Bush Must Resign Now!!


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Jun 18, 2002
"Secretary Rumsfeld and I agreed that sometimes it's necessary to have a fresh perspective," Bush said in the abrupt announcement during a post election news conference

After 5 years of telling us things are going good in Iraq. That he has a plan and his plan is working.

It is obvious now that he lied. Why else would there be a need for a "new perspective" if things are going as good as Bush and Cheney say.

Waiting for the Neocon Apologists to defend this admission that things are not going good and the course is not the right one.


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Nov 9, 2000

i'm only answering you because of my respect for you...but come on...you sound like some of the loons that i see on the news & that have infested this & other forums...

a president of the us should definitely not resign because of an unpopular war.....otherwise lincoln should have stepped down also because the civil war was unpopular on both sides......& please don't think i'm comparing bush to lincoln.

successful people(& i would like to think that the pres. of the u.s. is a successful person) never backs away from something because it's not working.....they try to fix it.....

and after listening to the news for most of the day....i believe baker, & socroft (sp ?) are playing active parts behind the scenes...

but bush should definitely not step down....

danmurphy jr

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Sep 14, 2004
Can't happen, he would be tried for war crimes quicker than a Taco fart. Then his successor would have to pardon the whole bunch.
As it is ,he has to pardon Libby, Cunningham, Abramoff, etal


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

i'm only answering you because of my respect for you...but come on...you sound like some of the loons that i see on the news & that have infested this & other forums...

a president of the us should definitely not resign because of an unpopular war.....otherwise lincoln should have stepped down also because the civil war was unpopular on both sides......& please don't think i'm comparing bush to lincoln.

successful people(& i would like to think that the pres. of the u.s. is a successful person) never backs away from something because it's not working.....they try to fix it.....

and after listening to the news for most of the day....i believe baker, & socroft (sp ?) are playing active parts behind the scenes...

but bush should definitely not step down....

I'm with you, Al. I hope the Dems and Prez work together. I hope congress learns from the lessons of the Lewinski travesty that kept Clinton from doing his job during a crucial 2 years.

Most of the new Dems are fairly moderate and they know their constituants would rather see cooperation than a crusade against Bush. It could be a productive 2 years if congress is not spiteful.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006

i'm only answering you because of my respect for you...but come on...you sound like some of the loons that i see on the news & that have infested this & other forums...

a president of the us should definitely not resign because of an unpopular war.....otherwise lincoln should have stepped down also because the civil war was unpopular on both sides......& please don't think i'm comparing bush to lincoln.

successful people(& i would like to think that the pres. of the u.s. is a successful person) never backs away from something because it's not working.....they try to fix it.....

and after listening to the news for most of the day....i believe baker, & socroft (sp ?) are playing active parts behind the scenes...

but bush should definitely not step down....

What in gods name are you talking about successful people with this joke of a president? He ran business after business into the ground when he wasn't a politician. He bankrupt Texas just like he does everywhere he goes. Is this what you call successful? He started a war and has padded a bunch of war profiteers under the guise of freedom and it doesn't bother him a bit. Is this what successful guys do? This pig should be strung up by a rope along with that thief of a Vice president who was doing business with Iran when we had sanctions on them. Why not look thru clear glasses for a change instead of the Red ones the GOP assigns to you. Successful people give me a freaking break. This collection of thieves hasn't been successful in one thing but spending tax payer's money for their profit. Show me where Cheney and Bush have made one dime that wasn't tax payer backed in their pathetic lives. Only thing i can think of with Bush is the Texas Rangers. Daddy's friends got him that little gig. Okay i can agree with you with one thing. If making money is your way of thinking people are successful than you are right. They have made a boat load of money. The way they made it each and every time was dispicable.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Am I correct Stevie in that you are from Mass and wanting someone outside your state to resign? May I suggest you need to do a little "in house" cleaning 1st.

MA - U.S. Senate
100% Precincts Reporting
Edward Kennedy (i) Democrat 1,497,304 (69%)

Ken Chase Republican 658,374 (31%)

MA - U.S. House - District 4
Polls Close at 8:00PM EST *
Barney Frank (i) Democrat -


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Al, this has nothing to do with the war being unpopular. It has to do with the fact that he has us immersed in this occupation and it has been bungled the whole way. Not only has it been bungles but he has consistently lied to us all along the way. Many men have given life and limbs and this guy goes on lying. We were not attacked by Iraq and they were not a threat to us. This is something that was done on his timetable and we were still not prepared.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I'm with you, Al. I hope the Dems and Prez work together. I hope congress learns from the lessons of the Lewinski travesty that kept Clinton from doing his job during a crucial 2 years.

Most of the new Dems are fairly moderate and they know their constituants would rather see cooperation than a crusade against Bush. It could be a productive 2 years if congress is not spiteful.

