CNN Debate

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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I would watch this over any sporting event.

Can we please have a civil discussion about the debate.

I believe these will be some hot button topics.

Illegal Immigration
Economy-Cost of Living

What are you most excited about?

Lets discuss
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Trump will act like an asshole and remind everyone why they fired him last time. There will be little to no policy discussion because that's not what Trump is selling.


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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
I would watch this over any sporting event.

Can we please have a civil discussion about the debate.

I believe these will be some hot button topics.

Illegal Immigration
Economy-Cost of Living

What are you most excited about?

Lets discuss
excited? there's nothing about this that i find exciting. not even sure i'll bother watching it, but i may click over a little. i am kinda curious to see how trump has been coached to react when biden mentions that he's a convicted felon. i kinda hope he tries the "biden crime family" bullshit and joe pivots to all the other indictments trump is currently facing while the republicans have been trying to dig up dirt on biden since 2015 without a single thing to show for it.

immigration - this has been an issue for years and, sadly, neither party is really all that interested in trying to fix it. it's a clusterfuck with no simple solution, so they just keep kicking the can down the road, while using the topic to fire people up.

taxes - what about them? nobody likes them, but they're part of living in a society. you like schools and paved roads, don't you? republicans only seem to believe in lowering taxes when democrats are in charge. sure, it would be awesome if the HUGE bureaucracy that is our government ran a lot more efficiently but, again, neither party has any real interest in fixing that.

economy - funny, it seems that everyone posting here agrees that they are doing just fine and their 401(k) is doing INCREDIBLE, but apparently everybody else is struggling. i don't remember the #s, but a survey a few months ago showed that the majority of americans say they are doing fine but most people are struggling. it's a big myth. are lots of americans struggling financially? of course. but it's nowhere near as bad as you think. and maybe the best solution, that's finally starting to get SOME traction... making some sort of financial literacy course a requirement to graduate high school.

abortion? seriously? most americans think it should be legal, ESPECIALLY in the case of rape or incest. what is there to even debate? a slim minority of americans got their wish with a very "conservative" supreme court and abortion is no longer federally protected. it's fucking insane that a handful of people are actually taking us BACKWARDS.

so, really, what is there to debate on any of those topics? biden had a bipartisan agreement on immigration that may have helped a little, until trump told congressional republicans to put a stop to it. trump has already proven that any real tax cuts will be for the wealthy. the economy is insanely better under biden than it was under trump and 0 Fortune 500 CEOs are going to vote for trump because they know what a disaster another 4 years would be.

will biden make a couple gaffes tonight? of course he will. he's done that his entire life. will trump act like a deranged lunatic with no grasp of basic facts? of course he will. the fact that his mic will be turned off when it's not his turn to speak will be a big benefit to him.

but let's face it... trump could come out and say his priority for the next 4 years is to fuck everybody's mother, and every single one of you magas would still vote for him. he could announce putin as his vice president, and you'd still vote for him. he could come out in a dress, and every single one of you would suddenly be absolutely fine with drag queens.
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
The debate was a disaster for Biden and it was all self imposed. He says he had a sore throat, but regardless, he seemed weak. When they showed him listening to Trump his mouth was partially open which made him looked confused. He had a couple moments where he caught a little fire but for the most part he was absolutely terrible.

Trump did his usual shtick of creating an alternate reality in which he was the greatest president overseeing the greatest economy in history. Not having the moderators fact check any of the constant lies worked well for him since Biden barely stepped in to challenge it.

Trump didn't win this, Biden lost it. I'll vote for Joe's head in a jar of blue fluid before I vote for Trump, but I'm hoping this somehow leads to Biden dropping out and Gavin Newsom stepping in.
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Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Did they forget to give gramps his "drugs"? Weird.

This might be a masterful play by Dems. Show the world that Joe is a vegetable, and parade a fresh young face out there.
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sporadic wins
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Nov 25, 2005
The debate was a disaster for Biden and it was all self imposed. He says he had a sore throat, but regardless, he seemed weak. When they showed him listening to Trump his mouth was partially open which made him looked confused. He had a couple moments where he caught a little fire but for the most part he was absolutely terrible.

Trump did his usual shtick of creating an alternate reality in which he was the greatest president overseeing the greatest economy in history. Not having the moderators fact check any of the constant lies worked well for him since Biden barely stepped in to challenge it.

Trump didn't win this, Biden lost it. I'll vote for Joe's head in a jar of blue fluid before I vote for Trump, but I'm hoping this somehow leads to Biden dropping out and Gavin Newsom stepping in.
You don't think they injected Biden with bleach,do you?
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Registered User
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Sep 13, 2007
crossville tn
The debate was a disaster for Biden and it was all self imposed. He says he had a sore throat, but regardless, he seemed weak. When they showed him listening to Trump his mouth was partially open which made him looked confused. He had a couple moments where he caught a little fire but for the most part he was absolutely terrible.

Trump did his usual shtick of creating an alternate reality in which he was the greatest president overseeing the greatest economy in history. Not having the moderators fact check any of the constant lies worked well for him since Biden barely stepped in to challenge it.

Trump didn't win this, Biden lost it. I'll vote for Joe's head in a jar of blue fluid before I vote for Trump, but I'm hoping this somehow leads to Biden dropping out and Gavin Newsom stepping in.
As much as i hate Biden i felt sorry for him last night
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
The debate was a disaster for Biden and it was all self imposed. He says he had a sore throat, but regardless, he seemed weak. When they showed him listening to Trump his mouth was partially open which made him looked confused. He had a couple moments where he caught a little fire but for the most part he was absolutely terrible.

Trump did his usual shtick of creating an alternate reality in which he was the greatest president overseeing the greatest economy in history. Not having the moderators fact check any of the constant lies worked well for him since Biden barely stepped in to challenge it.

Trump didn't win this, Biden lost it. I'll vote for Joe's head in a jar of blue fluid before I vote for Trump, but I'm hoping this somehow leads to Biden dropping out and Gavin Newsom stepping in.
Newsom lol seriously. You seen California lately? He is a commie just like Biden, hell no to Newsom
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