Championship Sunday action already in!!

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
BobbyBlueChip said:
The last time Scott showed his football acumen, he talked about the great passing offense of the Air Force. I'm not sure he even watches the games.

who wins, it will be a rout.

nice picking a side there Bobby. You always seem to be able to come in and say things like your speaking through your :moon:

I do watch the games alot of games all the time. I do look for the edge. When I find the edge then everything works the way it is supposed to.

You know Bobby I would be willing to teach you my TITFD principle if you want. I would do it for you at no charge.
You seem to be a fairly quick study. In time you could turn things around.

Hey Bobby you really have no clue about this game do you ? If you do , you have done a good job keeping it to yourself. Thanks for the help.

Scott King of Dogs
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
BobbyBlueChip said:
I don't think that this game will be close as whoever gets ahead first will force the other teams offense to play outside of its capabilities and both these defenses are great at takeaways.

I think no matter who wins, it will be a rout.

huh ?

Can you at least try to make some logical sense Bobby ? your giving me a headache.

:shrug: :shrug: :look: :look:

Scott King of Dogs


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I'm not sure which part that you don't understand. If I were speaking to you vocally, I would slow it down so that you can comprehend, but since my message is written in text, I would think that you could break down the sentence and decipher the intent of what my thought process is by going back and re-reading it.

I know all about the TITFD principle. Played it from age 18 through 21. You'll grow out of it, too.

A lot of thoughtful analysis will be coming out about this game in the next week right on these very boards, so I will take back my comment and apologize (I was really just surprised that someone was looking for your opinion on why you like a game) if you promise that you will let your previous 10 posts about Tampa winning outright be enough to let everyone know who you like in this game so that any of your future posts won't clutter the valuable handicapping information that makes this site great.

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
BobbyBlueChip said:
I will take back my comment and apologize (I was really just surprised that someone was looking for your opinion on why you like a game) if you promise that you will let your previous 10 posts about Tampa winning outright be enough to let everyone know who you like in this game so that any of your future posts won't clutter the valuable handicapping information that makes this site great.


Its a deal, Bobby

Scott King of Dogs


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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
DJV.... Sunday should speak for itself. Anyone saying home field means nothing has no CLUE how to cap a game...refuse to say anything more about it! Scott knows nothing of what he is talking about!! Just wants to hear himself speak.... or "type"

To all...just read this good article from on ESPN's site...was funny so will post...couldnt agree more!!

This week, McNair is like Han Solo without the Millennium Falcon. He's like Duane, the black guy in Romero's "Night of the Living Dead." Duane can put up the good fight, though we know what happens in the end.

But did you see what McNair did last week? Imagine this. Your No. 1 running back folds up like an accordion. You are stuck the rest of the game with a Smurf of a situational back named Holcombe. Your tight end is your fave target. He runs at best a 5-flat 40. You have two receivers who are as a green as the grass at Augusta, and in no way compare to Randle El, Hines Ward or Plexiglass. One of your guys has not yet even caught a pass. You are facing a 15-mph wind in the fourth quarter and overtime. You scrape open the thumb on your throwing hand down to the white meat. Now. Go beat the Pittsburgh Steelers. McNair does it.

You can't say enough about the man, except -- R.I.P.

One man, even one great man, is not enough to beat back One Nation, smelling blood and rent flesh, at home in the Black Hole. But one great man can make it interesting.

Don't even bring Jevon Kearse up in here. Do you hear One Nation chanting "Oak-Town"? Did you hear the strains of the master of the Mothership Connection playing "One Nation Under A Groove"? And did you see the way Lincoln Kennedy inhaled John Abraham? We could go on and on about matchups, and costume design, and strange dietary habits, but there is no need. The denizens are the Black Hole are suiting up. One Nation is hongry.

Also, the Iggles are going to beat Tampa Bay. And you know this, man. How do we know? Ah, there's the beauty of what we do. We know because we know history ... we'll do an autopsy next week and point out slug entry points.

