Cameron Diaz Election Scare: 'If You Think Rape Should Be Legal, Then


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Matt Drudge
Thu Sep 30 2004

Quote: On Oprah's Wednesday 'voting party' show featuring important celebrities like P. Diddy (Vote or Die!), Drew Barrymore and Christina Aguilera, svelte suffragette Cameron Diaz took to shock tactics to get the female vote out.

After a discussion with Oprah on lynching and the vote, Diaz spoke of the dire consequences for women if they sit out this election:

Ms. DIAZ: We have a voice now, and we're not using it, and women have so much to lose. I mean, we could lose the right to our bodies. We
could lo--if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote. But if you think that you have a right to your body, and you have a right to say what happens to you and fight off that danger of losing that, then you should vote, and those are the...

WINFREY: It's your voice.

I don't know about Christina Aguilera, but I know for sure that P. Diddy, Drew Barrymore, and Cameron Diaz have all publicly addressed their disapproval of George W. Bush. During last election, Barrymore & Diaz went on MTV's "Total Request Live" sporting matching t-shirts that read I WON'T VOTE FOR A SON OF A BUSH!

I'm around the age for whom these celebrity voting drives are particularly directed to. But at this point, I'm becoming convinced that these people are deep down, presenting thinly vealed commercials to vote Democratic (a la MTV's "Rock the Vote" campaigns dating back to 1992). I'm willing to bet that there wouldn't been such an alarmist sense of activism if it was just like for instance, 1996 when it was pretty much a shoe-in that Clinton was going to easily get reelected.

In terms of this voter campaigns supposedly being "non-partisan" here's some quotes from P. Diddy Combs concerning the upcoming election:

Sean "P. Diddy" Combs wants voters to turn out in full force this year and remove current president George W. Bush from the oval office.

Combs, who accepted the Patrick Lippert Award at this year's 11th Annual Rock the Vote Awards, said that Bush was not the man to lead the United States.

"[We gotta] get Bush's ass up out that office," Combs said. "If you don?t agree with me, you got your right to go to the polls and represent him."

Combs said that the next president, Republican or Democrat, must care about the needs of young people.

"I honestly feel like the president we have in office today, he doesn?t care about young people," Combs continued. "He doesn?t care about minorities, and he does not, I don?t know if he feels it everyday, if he feels the pain, that the mothers and the fathers are feeling of all of those lost soldiers that are being reported everyday."

Combs said he would vote for a candidate that was a "good person, that has a good heart and that doesn't turn his back on the people."

Combs also said if change was to be made, people would have to do more than just be registered to vote.

"We gonna have a party at the polls. On serious note, I don?t like the way its going down right now, and I have a chance to change it, just like all of you do

Getting back to the subject of Cameron Diaz, here are some examples of what Cameron Diaz had to say about the previous election in the year 2000 (since these celebrity voter drives are supposedly "non-partisan"): Cameron Diaz on Bush and the 2000 Election
Published on 03/06/02 at 03:32:21 GMT by Webmaster

This election is the most important election that has come upon our nation in recent history and will effect not only our current economics but the planet we live on. I'm talking about the actual soil from which we take our food, the water that gives every organism its gift of life, the air that we...well, I am sure I don't have to tell everyone how important oxygen is to our existence. But wouldn't it be nice to have someone who actually cares about the quality of our one intangible lifesource. We need someone who will not be swayed by big business into compromising our environmental integrity. We cannot ignore this issue. Nor can we ignore the fact that we are dangerously close to losing the basis of our nation's greatness. The right to choose. The right to have a choice. Having a choice is something we cannot take for granted. This country was built on the fundamental idea that all humans should have a right to choose. Our history shows that it has been a great struggle to make that statement true. Why do we want to move backwards? If we take away a woman's right to have safe abortion, we are doing every American a disservice. If that right can be taken away, what other rights are we endangering? We must trust that the decision not to have a child is not a thoughtless one. That the women and men who are faced with the decision will make the right choice. It is our right inherently, the government protects that right and I think it is insulting, degrading and violating for anyone to tell a woman what she can do with her body. If there is any one reason why a woman should vote, it should be to protect her body.

And for the future of our children, the only way to ensure that not only our country, but our planet will be able to sustain their lives and the lives of their children, is to educate. Why not strive to be not just the strongest country, but the smartest? We must give every child an education that they can use. One that equips them not only academically, but gives them the ability to function as productive members of society. Taking the federal government out of education leaves education up to local means. Meaning the wealthy can take care of the wealthy and the poor are still left without resources. It is important that no child is left to fend for him or herself just because they are not privileged enough to live in an affluent area. We cannot make the quality of education an issue of class.

Whenever I read this I keep thinking of the 'Hair Dressing' scene from "Something About Mary."


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Protester Says She Prefers 'Serial Rapist' to George Bush
By Marc Morano Senior Staff Writer
October 01, 2004

Coral Gables, Florida ( - A protester declared Thursday evening that she would rather vote for a "serial rapist than George Bush" during a rally just outside of the University of Miami campus where the first presidential debate was held.

