What about a bad spot on a tire?
nahhh had that problem occur several times used tires belts broke and van would ride like it being pushed from side .lol twice i stopped and got out to see WTF was happening swearing it was drivers side.
NOT the passenger side tire was so busted that a 3 foot bulge occured while i was delivering for chinese rest around my corner.
This kept happening on these used tires and destroyed my front end sway bar support bar and other joints.
Finally did final two both passnger cost me $90 to buy and get mounted Van rode great then.
However the joints were almost busted off. When getting fixed i was shocked the main lower arm joint that connected to top wheel passneger i could wiggle it with my pinky finger.
So after all that work was done i only enjoyed the POS Windstar for 2 more months then as true old fords do ..
Found on Road dead head gasket went but the mo fo didnt over heat while sitting still.
Sold for scrap got top price of $250 :mj07:
past two years so many reapirs were done almost every month.
$65 $85 $650 $35 $45 $55 $150 final two months total $450 it was like paying for the POS twice original price was $1800