any more about it than the last...

that`s why all these jackholes leave office millionaires(from both sides of the aisle)...

being a congresscritter is a license to print money..

Keep talkin Sista, I'm starting to warm up to ya. :eek:
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Forum Member
Sep 8, 2005
Birmingham, AL
that`s why all these earmarks and the underhanded practice of attaching unrelated crap to bills at the last minute should be stopped dead...

but,don`t expect this administration to do any more about it than the last...

that`s why all these jackholes leave office millionaires(from both sides of the aisle)...

being a congresscritter is a license to print money..

then nothing would get voted through :shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Somebody please explain

Somebody please explain

The difference between Fantasy Football, Online Poker, and Online Sports Wagering....

My understanding of gambling is it involves a wager based on unpredictable outcomes, in which a person's own skill does not play a role in the outcome of the bet.

Fantasy Football is deemed a "skill" activity, as you have to pick the right players and they have to perform as you think they will.

How is that different that betting on an NFL team?

And Poker? It has already been documented many, many times that the skill of the player is so important in winning...

I just don't get it.......