"I would vote for a serial rapist [rather] than George Bush," said Elizabeth Mercedes in an interview with several hours before the debate began.

"I am very scared if [Bush] gets elected again, very scared," said Mercedes, who identified herself as a Democrat. Hundreds of anti-war activists and supporters of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry lined the roadway leading to the debate site with signs and banners.

This is not the first time that protesters have linked voting and/or President Bush to rape. On September 1, a featured performer at a National Organization for Women rally in Central Park during the GOP convention in New York City accused President Bush of having "savagely raped " women "over and over" by allegedly stealing the 2000 presidential election.

At that New York rally, poet Molly Birnbaum said from the podium, "Imagine a way to erase that night four years ago when you (President Bush) savagely raped every pandemic woman over and over with each vote you got, a thrust with each state you stole."

During Thursday night's pre-debate protest, Mercedes said that many American voters have been "brainwashed" into supporting Bush.

"I think the majority of the American people just watch what's on TV and they don't research more into the issues. They don't read the newspapers, they just watch what's on TV and they believe everything that's on TV. I am sorry to say, but they are brainwashed," Mercedes said.

"I think half of the country knows what's gong on and is awake, the other half is just going with the flow," she said. "The American people are not as educated as the rest of the world."

A contingent of protesters carried 76 flag draped coffins to illustrate the death toll from the Iraq war in the month of September.

Deborah Smith of the Opt Out Project of Palm Beach said she came out to promote and an "anti-war message." Bush and Kerry failed to inspire her because "neither candidate is promising that they will end the war in Iraq," Smith said.

Maybe they ought to 'Look' around before throwing around such accusations. Page through this...

Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

C'mon, man. You're bringing out all of the liberal wackos (who, by the way, don't come close to representing the true values of most liberals) to make democrats look bad. You also don't bring up my beloved World Wrestling Entertainment, a notoriously conservative company that has a strong voter registration campaign aimed directly at getting their 18 to 35 year old core fanbase to vote and vote Republican.

I'll agree with the general message that these voter registration campaigns are generally partisan. I'll also agree that a majority of these campaigns aim to get more democratic votes. That said, the characterization in the article was one-sided and unfair.


Forum Member
Appreciate your point of view Nick and wasn't trying to slant just the 'left.' I post a lot of articles that I think should be read, whether or not I agree. Will only say that I didn't put words in Cameron's mouth. And from the previuos post

New Gallup poll:

42% of Americans still believe that Saddam helped Al-Qaeda plan 9/11.

32% of Americans believe that Saddam personally planned 9/11.

How many of those polled were from Berkely?
P.S.-I may have a different opinion, but I don't think I'll parade naked in the street and/or drive a 'Bat Car' to protest. *sarcasm mode - OFF*
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Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Yeah, I think you see things pretty straight, but it just bugs me when you post certain things that really showcases the wacko segment of liberals. I know there are plenty of media outlets like Da Ali G Show and to a lesser extent The Daily Show that do the same thing to wacko conservatives, so maybe I shouldn't let it get to me so much. I'll admit it's probably the fact that I lean liberal on most political issues that this stuff ticks me off sometimes.


Forum Member
Thats not my intent at all Nick. Really surprises me cause I'd never have thought that. I hate strict rules and such, but I really don't know how else to combat Terrorism. You must admit its pretty wild to think what the Taliban would think about that Berkely
Parade. Have to admit we do circle the wagons when needed. Wasn't it EAE or some Bible-thumper who started flaming Dr. Freeze when even Kosar came to Dr.'s rescue. I think he said something about Dr. being a wacko- but he's our wacko.
Look @ the big picture Nick and let me know if I am getting too personal or myopic. (Hey thats sounds important) Will try to get more info out there...Chan


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Who gives a flying shit about what a celebrity thinks. If you need a Hollywood liberal or a rockstar to make your decisions for you then you have bigger problems than you could ever imagine.


Forum Member
Who gives a flying shit about what a celebrity thinks. If you need a Hollywood liberal or a rockstar to make your decisions for you then you have bigger problems than you could ever imagine.

I've heard who gives a sh*t or who gives a flying f*ck, but never who gives a flying sh*t. Guess I ought ta get out more often. You too Mr Manson-Oh wait strike that.

pirate fan

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2002
I think we all realize that each side has its own wackos. I appreciate this forum for what it is and even though I disagree with other points of views, how will you ever understand where the other side of the issue is coming from if you don't listen to them. Everyone (except for WR, his posts are worthless) contributes ideas, discussion, and view points. I appreciate all the articles, cut and paste stuff along with actual words. Like CM, I really don't give a whatever you want to call it about Hollywood but they appeal to the young people who choose not to think for themselves. I think they are easily influenced and MTV, Michael Moore, and so on use their popularity to push their agenda. I worry that the younger people in this country don't understand what a great country we live in and the sacrifice that went into it by many lives given. It is taken for granted and that is wrong and unfortunate. It may influence the vote, wrong direction as far as I'm concerned. If they are educated and voting by thinking for themselves, great, that is the way it should be and I can respect that.
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