Nobody ever said that USC was the mythical National Champion in 2002. Ohio State was. USC was just the best team that year. Hell, OSU was the best team in 1996 when Florida won the mythical National Championship. I don't see what is so ridiculous in thinking that some team other than the mythical National Champion is the best team in a sport where the top teams don't play each other.
For the record, I did have money on Miami based on advice from a MadJack's member that everyone here knows very well. It was an action bet placed at slightly more than 1/18th the stake of my normal wager. My point is that it doesn't influence my opinion of OSU and USC from that year at all.
In defining Elitist, you forgot to add the phrase at the end, "or religious beliefs." Also, it's a huge misconception that both USC alums and liberals (two groups I am proud to be a part of) consider themselves to be deserving of favored treatment. We simply want to be treated fairly, be allowed to work hard for what we get and not have our freedom compromised by others pushing their beliefs on us.
You have absolutely no clue how to define which teams, "deserve," to play in a bowl game. If you want to rail against mediocrity, rail against college basketball, where teams from podunk conferences and sixth place finishers get a shot at being called the National Champion. At least with bowl games only the great teams get a shot at being named number one and the mediocre teams get to have an out of town party with their alumni one last time.