
Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

HOW at UK06:30 PMUK -25.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
LAS at VILL06:30 PMVILL -15.0
U 136.5
+500 +500
UNO at BUT06:30 PMUNO +18.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
PFW at MICH06:30 PMPFW +15.0
O 151.0
+500 +500
MW at SJU06:45 PMSJU -20.5
U 138.5
+500 +500
MAN at VCU07:00 PMMAN +22.5
O 134.0
+500 +500
UMES at ODU07:00 PMODU -11.0
U 129.0
+500 +500
ALBY at TOWS07:00 PMALBY +16.0
O 133.0
+500 +500
NIAG at MD07:00 PMMD -17.0
O 136.5
+500 +500
PENN at IONA07:00 PMPENN +6.5
O 149.0
+500 +500
NJIT at SPU07:00 PMSPU -8.0
U 129.5
+500 +500
SIE at HC07:00 PMSIE -3.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
COOK at IOWA07:00 PMIOWA -28.5
U 150.5
+500 +500
BRWN at UVM07:00 PMUVM -12.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
CLMB at RUTG07:00 PMRUTG -19.0
O 138.0
+500 +500
LNDNWD at DAY07:00 PMDAY -31.5
U 139.0
+500 +500
SFPA at SBON07:00 PMSBON -13.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
WAG at TEM07:00 PMWAG +16.0
U 132.0
+500 +500
VMI at RICH07:00 PMRICH -22.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
QUIN at URI07:00 PMQUIN +9.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
MSM at WVU07:00 PMWVU -17.0
U 131.0
+500 +500
VALP at TOL07:00 PMVALP +12.0
O 144.0
+500 +500
KENT at NKU07:00 PMKENT +1.0
O 137.0
+500 +500
AFA at BGSU07:00 PMAFA +3.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
SDST at AKR07:00 PMSDST +3.5
O 144.5
+500 +500
COLG at BUFF07:00 PMBUFF +2.5
O 151.0
+500 +500
MORE at IND07:00 PMIND -24.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
UTM at PITT07:00 PMPITT -8.5
O 139.5
+500 +500
TNTC at TENN07:00 PMTNTC +36.0
O 142.5
+500 +500
WIN at PSU07:00 PMWIN +12.0
U 141.0
+500 +500
IDHO at DEN07:00 PMIDHO +10.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
STET at FSU07:00 PMFSU -17.0
U 140.5
+500 +500
TST at ASU07:00 PMTST +14.0
O 131.0
+500 +500
CIT at CLEM07:00 PMCLEM -18.0
O 138.5
+500 +500
HOF at PRIN07:30 PMPRIN -1.0
O 151.5
+500 +500
NAVY at CWM07:30 PMNAVY -2.0
U 134.5
+500 +500
NE at BU07:30 PMNE +2.0
O 134.0
+500 +500
YSU at CAN07:30 PMYSU -3.5
U 144.5
+500 +500
MORG at XAV07:30 PMXAV -23.5
U 149.0
+500 +500
DART at FOR07:30 PMFOR -5.5
U 126.5
+500 +500
CCSU at MASS07:30 PMMASS -17.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
OHIO at BEL07:30 PMBEL -6.0
U 145.0
+500 +500
LAF at MIA07:30 PMMIA -26.5
O 142.5
+500 +500
STONE at CONN07:30 PMCONN -30.0
O 139.0
+500 +500
TXST at WSU07:30 PMWSU -11.5
U 131.5
+500 +500
AMCC at MSST07:30 PMAMCC +15.0
O 141.0
+500 +500
ALST at UAB07:30 PMUAB -26.0
U 149.5
+500 +500
CHAT at COFC07:30 PMCOFC -4.0
O 159.0
+500 +500
L-MD at DEP07:45 PMDEP -14.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
GMU at AUB08:00 PMAUB -9.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
FAIR at WAKE08:00 PMWAKE -12.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
ME at NEB08:00 PMNEB -21.0
U 145.0
+500 +500
NEOM at KU08:00 PMKU -33.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
INDPU at ISU08:00 PMINDPU +26.5+500
SHSU at OKLA08:00 PMOKLA -16.5
O 132.5
+500 +500
ULM at TAM08:00 PMTAM -20.5
O 136.5
+500 +500
SIND at MIZZ08:00 PMMIZZ -19.0
U 141.0
+500 +500
COR at BC08:00 PMBC -9.0
U 143.5
+500 +500
MURR at SLU08:00 PMMURR +13.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
SEMO at USF08:00 PMSEMO +11.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
PEAY at NCST08:00 PMPEAY +12.5
O 145.5
+500 +500
UNCA at UCF08:00 PMUNCA +9.5
O 141.0
+500 +500
LEH at SYR08:00 PMSYR -17.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
UALR at SIU08:00 PMSIU -14.5
U 134.0
+500 +500
CHS at NW08:00 PMNW -24.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
NDSU at ARK08:00 PMARK -22.5
U 142.0
+500 +500
WCU at UGA08:00 PMUGA -13.5
O 142.0
+500 +500
MEM at VAN08:00 PMVAN +2.0
O 139.0
+500 +500
STON at FLA08:00 PMFLA -26.5
U 144.0
+500 +500
JKST at ACU08:00 PMACU -17.0
U 141.0
+500 +500
ARPB at TCU08:00 PMARPB +35.0
U 143.5
+500 +500
WIU at ILST08:00 PMWIU +9.0
O 148.0
+500 +500
UNCO at HOU08:00 PMUNCO +23.5
O 140.5
+500 +500
CARK at WICH08:00 PMWICH -17.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
UCRV at COLO08:30 PMUCRV +11.5
O 136.0
+500 +500
EVAN at M-OH08:30 PMM-OH -6.0
U 135.0
+500 +500
RAD at MARQ08:30 PMMARQ -19.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
SDAK at WIS08:30 PMWIS -11.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
LONG at ALA08:30 PMLONG +16.0
O 148.5
+500 +500
UMBC at TULN08:30 PMTULN -16.5
U 147.5
+500 +500
STT at CREI08:30 PMSTT +27.5
O 149.0
+500 +500
UND at IW08:30 PMIW +2.0
O 142.0
+500 +500
UNCW at UNC09:00 PMUNC -23.0
O 152.0
+500 +500
UNF at GONZ09:00 PMGONZ -29.0
O 160.5
+500 +500
DSU at VT09:00 PMDSU +34.0
O 136.5
+500 +500
UTA at OKST09:00 PMUTA +20.5
O 134.0
+500 +500
NWST at TTU09:00 PMTTU -28.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
UTRGV at KSU09:00 PMKSU -18.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
UTEP at TEX09:00 PMTEX -22.0
U 130.0
+500 +500
WMU at MINN09:00 PMWMU +10.0+500
EIU at ILL09:00 PMILL -32.0
O 134.0
+500 +500
WEBB at CSU09:00 PMCSU -9.5
U 137.0
+500 +500
NCCU at UVA09:00 PMUVA -24.5
U 126.5
+500 +500
ALCN at MISS09:00 PMALCN +20.5
O 135.0
+500 +500
SUU at UNM09:00 PMUNM -8.0
U 155.5
+500 +500
IDST at BYU09:00 PMBYU -24.0
U 141.5
+500 +500
MTST at GRC09:00 PMGRC -6.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
UVU at USU09:00 PMUSU -9.0
U 136.5
+500 +500
FGCU at USC09:30 PMFGCU +18.5
U 145.0
+500 +500
NICH at ARIZ09:30 PMARIZ -24.5
U 159.0
+500 +500
ORU at SMC10:00 PMORU +9.0
O 140.0
+500 +500
RICE at PEPP10:00 PMPEPP -4.0
U 152.5
+500 +500
TXSO at SF10:00 PMTXSO +15.0
O 144.0
+500 +500
EWU at SCU10:00 PMSCU -6.5
U 152.5
+500 +500
FAMU at ORE10:00 PMFAMU +31.0
O 136.5
+500 +500
CSF at SDSU10:00 PMSDSU -23.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
O 147.5
+500 +500
SEA at UCSD10:00 PMSEA -3.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
SOU at UNLV10:15 PMUNLV -14.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
UCD at CAL11:00 PMCAL -6.0
U 127.0
+500 +500
WEB at WASH11:00 PMWASH -13.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
LIU at UTAH11:00 PMUTAH -23.5
O 143.5
+500 +500
CSUS at UCLA11:30 PMUCLA -24.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
TLSA at ORST11:59 PMORST -3.0
U 142.0
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Preseason AP Top 25