PHILLY ROLES.....Just wish I could get every good madjacker w/ me on this and ALL OF US MAKE $$!! But as you said DJV, need those on the Bucs and Titans to help rove us right and why Vegas threw out the lines like they did. Let them take the juice, we will take the side and $$!!! ;) :D :cool:


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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
My analysis on the games: Philly first

Philly- After living in Philly for many many years, I know how excited the city, fans and players are right now. This will be the most exciting day in Philly football in well over a decade. The atmosphere will be soo intense I cant wait to watch the game on Sunday. The weather will be cold, the players will all be hyped and the stadium will be as loud as ever. Last game at the Vet and it will be a memorable one to say the least! This game has been pushed back to 3pm as well!! More time for the fans to get crazy!!

1) CB's- The 3 pro bowlers will stiffle the WR's from TB. They will not have the ability to break free nd push these guys around. Philly Cb's will swarm the WR's and give them very little room to operate. This will allow the safeties to roam the field- espcially the middle of the field preventing those dump offs. Do you think Johnson's soft passes will beat these CB' way!!

2) The blitz packages Johnson will throw at TB will be from all over the place and why the heck not? They CB's will cover/blankets man to man, Brad is a pocket QB and they will attack all day long from every direction. The DT of Philly will intimidte the TB front, and easily stuff the run. The only positive yards TB will get is on short dumbs, screens etc and w/ the Corners blanketing the WR's safeties, LB's and Hugh will be all over it. They will not have to worry about Johnson running on the turf at the Vet either.

3) The turf- Don't care how they say it wont matter but it will...just like the weather and fans. Huge psycological advantage for the Eagles. It's easy for them to blame or when they get in a hole...hide in it. The turf is TERRIBLE, and a team playing on grass verse a team playing on ths crap every home game-advantage birds. Small point- just wanted to throw it in

4) Eagles O -lIne- VERY VERY solid!! Runyan and the boys up front are nasty and will help contain that ferocious TB front. I don't think mcFarland is playing or if he is is banged up - biig Philly advantage if he is hurt!

5) Donovan- One of the Smartest QB in the league (Gannon is smarter)- Already shook the rust off- Can really open up the offense, make TB think twice and he has the players to help him. If Philly can run, which they will try to do early, this game will be over by 1/2 time....

6) How does TB score? Philly hasnt given up a TD in FOREVER at the VET in the playoffs!

7) Special teams- Philly has the best in the league! Mitchell can really be a big advantage and I think this will play a HUGE advantage in the game!!!

8) Cold weather....don't want to buy into this too much like the turf but come on..only game they did win was against a pathetic Bears team. Their record speake for itself..but this is NOT a selling point for me

9) Coaching- Reid has done a great job this year and even though I am a big Gruden fan, I think Andy Reid will have a gameplan of mixing up the run, deep pass, play action, trick plays..anything to keep the TB defense off balance. When things break down ...McNabb has the ability to make the big play- Johnson does not! he will take the sack! Philly D, most sacks in the NFL this year...will get at LEAST 4 on Sunday!

10) Brad Johnson- No way he plays well...that simple! People freaked out about his game last week buit give me a break. His #'s were average at best verse a WEAK SF D!! He will get buried on Sunday!!

Only way TB stays in the game is turnovers!! TB D has been great in causing them, but Donovan has been great in not letting that happen!!

I just don't know how people can back TB this weekend!! How des one NOT bet Philly? I bought the hook and will take them -3 any day!! Go Birds!!!
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Mar 3, 2002
First let me say that I made both bets four days ago. If any of you read my post you know that I favor the EAGLES. But we can make a very good case for TB so don't think this will be a cigar game.The point spread is Eagles-4 and the total is 34. The Tampa D is getting little respect in this game. Philadelphia may win this game but not easily. We know the last two years the Eagles beat this TB team in the playoffs in Philadelphia. But that was Tony Dungy?s team not John Gruden. This TB defense is much better than in the past. They allow only12. Points per game this year, that?s better than the 1985 Bears defense. The Eagles are not going to have an easy time scoring. In games when Johnson has played this year, they averaged 24 PPG. TB has shut down the quicker quarterbacks such as Michael Vick. The Tampa secondary allowed Phil. Only 4 yards per pass play in the previous meeting. The Philly defense is very good also they sacked Tampa's QB?S 6 times in the last game they played. This should be a low scoring game and it could go either way. I do think Philadelphia will win and cover. It just won?t be as easy as some people think. This TB defense is an excellent. There have been 64 teams that have gone on the road in the championship game since 1970. On nine other occasions when a team has gone on the road with a defense that allowed fewer than 14 points per game (much like TB defense of this year) and faced a defense that allowed more points per game than the home team those nine teams went 6-2-1 against the spread. When the better defenses go on the road, they usually cover the spread. There?s a stat that when a team played on the road in the CC game the previous year they are 12-2 ATS since 1970. So Philadelphia should win. But when the road team had the better defense than the home team it was just 4-2 ATS. When the home team has the better defense and played on the road in the previous year they are 8-0.
The totals number is almost right on the money, so there?s very little advantage playing the total. If I had to make a choice it would be on the under. We have to hope for a mistake free game from the Eagles in order to cover the spread. One more point although I rarely play teasers this game appears to be a perfect game to tease. The teams to tease can be on whom ever you prefer because it may be that close at the end.