Cmon smurph what you hope that works and what is gonna happen are two different things. Even before the tallies were in that scumbag Delay was talking about a Lame duck house. Did you forget what they did to Clinton? All that petty shit they pulled with Clinton and now they are gonn turn into good americans. Im sure right now they are thinking of ways to screw the Dems. These are power hungry people. You don't all the sudden start listening to people who you kept completely shut out. He might listen to them about Iraq because its a complete mess.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
anyone from Massachusetts criticizing anyone other than their own two gaffes for senators has no credibility whatsoever

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Am I correct Stevie in that you are from Mass and wanting someone outside your state to resign? May I suggest you need to do a little "in house" cleaning 1st.

MA - U.S. Senate
100% Precincts Reporting
Edward Kennedy (i) Democrat 1,497,304 (69%)

Ken Chase Republican 658,374 (31%)

MA - U.S. House - District 4
Polls Close at 8:00PM EST *
Barney Frank (i) Democrat -

This just shows the people of Mass love the Kennedy's because unlike everyone you pledge your cluelessness too ,these people (Kennedy's)work for the Mass people. As for Barney Frank? Another guy who works for the people. the Kennedy's gave two sons to this country and your buddies give nothing but grief and massive budget deficits.


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Al, this has nothing to do with the war being unpopular. It has to do with the fact that he has us immersed in this occupation and it has been bungled the whole way. Not only has it been bungles but he has consistently lied to us all along the way. Many men have given life and limbs and this guy goes on lying. We were not attacked by Iraq and they were not a threat to us. This is something that was done on his timetable and we were still not prepared.


do you know what kind of message that sends to our enemies.....come on you can't be serious.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
anyone from Massachusetts criticizing anyone other than their own two gaffes for senators has no credibility whatsoever

Freeze do me a favor? If you are gonna actually become a doctor start your practice in the south. We here in the East hide our bad doctors down south when they repeatedly make huge mistakes.
Again the Kerry remark was a dig at the president and not the troops. You thinking it was still about the troops makes me wonder what kind of doctor you will be. I wouldn't go to you if you offered me your services for free with that ridiculous mindset you tend to carry. What school are you going to anyway the Fox Medical school?

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006

do you know what kind of message that sends to our enemies.....come on you can't be serious.

yeah it means to them that their single biggest recruitment tool would be out of office. A guy that has help them recruit terrorist from all around the world.


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Jun 18, 2002
Freeze and Dogs refuse to stay on topic and defend Bush and their war. Most likely because they can't defend Bush after this latest admission of guilt.

Al, that is a terrible thing to say. That we must be somehow strengthening our enemies by discussing this dreadful war. I know a bunch of Right Wingers started that argument but if we can't discuss the war then as far as I am concerned then the enemy has won. Besides, I am of the belief that the enemy loves the fact that we are spending billions of dollars a month over there rather than defending our borders. The way the Muslim population is growing in Montreal we have to be careful up their too. This whole thing has spun out of control under the Neocon watch.


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Nov 9, 2000

i didn't say that the american people can't discuss the war....i said it sends a bad message if bush resigns.


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Nov 4, 2000
I agree Bush threw a fig leaf out by replacing Rummy. Now if Cheney would just go sit in a room for two years. Lets face it he got some bad advice. Bush can work with new congress and Senate and get more done then he could with some of his old reb's. This could work well for many more then people think.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I agree Bush threw a fig leaf out by replacing Rummy. Now if Cheney would just go sit in a room for two years. Lets face it he got some bad advice. Bush can work with new congress and Senate and get more done then he could with some of his old reb's. This could work well for many more then people think.

It could work but it won't. All the sudden these guys are suppose to turn into angels? They lied about going to war and conned 80 percent of this country and now we start all over agains and think they are somehow gonna turn into something to help this country? Cmon guys. We finally get some control and now we are gonna lose our senses? These are very scummy characters. To think all is well now is foolish. Just watch one interview with Tom Delay to see what im talking about. He is scheming and scamming already. We (well not me) already fell for this sham of a war lets not start laying back thinking all the sudden these guys are gonna change. Its wishful thinking.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
sponge, let it go. we got our election. now's the time for moderation and centrist thinking. your attitude will get us nowhere.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Al, the message it would send to our enemies would be one of fear. Once again, let me explain that I am of the belief that Bush has played right into the hands of our enemies by fighting exactly the type of war that they want. Therefore, by replacing the Neocon's with anybody else would send fear to out enemies. You notice they have attacked since 9/11. How hard is it to put a bomb in a suitcase and blow up a subway, or a bus, or a mall or anything that would instill terror. Thimk about it.
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
sponge, let it go. we got our election. now's the time for moderation and centrist thinking. your attitude will get us nowhere.

thinking these guys are somehow gonna do what's best for the country has gotten us nowhere and to think they will change will get us nowhere. Will see who is right.
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