1. North Carolina (47)
2. Gonzaga (12)
3. Houston (1)
4. Kentucky (2)
T5. Baylor
T5. Kansas
7. Duke
9. Creighton
10. Arkansas
11. Tennessee
12. Texas
13. Indiana
14. TCU
15. Auburn
16. Villanova
17. Arizona
18. Virginia
19. San Diego State
20. Alabama
21. Oregon
22. Michigan
23. Illinois
24. Dayton
25. Texas Tech

Others receiving votes: Texas A&M 112, UConn 101, Miami 66, Purdue 56, Saint Louis 36, Michigan State 35, Florida State 32, Xavier 29, Wyoming 25, Ohio State 23, Iowa 13, Rutgers 4, USC 3, Florida 3, Toledo 1, UAB 1, Memphis 1, Virginia Tech 1, Notre Dame 1.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Top 25 And 1 rankings

The Zags are returning six of the top eight scorers from a team that secured the No. 1 overall seed in the NCAA Tournament - among them two-time All-American Drew Timme and fellow double-digit scorers Julian Strawther and Rasir Bolton. Gonzaga opens the season Monday against North Florida.--0-0
The Tar Heels are returning four starters - among them All-American candidates Armando Bacot and Caleb Love - from a team that beat Duke twice before playing in the title game of the NCAA Tournament. North Carolina opens the season Monday against UNC Wilmington.--0-0
The Cougars are returning double-digit scorer Jamal Shead and getting All-American candidate Marcus Sasser back from injury, which provides Kelvin Sampson with a talented and experienced core. Houston opens the season Monday against North Colorado.--0-0
The Wildcats are returning CBS Sports National Player of the Year Oscar Tshiebwe and SEC assist-leader Sahvir Wheeler from a team that was a No. 2 seed in the NCAA Tournament - and adding five-star freshmen Cason Wallace and Chris Livingston. Kentucky opens the season Monday against Howard.--0-0
The Blue Devils are returning Jeremy Roach and pairing him with the nation's top-ranked recruiting class that features three of the best four prospects in the Class of 2022 - namely Dereck Lively, Dariq Whitehead and Kyle Filipowski. Duke opens the season Monday against Jacksonville.--0-0
The Razorbacks lost every meaningful piece from last season's Elite Eight team besides Davonte Davis but should still be a Final Four contender thanks in part to the addition of five-star prospects Nick Smith, Anthony Black and Jordan Walsh. Arkansas opens the season Monday against North Dakota State.--0-0
The Bears are returning double-digit scorers LJ Cryer and Adam Flagler from a team that secured a No. 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament - and adding five-star freshman Keyonte George. Baylor opens the season Monday against Mississippi Valley State.--1-0
The Jayhawks are returning Jalen Wilson, Dajuan Harris and Joseph Yusefu from a team that won the NCAA Tournament - and adding a top-five recruiting class highlighted by five-star prospects Gradey Dick, MJ Rice and Ernest Udeh, plus Texas Tech transfer Kevin McCullar. Kansas opens the season Monday against Omaha.--0-0
The Vols are returning four of the top five scorers - among them Santiago Vescovi and Josiah-Jordan James - from a team that won the SEC Tournament and got a 3-seed in the NCAA Tournament. Tennessee opens the season Monday against Tennessee Tech.--0-0
The Bruins are returning double-digit scorers Tyger Campbell and Jaime Jaquez from a team that made the Sweet 16 - and adding five-star prospects Amari Bailey and Adem Bona. UCLA opens the season Monday against Sacramento State.--0-0
The Bluejays are returning five of the top seven scorers from a team that advanced to the Round of 32 of the NCAA Tournament - and adding reigning Summit League Player of the Year Baylor Scheierman. Creighton opens the season Monday against St. Thomas-Minnesota.--0-0
The Longhorns are returning the top two scorers from a team that finished 15th at KenPom - and adding a top-10 recruiting class highlighted by five-star prospects Dillon Mitchell and Arterio Morris, plus Iowa State transfer Tyrese Hunter. Texas opens the season Monday against UTEP.--0-0
The Hoosiers are returning the top three scorers from a team that made the NCAA Tournament - most notably All-American candidate Trayce Jackson-Davis - and adding a top-10 recruiting class is highlighted by five-star prospect Jalen Hood-Schifino. Indiana opens the season Monday against Morehead State.--0-0
The Tigers are returning four of the top six scorers - among them K.D. Johnson, Wendell Green and Allen Flanigan - from a team that earned a No. 2 seed in the NCAA Tournament. Auburn opens the season Monday against George Mason.--0-0
The Horned Frogs are returning the top six scorers - including All-American candidate Mike Miles - from a team that beat Kansas late and finished 26th at KenPom. TCU opens the season Monday against Arkansas-Pine Bluff.--0-0
The Cavaliers are returning the top seven scorers - among them double-digit scorers Jayden Gardner, Armaan Franklin and Kihei Clark - from a team that finished 12-8 in the ACC and won two games in the NIT. Virginia opens the season Monday against North Carolina Central.--0-0
