Bush Must Resign Now!!


Say Parlay
Forum Member


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
"Bush Must Resign Now!! "

who was caught under the desk?...:shrug: ....

did bushitler tear a tag off a mattress?


i guess this is the "new direction" they have planned.....

but,if you`re gonna do this thing, it should be over bush's "immigration" policy which threatens the security and stability of our union....

ask yourselves this one,gents....ask yourself why we were we required to have our splendid little war in kosovo....why we were required to go in there and what good resulted from our intensive bombing of the country?....removing a dictator?...stopping slaughter?...sounds familiar..

it was "clean" though....guess that counts for something....

why was it was okay to go there without u.n.persmission but not iraq, and why serb (and other balkan) civilian deaths didn't matter, but iraqi deaths do?.....

bring it on........it'll keep their monkey-wrenches away from the real machinery.......

btw....i noticed that old liz holtzman has crawled out of her crypt to start agitating again.....she's one of those nyc ubermoonbats trying to relive 1974 over again.....

she looks as if she's been drenched in formaldehyde.......

she could challenge the winner of the maddy albright/helen thomas run-off for the title of ugliest woman alive.....
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Weasel, most of what you write is BS so let me ask you a question. If Iraq is going as good as you seem to think it is why did Bush can Rummy and say we need a new perspective?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
sponge, you are a complete moron as you prove time and time again. You don't know chit about the South. I would call you an elitist, but you're too fawking stupid for that.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
uhhh,stevie..... how can gwb be chimpeached? he was never elected, right?....lol

you ask,"why did bush can rummy?"...and i ask"why AFTER the elections?"..:shrug: ....

because, he`s a lame duck and he`s a democratic whim away from being knee deep in subpoenas....he`s trying to play nice..,

my questions....bushy wants open borders..why?.(because he has stock in some new "tuberculosis treatment centers?)..:shrug:

border patorl officers jailed for doing their jobs....the mexican drug dealer who they shot, arrested on drug charges during the trial while out on bail and the arrest covered up.....:shrug:

american bounty hunter hunted down on orders form the mexican drug cartels....:shrug:

our borders open to "ones of terror" this very day.. the ms-13 working with terrorists...crossing with ease, the coyote's pay off local law enforcement now.....

trans texas highway, "taking" americans land and property for a spanish company`s profit for 50 years....:shrug:

the courts taking anyone`s property for "another`s profit"....:shrug:

the dubai ports sell out....:shrug:

the arrest and trial of americans for putting
panties on terrorist`s heads......:shrug:

harriet myers?:scared

yeah..i`m tired of him...i mean,why would conservatives be happy with bush?...what else do WE need , a two by four up side the head?

..the guy`s no conservative..

if all you really want is revenge for impeaching the"semen stain-in-chief", impeach the idiot..........and screw yourself of of the presidency in "08"....but,do it for the right reasons...

look...if the dems really think that bush started an illegal war...even though many of them voted for it....then,cut the funding...period...

you don`t have to put the country through the whole impeachment thing..paralyze the gov`t......i`ve heard you guys screaming about the wasted time and expense that was a result of the clinton debacle....

and i agree with you..it was pathetic...

that`s all it takes....do the viet nam thing....that stops it....

show some sac...do something...but,that means taking a stance...and possible repercussions...

now you have to make decisions....and that`s hard work...and dangerous to your asperations in "08"...
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
sponge, you are a complete moron as you prove time and time again. You don't know chit about the South. I would call you an elitist, but you're too fawking stupid for that.

i knew that doctor comment would dig u out of the basement. The sad part, its true. One of the leading heart and Lung centers in the world is about 40 minutes from my house. I know a few people who work there and they have told me about two doctors that were shipped south for a couple terrible mistakes. They are basically being hidden. I could even give you their names but i won't. You can believe what you want but i know the facts. Maybe you work with them.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Weasal i actually agree with you on immigration. Your boy wants them here for cheap labor and the Dems for votes. Both pathetic. Id throw them all out. Illegal is the key word here.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Weasel, the war is Bush's. So don't go trying to blame the party that was not in power for it. Don't even blame the true Republicans. It is the Neocon's who are to blame. How to end it? I dunno. That is what makes it a mess. Bush's mess. that we all have to pay for.
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