I'm tempted to write an elaborate column on this topic, but I'll save you all the trouble. For all of the drama it gives to fans, life lessons it gives to players and pride it gives to University employees, the sport is constantly dragged down by an ever-growing reactionary section of the media and fans. These are the meatheads that want the Big East out of the BCS, Ty Willingham out of Notre Dame and the bowl system to be abolished in favor of a playoff. Everything is Me and Now with these morons. Immediate personal gratification trumps fairness, class and tradition at every turn. Gone are the ideals of caring for those less fortunate, building character in young men and giving the people who helped build the system something to cherish.
Plenty of fans complain about college football, but if you support any of the three aforementioned hot button issues, then you're part of the problem. Empires built on arrogance, greed and selfishness can only last so long, so enjoy it while you can, knuckleheads.
Plenty of fans complain about college football, but if you support any of the three aforementioned hot button issues, then you're part of the problem. Empires built on arrogance, greed and selfishness can only last so long, so enjoy it while you can, knuckleheads.