The Wildcats are returning Azuolas Tubelis, Kerr Kriisa, Pelle Larsson and Oumar Ballo from a team that won the Pac-12 and secured a No. 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament. Arizona opens the season Monday against Nichols.--0-0
The Wildcats are returning six of the top nine scorers from their Final Four team - among them Brandon Slater and Caleb Daniels. Villanova opens the season Monday against La Salle.--0-0
The Aggies are returning every relevant player -- besides Quenton Jackson and Hassan Diarra -- from a team that made the championship game of the NIT. Texas A&M opens the season Monday against UL Monroe.--0-0
The Wolverines are returning a core of Hunter Dickinson and Terrance Williams that'll be joined by a recruiting class highlighted by Princeton transfer Jaelin Llewellyn and top-40 prospect Jett Howard, the latter of whom was named MVP at the Iverson Classic. Michigan opens the season Monday against Purdue Fort Wayne.--0-0
The Aztecs are returning four of the top five scorers - among them All-American candidate Matt Bradley - from a team that received a No. 8 seed in the NCAA Tournament. San Diego State opens the season Monday against Cal State Fullerton.--0-0
The Ducks are returning three of their top six scorers -- among them double-digit scorers Will Richardson and Quincy Guerrier - from a team that started 9-3 in the Pac-12. Oregon opens the season Monday against Florida A&M.--0-0
The Crimson Tide are returning four of their top eight scorers from a team that earned a No. 6 seed in the NCAA Tournament - and adding a top-five recruiting class headlined by five-star prospects Brandon Miller and Jaden Bradley, plus Ohio transfer Mark Sears. Alabama opens the season Monday against Longwood.--0-0
The Boilermakers are returning three of the top seven scorers from a team that made the Sweet 16 - among them All-American candidate Zach Edey. Admittedly, that's not a lot -- but Matt Painter deserves the benefit of the doubt based on the consistency with which he runs his program.--0-0
The Flyers are returning the top five scorers from a team that just missed the NCAA Tournament - among them double-digit scorers DaRon Holmes and Toumani Camara. Dayton opens the season Monday against Lindenwood.--0-0
The Buckeyes are returning Zed Key and Justice Sueing from a team that earned a No. 7 seed in the NCAA Tournament - and adding a top-10 recruiting class featuring transfers Sean McNeil (West Virginia), Isaac Likekele (Oklahoma State) and Tanner Holden (Wright State). Ohio State opens the season Monday against Robert Morris.--0-0


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Tuesday’s 6-pack
Interesting Week 10 spreads in the NFL:

— Texans @ NJ Giants (-6.5)
— Browns @ Miami (-4)
— Broncos @ Tennessee (-3)
— Colts @ Las Vegas (-6)
— Cowboys (-5) @ Green Bay
— Cardinals @ LA Rams (-3)

Quote of the Day
“Nothing ends well, or else it wouldn’t end.”
Coughlin’s Law, from the movie Cocktail

Tuesday’s quiz
We know that Steph Curry played at Davidson; where did his dad Dell Curry play his college basketball? He played 16 years in the NBA.

Monday’s quiz
Kawhi Leonard played his college basketball at San Diego State

Sunday’s quiz
AJ Hinch was the Houston Astros’ manager, the other time they won a World Series, in 2017.


Tuesday’s Den: Random stuff, and notes from the first night of college basketball

Notes from first night of college basketball:
— These teams started their season with losses to teams that aren’t Division I:
Cleveland State
Kansas City
Northern Illinois

— Other upsets of note:
Sam Houston State (+17) 52, Oklahoma 51
SE Missouri State (+10) 64, South Florida 61
Western Illinois (+10) 71, Illinois State 68
Evansville (+8) 78, Miami OH 74
Cal-Davis (+5.5) 75, California 65

— A few other upsets:
Florida Gulf Coast 74, USC 61— Andy Enfield loses to his former employer.
Stetson 83, Florida State 74— Hatters made 14-35 on the arc.
Wagner 76, Temple 73 OT
NC-Asheville 98, UCF 95, 2OT— UCF led by 10 with 3:15 left in regulation.
Quinnipiac 67, Rhode Island 62— Bobcats survived shooting 9-25 on the foul line.

Games of the Night:
Hofstra 83, Princeton 77— Princeton led by 7 with 4:05 left to play.
Akron 81, South Dakota State 80 OT
Belmont 70, Ohio U 69— Belmont hit a 3-pointer off a side out-of-bounds play with 0:01.1 left for the dramatic win.
Oregon State 73, Tulsa 70— Good start for Beavers after last year’s 3-28 debacle.

Ravens 27, Saints 13:
— Baltimore led 14-3 at halftime.
— Ravens converted 9-15 on 3rd down, New Orleans 3-11.
— Ravens are 11-1 ATS last 12 games with spread of 3 or less.
— Last six games, Ravens have run ball for 181.4 yards/game.
— Baltimore won four of its last five games.

— Saints’ first four drives: 13 plays, 36 yards, 2 first downs, no points.
— Only New Orleans TD came with 4:13 left, after issue had been decided.
— Saints have been outscored 53-18 in last 2:00 of each half.
— New Orleans is 1-4 when they score less than 27 points.
— Saints lost 6 of last 8 games; their turnover ratio is minus-11.

