That's what we have here, that's all we have here. Who wins ? Not the American people , then or now. If you go back to the time when Clinton had Osama in the crosshairs, We did not think Osama was that important. When I say we, I mean our leaders ,and our people. I know some will jump up and say , what are you crazy ? Even though, He had hit our targets around the world, most of us : Senators, Congressmen, FBI, CIA, President, the people, everyone who should have known did not think he could hit us the way he did on Sept 11th 2001. Before Sep 11th 2001, I'll bet, less than 25 percent of the American people knew who Osama Bin Laden was. If the American people did't know, than our politicians did't care because he was a non issue in what matters most. GETTING ELECTED, GREED & POWER. I have said from that day that someone in our government let us down. As time has past ,I don't think it was a conspiracy. That someone is not one person,it is us as a people and a government. That someone is just us. The way we think the way we do business as a Country and a People. Who is responsible for Sep 11th ? Did Clinton do enough ? Did Bush do enough ? It was just business as usual in America. I have the answer that the 911 Commission could not come up with. WHAT CAUSED SEPTEMBER ELEVEN 2001 ? Business as usual caused it. The way we think in this thread caused it. { TIT FOR TAT CAUSED IT } !