carter snubs the clintons video....whoa...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
given their respective presidencies,looks to me like carter is oblivious to his place in history(among other things)......

/blue on blue

I have to agree with you on carter, does he remind you of any/recent president ? :rolleyes: I can see a 41/clinton thing developing between 43 & carter...... birds of a feather..... hw was average, clinton was average.... carter was awful, little bush was god awful.....maybe jimma's to good for gw.. maybe that's what jimmy needs to turn his life around, put a little sunshine in his heart......a friend that understands.... These two could sit around and argue about who was the better president..... Maybe that is what jimmy carter really needs.. someone to feel superior to, who isn't smart enought to know he's inferior... sounds like a win, win.....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
it`s true what they say about looking back on presidencies...

i now look at bill clinton quite fondly(i always thought the whole monica thing was a HUGE mistake and is responsible in part,for the uber-partisan tone across the country).....

he made mistakes(the chinese,the military)as all presidents do,but all in all for a democrat president,i would welcome him back as we speak....

i`m actually glad that hillary is secretary of state.....if she would lose the universal healthcare schtick,i could actually get with the program.....

i hope and pray that the mistake that ultra--liberal obama made when appointing so many clinton sycophants(similar to bush leaving so many clintonites in important appointments in the justice dept and the cia leading to crucial leaks to the nyt`s and other underhanded crap) has some effect on steering him more toward the middle....

best case scenario would be that these clintonistas will turn on him when the time is right....destroying bock for 2012.....

i doubt that hillary`s given up on being president...and i doubt that she`ll be the same force at almost 70 years of age as she might still be in 4 years (if obama stumbles badly).....


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
leaving so many clintonites in important appointments in the justice dept and the cia leading to crucial leaks to the nyt`s and other underhanded crap) has some effect on steering him more toward the middle....


this is the main problem with you neocons.

your so worried about the left and right and middle

instead of the best decision made for Americans

get this the program and stop thinking like dtb !

Geez Louise !


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
it`s true what they say about looking back on presidencies...

i now look at bill clinton quite fondly(i always thought the whole monica thing was a HUGE mistake and is responsible in part,for the uber-partisan tone across the country).....

he made mistakes(the chinese,the military)as all presidents do,but all in all for a democrat president,i would welcome him back as we speak....

i`m actually glad that hillary is secretary of state.....if she would lose the universal healthcare schtick,i could actually get with the program.....

i hope and pray that the mistake that ultra--liberal obama made when appointing so many clinton sycophants(similar to bush leaving so many clintonites in important appointments in the justice dept and the cia leading to crucial leaks to the nyt`s and other underhanded crap) has some effect on steering him more toward the middle....

best case scenario would be that these clintonistas will turn on him when the time is right....destroying bock for 2012.....

i doubt that hillary`s given up on being president...and i doubt that she`ll be the same force at almost 70 years of age as she might still be in 4 years (if obama stumbles badly).....

scooter & cheney those liberals, had nothing to do with, forget the leaks, it was a flood to the NYT's.... LEAKS ?????? what a fucking joke ! all the leaks from the bush administration were authorized or they would have never happened... was there anyone ever fired because of a leak.... if so those were leaks...everthing else was bush/cheney propaganda..... if after the first so called leak in the Obama administration and no one is cut off at the knees, then we will know what the game is.... Its not that hard to follow.... keep up !!!
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