— Indianapolis Colts fired coach Frank Reich Monday; Colts are 3-5-1 this season, trailing all nine games after the 3rd quarter. Reich went 40-33-1 as coach of the Colts; he had a different starting quarterback every season.

Colts hired their former center Jeff Saturday as interim head coach; he was working on ESPN until now, and is first NFL head coach with zero college/NFL coaching experience since 1961, when Norm Van Brocklin went from QB of the Eagles to head coach of the expansion Vikings.

Saturday played 13 seasons with the Colts, and was a 6-time Pro Bowler and 4-time All-Pro.

— QB Sam Ehlinger has started two games for the Colts; they fired his offensive coordinator after last week’s game, fired his head coach after this week’s game. Perfectly normal.

— Carolina Panthers fired two more assistant coaches Monday; they fired head coach Matt Rhule and two other assistants a month ago. Panthers also activated QB Sam Darnold, but said that PJ Walker will start Thursday night’s game against the Falcons.

— Seattle Seahawks have started rookie offensive tackles in every game this year, first time that has happened in the NFL since 1982.

— Watching the Vikings play Sunday, WR Justin Jefferson is so good; if he is single-covered, QB Cousins will just throw a jump ball in that direction, figuring that Jefferson will win that battle and make a big play.

— New Jersey Giants safety Xavier McKinney went on vacation to Mexico during his bye week; he broke his hand there in an ATV accident. He went on IR, so he’ll miss at least four games.

— Miami Dolphins gave LB Bradley Chubb a 5-year, $110M deal, with $63.2M of that money guaranteed; Dolphins dealt RB Chase Edwards and two draft picks to Denver to acquire Chubb at the trade deadline.

If the playoffs started today, 6-3 Miami would be the #6-seed in the AFC.

— Texas A&M’s football is on a 5-game losing streak for first time since 1980; Green Bay Packers have also lost five in a row, for first time since 2008.

— I stumbled across this reality series on Amazon Prime about the Sierra Canyon High School basketball team; kids go there from all over the country to position themselves for scholarships in college. Lebron James’ son is on the team; Dwyane Wade’s son, Kenyon Martin’s son played there in previous years.

The show takes you behind the scenes of the team, which is interesting; how many high school basketball teams play games in eight different states in one season? It isn’t at all a normal high school team, but what I’ve seen of the program has been interesting so far.

— Why do NBA players sit games out at this time of year? They can’t play two nights in a row? Are they really going to play better in playoff games in April/May because they sat out a game on November 8th?

When they were kids, these guys played AAU ball, where teams might play couple of games in a the same day, and 5-6 games in a weekend.

— There is some conference shuffling going on again this year in college basketball; the WAC and Sun Belt have both added a bunch of teams. Next year, Jacksonville State, Liberty, New Mexico State and Sam Houston State are all going to Conference USA.

— Doing my prep work for college basketball the last couple weeks, remarkable how many kids are playing at their third different college. More than a few are playing for their fourth college; not a lot of continuity around the country, which makes handicapping early season games just an impossible task, a complete crapshoot.

— This is an oddity and speaks to how kids transfer all the time now; James Madison has four players on this year’s team who have been Freshmen of the Year in a conference. None of them did it while playing for James Madison.

— Last year, Murray State beat San Francisco 92-87 in OT in the NCAA tournament; both head coaches in that game parlayed their successful seasons into better jobs, so this year, when LSU plays Florida, it’ll be the same two coaches going up against each other- Matt McMahon, who went from Murray State to LSU and Todd Golden, who bolted from USF to Florida.
Last edited:


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Matt Painter is 126-89 ATS (28.1 Units) as a home favorite or pick (Coach of PURDUE)

PROVIDENCE is 62-36 Over (22.4 Units) in home games in non-conference games since 1997.

MONTANA is 21-42 ATS (-25.2 Units) in road games in November games since 1997.

S CAROLINA ST is 11-2 Under (8.8 Units) in road games in road games over the last 2 seasons.

SACRED HEART is 19-8 Over (10.2 Units) in road games in all games in the last 3 seasons.

GEORGETOWN is 15-33 ATS (-21.3 Units) in home games on Tuesday nights since 1997.

Tim Miles is 44-23 ATS (18.7 Units) in November games (All games)
Last edited:


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Tuesday, November 8



Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Tuesday, November 8

Trend Report

Wisconsin-Milwaukee @ Purdue
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's last 6 games on the road
Wisconsin-Milwaukee is 1-7 ATS in its last 8 games on the road
Purdue is 22-3 SU in its last 25 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Purdue's last 7 games at home

Rider @ Providence
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Rider's last 5 games on the road
Rider is 9-3 ATS in its last 12 games on the road
Providence is 16-2 SU in its last 18 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Providence's last 5 games at home

South Carolina State @ South Carolina
South Carolina State
No trends to report
South Carolina
South Carolina is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing South Carolina State
South Carolina is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing at home against South Carolina State

Mercer @ East Carolina
No trends to report
East Carolina
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of East Carolina's last 5 games at home
East Carolina is 2-4 ATS in its last 6 games at home

Rochester @ Detroit
No trends to report
Detroit is 16-1 SU in its last 17 games at home
Detroit is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games at home

Montana @ Duquesne
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Montana's last 5 games on the road
Montana is 1-4 ATS in its last 5 games on the road
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of Duquesne's last 8 games at home
Duquesne is 0-5 ATS in its last 5 games at home

Coppin State @ Georgetown University
Coppin State
No trends to report
Georgetown University
The total has gone OVER in 11 of Georgetown University's last 16 games at home
Georgetown University is 1-4-1 ATS in its last 6 games at home

Georgia Southern @ San Jose State
Georgia Southern
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Georgia Southern's last 5 games on the road
Georgia Southern is 1-4 SU in its last 5 games on the road
San Jose State
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of San Jose State's last 9 games at home
San Jose State is 2-7 ATS in its last 9 games at home



Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Wednesday’s 6-pack
Interesting Week 10 college football spreads:
— Kansas @ Texas Tech (-3.5)
— Kansas State @ Baylor (-2.5)
— Washington @ Oregon (-13.5)
— TCU @ Texas (-7)
— North Carolina @ Wake Forest (-3.5)
— Florida State (-6.5) @ Syracuse

Quote of the Day
“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”

Wednesday’s quiz
Rams drafted QB Sam Bradford with the 1st pick of the 2010 NFL Draft; who was the only other QB taken in the first round that year?
a) he doesn’t play in the NFL anymore
b) he later played professionally in another sport

Tuesday’s quiz
We know that Steph Curry played college basketball at Davidson; his dad Dell Curry played at Virginia Tech.

