Can the Environment survive another Bush term?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
ocelot said:

You have GOT to be kidding.

nope, I'm dead serious. If the environment was so bad, we wouldn't have 2 species (whitetail deer, turkeys) in ABUNDANCE (just ask madjack) where they were rare or nonexistent in the same areas in the 60s. Please explain that. I would say there's probably nobody on this forum that is in the outdoors and wild more than me. Notbody tells me how to think, I can look around and think for myself.

Please give me some specifics where the environment is suffering or dying. Not generalizations, but specifics.

slim pickins

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2002
SixFive said:
Please give me some specifics where the environment is suffering or dying. Not generalizations, but specifics.

A local cbs news affiliate out of Seattle ran a one hour special last week, "Troubled Waters in the Puget Sound" . Being essentailly a closed marine system, all the toxins and chemicals being dumped in the Puget Sound have increased algae growth, depleting oxygen and causing massive marine life kills in the lower Puget Sound. Very disturbing. The point being made that most of this is due population increase which is harder to control than point sources from Industry.

I saw a good documentary on Canadian TV by UBC professor Dr. Suzuki last year called Sacred Balance. In it was shown a time-lapse sequence taken from the vantage point of space over the last ten thousand years. Each millennium passes in one minute. For the first 7 minutes the movie looks like more like a still photo as nothing changes. Gradually, as time progresses, forests and greenery begin to disappear in parts of Europe, Central America, China and India. 12 seconds from the end, representing 2 centuries ago, the thinning spreads more intensely. With 6 seconds to go, eastern north America is deforested. As the remaining 3 seconds tick off it looks as if a plague of locusts has descended on the planet.

Dr. Suzuki also made the point that population increase is one of th main culprits.

To say that environmental degradation is non-existent seems delusional. (Not meant as an Ad-hominem).


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
In it was shown a time-lapse sequence taken from the vantage point of space over the last ten thousand years.

There was a camera in space ten thousand years ago? :rolleyes:

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the area of forests in the world are at an all time high thanks to the growth of the Black Forest in not be deceived by someone who has to write a good story in order to get their research funded


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Drinking water is being depleted. The Florida Aquifer is already beyond recovery. The population grows thus more water will be needed. China's arable land is depleting. Global Warming is now breaking out of its range and heading up sharply. Numerous forecasting models all project the temperature globally to rise 3-5 degrees within 100 years. Yeah, there are no problems. Dream on in your good ship lollipop.


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Nov 4, 2000
We have water problems and that is true. Many believe water will be what we fight over in the future not oil. Skin Cancer is at all time high rate. Doc should know that. If no ask your own doc and they will tell you why. Why do we need skin creams that are numbers in the 30's and higher. Back in the 50/60's you just needed some cream of any kind. You see that ozone level up there in the sky has been depleted by us folks down here. And yes there still is a hole in the ozone down by Chilie. Steps that were taken over last 18 years have helped stop some of that spreading. But to just drop those efforts is dead wrong. And yes thin out the brush in our forest. Even cut the dead trees out. But we dont need to cut the trees them selfs in the old growth forest. They dont start the fire. It's the chit down by there bases that needs to be cleaned.
Oil will end up being a joke some day. Right now the only way we seems to be able to help ourselfs is drill and drill. To bad we dont put more money into the real future. Japan and China will and leave us behind if we dont get some new thinkers in DC. Oil is gone in 35/40 years. At least all but 10% that we know about.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
I certainly enjoyed these cool days in SoCal lately. Future so bright I have to wear shades. :scared
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