Communist Party USA throws support behind John Kerry


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
Romans chap. 1 in the KJV is interpreted much differently, in my opinion, than you see it. obviously we are going to disagree here. perhaps a study on sodom and gomorrah (sp) is in order here to illustrate the Bible's stance on this "alternate lifestyle".

the hypocrisy in my views are somewhat hidden to me as is the the contradictions of anyone that expresses an opinion.

if you read my post you will see that i admit guilt myself.

never did i state that God does not love all, but i did say that this behaviour is not condoned.

how is it that the use of the word homo's makes me uneducated ? curious ? one could argue a degree at Memphis is suspect.

However, did not intend to get in a mud slinging contest, but i did want too express my opinion.

why was i attacked for this ? because i used a term that was offensive ? was it because i brought up something that was judeo christian , but i am a human with faults that likes to gamble ?

how is gambling different from playing the stock market ?

i don't have all the answers - just opinions like everyone else on the board.

mr c your research of the book of Romans is impressive, and your lengthy post is respected - i just do not agree with it.

maybe we just all need the NFL to start and we can bo back to being degenerate, drunk gamblers. :) :drinky:

but maybe that is just me.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Nosigar said:
All this is is just political lobbying, taking advantage of brainwashed robots to endorse a specific agenda.

I think (as smurphy is saying) we're just coming at this from two different angles.
Could I care less if two gay people do or don't get married? No.
Intersting to hear your friends are opposed to the idea rather than just ambivalent. I'm not sure why they'd actually be against the idea, but anyway.....

The part I object to is 50+ yo, ultra conservative men taking steps to move our respective countries backwards 50 years.
I mean, here in Australia, the health benefits cost is not even an issue, because anyone can take private health and marriage is not a factor.
Just the sheer stupidity (pointlessness?) of it all, is that only 5-6 years ago it was illegal to perform sexual acts with the same sex in Tasmania (and had been for 200 years obviously)....But the laes were repealed, because the vast majority of people saw the pointlessness of it all. How many people in the last 200 had ever been arrested and tried for breaking that law?...Well, maybe one or 2 a LONG time ago, but certainly none in the last century.
Now here we are 5-6 years later and an ultra-conservative government HAS now legally banned gay marriages. Why?

Again....If children are involved I DO believe it's another matter entirely, but it IS a seperate issue.

So I guess the short answer to all of that I believe it's a political issue, simply because the government is making it one.....Whcih is again utterly pointless herre in Aus, because both parties agree and so it's not even an election issue.

I guess ome people simplybelieve that these 'homos' are destroying the fabric of our society.
As someone else posted not long ago...There are SO many other, SO much more important things that need to be done. Why any government would watse time on this triffling matter is simply beyond me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
:shrug: :thinking: :( my lack of overall education does not warrant a response,retort, or acknowledgement.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
ELVIS said:
mr c your research of the book of Romans is impressive, and your lengthy post is respected - i just do not agree with it.
Thanks, Elvis, but as I said, I can't take credit for it.
I'm not into the whole "bible thing" as such, but do actually find it all very interesting!!
That was the result of a relatively quick 'net search and copy and paste.....and if you're interested there's PLENTY of stuff there on Sodom and Gomorrah aswell!! :142lmao:

To me the word 'homo' is fairly derogitory, and I see it as a negative term more often than not. Just don't particularly like the word....

maybe we just all need the NFL to start and we can bo back to being degenerate, drunk gamblers.

And, as un-religious as I am.....AMEN TO THAT! :clap:

EDIT: You must have posted your post as I was posting mine....didn't see it until after!...But no...Memphis U, ha!! you call that a degree!! :joke:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
thanks. if you have winners during the nfl post em to my attention. i don't gaf about politics when the foot strikes the leather. spent years in the church as a juvenile and i know the religion backwards and forwards. but my vice is football adn i love to gamble. gl this year.

however, i may make a small wager on gwb's reelection - hey its only $$.

bastard !!! i worked hard for 6 yrs to get that 4 yr degree, would you believe political science ? :slomo :toast:

i am having another seagrams 7 on the rocks - we did learn something at the U of M.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
maybe we just all need the NFL to start and we can bo back to being degenerate, drunk gamblers.
F'kn A, man. Can't wait for the election too. I make my self sick typing my views so much.

Chicago Under 7 ???


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
djv said:
Maybe the Mormons had it right to start with. And why is there fewer whore houses. Are we saying those founding fathers and the cowboys had it all wrong.

Did I see Yogi somewhere around :thinking: ?
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