Monday’s quiz
Kawhi Leonard played his college basketball at San Diego State


Wednesday’s Den: NBA trends

NBA trends (thru November 8)

Hawks (7-3):
— won/covered last three games SU.
— 3-1-1 ATS at home
— over 4-1 on road

Celtics (7-3):
— won four of last five games SU.
— they’re 4-6 ATS, 2-4 on road
— over 3-1 at home

Nets (4-7):
— 1-4 ATS at home.
— 2-3 ATS as favorite, 2-3 ATS as an underdog.
— last five games stayed under the total.

Hornets (3-8):
— lost their last five games SU.
— 1-4 ATS at home
— under 4-1 at home

Bulls (6-6)
— 3-0 ATS as a home favorite.
— have already played 4 back/backs: 1-3 ATS first nite, 2-2 2nd nite
— under 4-1 last five games

Cavaliers (8-2):
— won 7 of last 8 games SU
— 6-1 ATS as a favorite.
— over 3-1 home games

Mavericks (6-3):
— won last four games SU, last three by 3-1-2 points.
— 1-4-1 ATS at home, 2-1 on road
— over 6-3

Nuggets (7-3):
— 4-1 SU their last five games
— 3-1 ATS as home favorite, 1-3 as road favorite
— under 4-0 home games

Pistons (3-8):
— 1-4 ATS on the road
— 4-5 ATS as an underdog
— under 4-0 last four games.

Warriors (4-7):
— lost five of last six games SU
— 2-6 ATS as a favorite
— under 3-1 last four games.

Rockets (2-9):
— 3-7-1 against the spread, all as an underdog
— 0-2 ATS first game of a back/back.
— over 4-1 last five home games

Pacers (5-5):
— won four of last five games (5-0 ATS).
— 6-3 ATS as an underdog
— over 3-1 last four home games

Clippers (6-5):
— won four of last five games SU
— 2-6 ATS as a favorite
— five of last six games stayed under

Lakers (2-8):
— 0-4 SU/ATS on the road
— 2-6 ATS as an underdog.
— under 3-1 on road

Grizzlies (7-4):
— won three of last four games SU
— 2-4 ATS on the road.
— under 4-1 last five games

Heat (4-7):
— 1-5 ATS as a home favorite
— 1-5 ATS last six games overall.
— under 3-1 last four games.

Bucks (9-1):
— covered eight of their ten games
— 6-1 ATS as a home favorite
— under 5-0 last five games.

Timberwolves (5-6):
— lost four of last five games SU
— 3-5 ATS at home
— under 3-0 road games

Pelicans (5-5):
— lost three of their last four games SU.
— 1-4 ATS as a favorite
— over 8-2

Knicks (5-5):
— lost four of last six games SU.
— 2-3 ATS at home, 3-2 on road
— under 3-1 last four games

Thunder (4-6):
— lost last three games SU.
— 3-1 ATS as a road underdog.
— last three home games went over

Magic (2-9):
— lost four of last five games SU
— 4-0 ATS as home dog, 0-4-2 as road dog
— over 4-1 home games.

76ers (5-6):
— won four of last six games SU
— 1-4 ATS as a home favorite.
— under 5-1 home, over 4-1 road

Suns (7-3):
— won six of last eight games SU
— 5-2 ATS as home favorite
— last four games stayed under total

Trailblazers (7-3):
— covered 8 of their 10 games.
— 2-0 ATS first night of back/back
— under 3-1 last four games

Kings (3-6):
— covered four of their last five games.
— 5-1 ATS as an underdog
— under 7-2

Spurs (5-6):
— lost their last four games SU
— 3-3 ATS as home dogs, 3-2 as road dogs.
— last three games stayed under total.

Raptors (6-5):
— split their last six games SU.
— 4-2 ATS on the road
— under 6-5

Jazz (9-3):
— won five of last six games SU (6-0 ATS)
— 8-1 ATS as an underdog
— under 4-1 last five road games

Wizards (5-6):
— lost five of last seven games SU
— 4-2 ATS on the road.
— last three games stayed under total.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
DAVIDSON is 7-0 ATS (7 Units) after a blowout win by 20 points or more over the last 2 seasons.

TENN-MARTIN is 5-16 ATS (-12.6 Units) in road games after 1 or more consecutive losses in the last 3 seasons.

JAMES MADISON is 23-42 ATS (-23.2 Units) in home games after a game where they made 78% of their free throws or better since 1997.

IUPUI is 7-17 ATS (-11.7 Units) after 1 or more consecutive unders in the last 3 seasons.

LSU is 8-0 ATS (8 Units) in home games in non-conference games over the last 2 seasons.

MONMOUTH is 7-0 ATS (7 Units) as a road underdog or pick over the last 2 seasons.

LIPSCOMB is 4-15 ATS (-12.5 Units) in non-conference games in the last 3 seasons.

BOISE ST is 8-1 ATS (6.9 Units) on Wednesday games in the last 3 seasons.

Scott Davenport is 17-8 ATS (8.2 Units) in road games (Coach of BELLARMINE)

FLA GULF COAST is 21-7 ATS (13.3 Units) in road games after a win by 10 points or more since 1997.