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Forum Member
Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
I dont know what all of you are thinking right now, but it is gameday and I am getting jacked up to watch these games.They will be fantastic to wcth!!!

Go Birds and Go RAIDERS!!!!

Let's hit that tease as well and sweep the board!!!
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Forum Member
Jan 12, 2003
In your shorts
Philly23 Tampa 10
Raiders 27 Titans 20
Good luck!!!


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Scott-Atlanta said:

Sorry for your lost kbyoda.

You sure you arn't being somewhat of a homer on your home team who stunk against the Falcons and still won.

Tampa Bay crushs.

Tampa Bay +3 BIG !

:spotting: :Yep: :spotting:

Scott King of Dogs
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Forum Member
Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
Was just now able to get to a computer and make a post after this weekends games!! I will be the first person to admit I lost on Philly...admit it...and eat my earlier posts in the mouth!!! Yes, I talked about it all week, made MANY posts in others threads, but w/ the "bashing" some cappers get in here when they post and loose, I just wanted to get my 2 cents in and apologize to any of you who bet th Birds or did my teaser due to my posts...

In one of my earlier posts, I made the comment about TB winning because of turnovers and only if Philly brought its C+ game and TB brought it's A++ game...

Well...Philly brought it's D game which i am still FLOORED about and TB did NOT necessarily bring their A game...maybe a B+ or A- effort and DESERVED the W!! I just was in disbelief w/ how CONSERVATIVE Philly was. I know TB defense is good, but Donovan DID have time, and just did not uncork it downfield and I am just suprised they didnt. Where were the timing calls to Pinkston? Anyway, the game calling by Philly was terrible. Philly's special teams was great, Johnson still looked like a stiff, Philly D gave up the run which was a big shock, Baber was all WORLD out there!! He played a hell of a game...hats off to him. Philly D was TERRIBLE!!! TB ran the same plays ALL DAY LONG!!! Watching the KNEW where they were going and Philly just couldnt stop them. The front 4 was major blitz packages...just a 4 man rush pressure and Johnson was able to do nothing but dump the ball 5 which went for 70 yds on a fluke to set up the TD!! Not saying TB didnt deserve I shouldnt get bashed, but a few TB plays was the difference..not to mention Barbers all world game...and TB all around D

If I was an Eagles fan, I sure would be upset...but after that game ..TB deserves to go!! I just would have never had imagined, Philly to play like they did...

Went 1-2 for the day, and surely thought I would go at least 2-1 w/ Donovan driving to the 10 before the pick. I thought they woulda punched it in and at least gave me the +3.5 cover...but oh well...that's why they play the game....

Superbowl thoughts...none yet...2 very different approaches and D does win championships!! As a Cowboys fan..I would love to have Sapp on my team, but since he is on another team...he annoys me. Sapp, Gramatica, Johnson, Alstott, Lynch....basically the whole TB team I could cae less about except for CHUCKY!! Good fo him!!! Again, no sour was just another game and play for me.....but no idea how to go on the Superbowl..Will be reading many others posts to get some insite this week. Good luck everyone, Congrats to Oak and TB backers, I apologize to anyone who bet the game because of my strong opinion, wish I was going to Vegas to hang w/ the crew...maybe next year...more to come later :cool: :cool:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Well Good luck then the SuperBowl is coming.

Tampa Bay and the +4 is looking mighty appealing,

Scott King of Dogs