PORTLAND is 71-39 ATS (28.1 Units) in November games since 1997.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Wednesday, November 9

Trend Report

Mercy College @ Fairleigh Dickinson
Mercy College
No trends to report
Fairleigh Dickinson
No trends to report

Hampton @ James Madison
No trends to report
James Madison
James Madison is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing Hampton
James Madison is 2-4 SU in its last 6 games at home

Davidson @ Wright State
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Davidson's last 6 games on the road
Davidson is 12-3 SU in its last 15 games on the road
Wright State
Wright State is 7-1 SU in its last 8 games at home
Wright State is 6-2 ATS in its last 8 games at home

American @ Marist
No trends to report
Marist is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games at home
Marist is 2-5 ATS in its last 7 games at home

Tennessee-Martin @ Youngstown State
The total has gone UNDER in 10 of Tennessee-Martin's last 13 games on the road
Tennessee-Martin is 0-5 ATS in its last 5 games on the road
Youngstown State
Youngstown State is 8-2 SU in its last 10 games at home
The total has gone OVER in 6 of Youngstown State's last 8 games at home

Rockford @ Western Illinois
No trends to report
Western Illinois
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Western Illinois's last 5 games at home
Western Illinois is 3-6 SU in its last 9 games at home

Monmouth @ Seton Hall
The total has gone UNDER in 10 of Monmouth's last 11 games on the road
Monmouth is 13-5 ATS in its last 18 games on the road
Seton Hall
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Seton Hall's last 5 games at home
Seton Hall is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing Monmouth

Western State @ Utah Valley
Western State
No trends to report
Utah Valley
Utah Valley is 8-1 SU in its last 9 games at home
Utah Valley is 5-1 ATS in its last 6 games at home

IUPUI @ Drake
IUPUI is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games on the road
IUPUI is 1-16 SU in its last 17 games on the road
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of Drake's last 9 games at home
Drake is 5-2 SU in its last 7 games at home

UMKC is 5-0 ATS in its last 5 games on the road
UMKC is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games on the road
LSU is 22-3 SU in its last 25 games at home
LSU is 17-8 ATS in its last 25 games at home

Missouri S&T @ Missouri State
Missouri S&T
No trends to report
Missouri State
Missouri State is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games at home
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Missouri State's last 5 games at home

Champion Baptist @ Arkansas-Pine Bluff
Champion Baptist
No trends to report
Arkansas-Pine Bluff
No trends to report

Mobile @ South Alabama
No trends to report
South Alabama
South Alabama is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing Mobile
South Alabama is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing at home against Mobile

Lipscomb @ South Dakota
No trends to report
South Dakota
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of South Dakota's last 5 games at home
South Dakota is 19-6 SU in its last 25 games at home

Cal Maritime @ UC Davis
Cal Maritime
No trends to report
UC Davis
UC Davis is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of UC Davis's last 7 games at home

San Diego Christian @ Grand Canyon
San Diego Christian
No trends to report
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
Grand Canyon is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games at home

South Dakota State @ Boise State
South Dakota State
South Dakota State is 5-1 ATS in its last 6 games on the road
South Dakota State is 9-2 SU in its last 11 games on the road
Boise State
Boise State is 15-2 SU in its last 17 games at home
Boise State is 3-9 ATS in its last 12 games at home

Bellarmine @ Louisville
No trends to report
Louisville is 2-5 SU in its last 7 games at home
Louisville is 3-7-1 ATS in its last 11 games at home

Puget Sound @ Seattle
Puget Sound
No trends to report
Seattle is 17-3 SU in its last 20 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of Seattle's last 10 games at home

Florida Gulf Coast @ San Diego
Florida Gulf Coast
No trends to report
San Diego
San Diego is 8-4 SU in its last 12 games at home

Florida A&M @ Portland
Florida A&M
No trends to report
Portland is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home



Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
HAMP at JMU07:00 PMJMU -16.5
U 151.0
+500 +500
AMER at MRST07:00 PMAMER +1.0
O 132.0
+500 +500
UTM at YSU07:00 PMYSU -8.5
O 155.0
+500 +500
DAV at WRST07:00 PMDAV -4.0
U 152.0
+500 +500
MONM at HALL08:00 PMMONM +19.5
O 135.5
+500 +500
LIP at SDAK08:00 PMSDAK -5.5
U 149.0
+500 +500
KC at LSU08:00 PMLSU -23.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
INDPU at DRKE08:00 PMINDPU +26.0
O 131.0
+500 +500
BELL at LOU09:00 PMLOU -7.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
SDST at BSU09:00 PMBSU -6.5
U 145.0
+500 +500
FGCU at USD10:00 PMFGCU +4.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
FAMU at PORT10:30 PMFAMU +21.5
O 139.5
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017


11/09/2022..................................10-14-0.........................41.66%............................- 27.00
11/07/2022................................104-117-5.......................47.12%.............................- 123.50



110/09/2022...............................1-5-0..............................16.66%.............................- 22.50

TOTALS......................................1-5-0.............................16.66%.............................- 22.50


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Thursday’s 6-pack
NFL leaders in passes caught:
76— Tyreek Hill, Mia
72— Cooper Kupp, Rams
60— Stefon Diggs Buff/Austin Ekeler LAC
59— Justin Jefferson, Minn
57— Travis Kelce, KC
54— Michael Pittman, Ind

Quote of the Day
“That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard, that we’re tanking. That’s bullshit. We’re in this thing; 9-7-1 gets us (into the playoffs), no question about it. … We’re not tanking the season.”
Colts owner Jim Irsay

Thursday’s quiz
In 1972, Robert Irsay traded the NFL team he owned for the Baltimore Colts; which NFL team did Irsay own before he owned the Colts?

Wednesday’s quiz
Rams drafted QB Sam Bradford with the 1st pick of the 2010 NFL Draft; Tim Tebow was the only other QB taken in the first round that year.

Tuesday’s quiz
We know that Steph Curry played college basketball at Davidson; his dad Dell Curry played at Virginia Tech.


Thursday’s Den: Doing some thinking out loud……..

— ESPN used to have this great thing, a college basketball marathon that went 24-28 hours straight, something like that, a terrific way to start the season.

Remember playing video poker in Las Vegas at 3am while watching a game from Hawai’i; it was a little mind-numbing, but in a fun way. The 6-8am games from the east coast were bizarre.

These days, ESPN only cares about the NBA, which is too bad. College basketball needs a way to launch its season the right way.

Bellarmine 67, Louisville 66
Bellarmine is also in Louisville; Knights are in their 3rd year in D-I. They won a national title at the D-II level. They scored 1.08 points/possession in this game, very good.

Bellarmine led by 14 in first half, by 11 at the half; they only turned ball over 11 times.

This is an upset, but not a huge upset; Louisville was favored by 7.5 points.

— Hell of a week so far for the Atlantic Sun Conference:
Bellarmine 67, Louisville 66
Florida Gulf Coast 74, USC 61
Stetson 83, Florida State 74

Davidson 102, Wright State 97, 2OT
Wright State led 48-27 with 2:50 left in first half.
Wright State led 63-47 with 12:56 left in the game.
Davidson was 22-36 on foul line, Wright State 11-15.

South Dakota State 68, Boise State 66
Jackrabbits lost in OT at Akron Monday, get solid road win here.

Providence 66, Rider 65 (Tuesday)
Rider led this game 32-17 with 5:51 left in first half.
Broncs shot 34.1% inside arc, made 9-14 outside arc.
Friars were 26-43 on foul line, Rider 8-10, in a one-point game.

Georgetown 99, Coppin State 89 OT
Hoyas lost their last 21 games LY; they escape here with a narrow win.
Coppin State hit a late 3-pointer to force overtime.

— There are reports that “……..Gonzaga has been exploring its conference options” as in switching from the WCC to the Big X, a much bigger league.

This would be a terrible mistake.

Right now, the Gonzaga program is a big fish in a very small pond; they dominate the WCC, they get lot of national attention in March, and they get lot of high profile recruits because they win so much. If they go to the Big X, they’re a smaller fish in a deeper pond; mediocrity will set in, and they’ll be flying from Spokane to Lubbock, Morgantown or Kansas to get their butts kicked.

Gonzaga today is where UNLV was in the late 80’s, and that is a very good place to be. UNLV was in a cruddy league, the Big West. Cal-Santa Barbara, New Mexico State gave them enough competition to get their games on ESPN at midnight, but those UNLV teams were built to win in March, and they won a lot.

Gonzaga’s administration needs to be happy pummeling the WCC; they’ve been a 1-seed in four of last five NCAA tournaments. That should be good enough.

— Brooklyn Nets named interim coach Jacque Vaughn their new head coach, replacing the fired Steve Nash. It was a rumored that the Nets were going to hire former Celtics coach Ime Udoka, but that didn’t happen.

Orlando 94, Dallas 87— Magic held Luka Doncic to 24 points on 9-29 shooting, first time in 10 games this season he scored less than 30 points.

Wilt Chamberlain holds all-time record, scoring 30+ points in his first 23 games of the 1962-63 season.

Warriors 116, Kings 113— Golden State snapped its 5-game losing skid Monday night, with Steph Curry scoring 47 points in an impressive display— he shot 17-24 from floor, 7-12 on the arc. Kings led this game by nine points after the third quarter.

30 or so years ago, when we first started going out on Sundays to watch NFL games on a satellite dish, I remember saying one day that the whole thing was worth it, just to watch Barry Sanders run with the football every week— he was that good.

Thats how I feel about Steph Curry; it is freakin’ awesome to watch him pass/shoot and make his teammates better. He and Klay Thompson have made shooting cool to a whole generation of young ballplayers. He really has elevated the game.

— So far this NFL season, under is 79-55-2, as lot of offenses seem stuck in the mud.

— Matthew Stafford is in concussion protocol, Kyler Murray tweaked his hamstring last week, making this week’s Cardinal-Ram game a mystery between two struggling teams.

— 1B Anthony Rizzo apparently has turned down his $16M option for next season, making him a free agent. Rizzo hit 32 homers, knocked in 75 runs, but hit .224— he is 33 years old.

— Atlanta Braves traded P Jake Odorizzi to Texas for lefty P Kolby Allard, who the Braves took in the first round of the 2015 draft. Odorizzi has a $6.5M deal for next year, with a $3.25M buyout.

— California voted against legalizing sports betting this week; the election wasn’t close, which I’m assuming is good news for Las Vegas casinos.

— Coastal Carolina QB Grayson McCall is out 3-6 weeks; he’s thrown 21 TD’s with only one INT this season for the 8-1 Chanticleers.

— Surprising stat; Tulane Green Wave is 13-2 ATS in their last 15 games as a home favorite.

— Indianapolis Colts now have a head coach (Jeff Saturday) who has never coached in college or the NFL. He played a long time in the NFL, was a high school coach for three years, but Sunday is going to be very different for him.

Not only that, but 30-year old Parks Frazier, the assistant quarterbacks coach, is going to call plays this week. Colts don’t have any coaches who have ever called plays in an NFL game. Frazier played quarterback at Murray State.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Thursday, November 10

Trend Report




Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
LEH at VT06:00 PMVT -22.5
U 141.5
+500 +500
CHSO at OSU06:30 PMOSU -26.5
U 142.0
+500 +500
NCCU at APP06:30 PMAPP -6.0
U 137.0
+500 +500
TOWS at MASS07:00 PMMASS -3.5
O 146.0
+500 +500
L-MD at PSU07:00 PMPSU -17.0
U 137.0
+500 +500
COLG at BRWN07:00 PMCOLG -6.5
O 149.0
+500 +500
O 141.5
+500 +500
QUIN at STONE07:00 PMSTONE +10.5
O 142.5
+500 +500
SH at RUTG07:00 PMRUTG -21.0
O 139.5
+500 +500
WKU at EKY07:00 PMWKU -7.0
U 159.5
+500 +500
WCU at MD07:00 PMWCU +20.0
O 142.5
+500 +500
PRE at CIT07:00 PMPRE +2.0
O 132.5
+500 +500
WEBB at SFA07:30 PMSFA -5.5
U 138.0
+500 +500
SIU at OKST08:00 PMOKST -8.5
U 134.0
+500 +500
NEOM at NEB08:00 PMNEOM +17.5
O 150.0
+500 +500
NDSU at KU08:00 PMKU -24.0
O 148.0
+500 +500
TXSO at TTU08:00 PMTTU -18.5
O 136.5
+500 +500
CMU at MARQ08:00 PMMARQ -18.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
ILST at EIU08:00 PMEIU +10.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
RAD at ND08:00 PMND -18.0
U 138.0
+500 +500
O 139.0
+500 +500
U 136.0
+500 +500
COOK at IND08:30 PMCOOK +32.5
O 140.0
+500 +500
NAU at ASU09:00 PMNAU +15.5
O 134.0
+500 +500
UND at CREI09:00 PMCREI -29.5
U 141.5
+500 +500
UVM at SMC10:00 PMUVM +7.5
O 131.5
+500 +500
UCRV at LMU10:00 PMLMU -6.5
U 137.0
+500 +500
CP at SF10:00 PMSF -15.5
U 145.5
+500 +500
GASO at SCU10:00 PMGASO +12.0
O 141.0
+500 +500
NICH at WYO10:00 PMWYO -15.5
O 153.0
+500 +500
ALST at USC11:00 PMUSC -22.5
U 143.0
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

DATE..........................................W-L-T..............................%%................. .................UNITS

11/10/2022.................................25-36-1..........................41.13%................. .............- 73.00
11/09/2022..................................10-14-0.........................41.66%.................. ............- 27.00
11/07/2022..............................104-117-5.......................47.12%.................... .........- 123.50

TOTALS....................................139-167-6..........................45.42%................. .............-223.50


11/10/2022.............................8-11-0..............................42.10%............. ...............- 20.50
11/09/2022...............................1-5-0..............................16.66%............. ................- 22.50

TOTALS.....................................9-16-0.............................36.00%.............. ................- 43.00


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Friday’s 6-pack
NFL leaders in passing yards:
2,605— Patrick Mahomes, KC
2,547— Tom Brady, TB
2,535— Joe Burrow, Cin
2,403— Josh Allen, Buff
2,254— Justin Herbert, LAC
2,199— Geno Smith, Sea

Quote of the Day
“Success is getting what you want.
Happiness is wanting what you get.”
WP Kinsella

Friday’s quiz
Where did Jacob deGrom play his college baseball?

Thursday’s quiz
In 1972, Robert Irsay briefly owned the LA Rams before he dealt them to Carroll Rosenbloom for the Baltimore Colts, in an unusual trade.

Wednesday’s quiz
Rams drafted QB Sam Bradford with the 1st pick of the 2010 NFL Draft; Tim Tebow was the only other QB taken in the first round that year.


Friday’s Den: Random stuff with the weekend here…….

Panthers 25, Falcons 15
— Carolina led 13-3 at halftime on a rainy night in Charlotte.
— Piniero kicked four FG’s, two of them 46-49 yards.
— Foreman ran ball 31 times for 130 yards and a TD.
— Four of last five Panther home games stayed under the total.

— Falcons have now lost four of five road games SU.
— Atlanta averaged only 4.4 yards/pass attempt.
— Koo missed two PAT’s; he had made 71 in a row before that.
— Underdogs covered eight of their first ten games.

Some college football trends that were posted by ESPN’s Chris Fallica:
— 6-3 Texas is favored by 7 points over 9-0 TCU this week; since 1979, there have been six games where a team with 3+ losses was favored over a team 9-0 or better in the regular season. None of the six favorites were favored by more than a FG, so in the last 42 years, Texas is the biggest favorite a 3+ loss team has been over a 9-0 team.

Not a lot of respect for TCU there.

— Last four years, LSU is 0-3-1 ATS the week after playing Alabama.

— Since 2004, Oregon is 13-0 ATS when they’re favored against Washington.

— UConn Huskies are 8-2 ATS this season, Jim Mora Jr’s first season as HC.

— Since 2016, in games with a spread of 3.5 or fewer points, either favored/underdog:
Iowa State’s Matt Campbell 5-16 ATS
Oklahoma State’s Mike Gundy 14-5 ATS

Elsewhere in the world……..
— There are 30 quarterbacks in the NFL right now who were first round draft picks; the 12 guys who were drafted since 2019 are still on the team that drafted them.

Of the other 18 QB’s who were first round picks, only four are on the team that drafted them.

— Las Vegas Raiders are having a tough season:
They led Arizona 20-0, lost in overtime.
They led Kansas City 17-0, lost 30-29.
They led Jacksonville 17-0, lost 27-20.

Raiders put TE Darren Waller, WR Hunter Renfrow on the IL this week.

— Pittsburgh Steelers are first team in the last 20 years that doesn’t have a touchdown play of 15+ yards in its first nine games.

— Bengals’ RB Joe Mixon scored four TD’s in the first half last week, first time since 2013 that an NFL player scored four TD’s in a half (Jamaal Charles).

— Geno Smith is having a great season; Seahawks are 6-3, Smith has completed 73% of his passes, with 15 TD passes, only four INT’s.

This is Smith’s 9th year in the NFL (he didn’t play at all in 2019). Seattle is his 4th NFL team.

Jets went 8-8 in Smith’s rookie year, 2013; from 2014-21, Smith was 5-13 in NFL starts, as he changed from prospect to suspect. Letting Russell Wilson walk last spring seemed like an odd decision for Seattle, but Smith has bounced back and is a lock for Comeback Player of the Year.

— Falcons’ loss Thursday night puts 4-5 Tampa Bay into first place in the NFC South; 5-4 New England is in last place in the AFC East.

— Florida QB Anthony Richardson has signed more than $1M worth of NIL deals this college football season. Gators are 5-4 heading into this week’s game vs South Carolina.

— The slot machines at the airport in Las Vegas earn an average of $39.8M a year, or $11,000 a day, if you’re scoring at home. 86.5% of that $$$ is retained by the airport; the rest ($5.4M or so) goes to an operating company owned by Michael Gaughan, who owns South Point Casino.

— Justin Verlander turned down his $25M option for next season, is now a free agent; the 39-year old Verlander (he’ll turn 40 in February) was 18-4, 1.75 in 28 starts for the Astros this season, winning another World Series ring.

— Dodgers turned down Justin Turner’s $16M option for next year; he is also a free agent. Turner hit .278 with 81 RBI this year, playing in only 128 games.

— Mets picked up P Carlos Carrasco’s $14M option for next year; he was 15-7, 3.97 in 29 starts this year. Carrasco will turn 36 next March.

— Conference USA agreed to a 5-year deal with ESPN and CBS; all their October football games will be played mid-week, much like the MAC does with its November games now.

Southern Illinois 61, Oklahoma State 60— Salukis trailed by 12 with 9:26 left in game. SIU starts four seniors; is that going to be a good indicator for early season success?

Marquette 97, Central Michigan 73— Marquette made 13-38 on the arc, only 14-27 on foul line; they don’t have any seniors in their rotation.

Notre Dame 79, Radford 76— Radford led 57-48 with 10:23 left in game. Notre Dame scored the last four points of the game.

— Michigan State-Gonzaga play Friday night on a battleship in San Diego, on Veterans’ Day; there are finally some good college basketball games Friday, so tonight is going to be fun.
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