Concerns with Obama as Prez

Roger Baltrey

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2005
What has any administration done about it in last 20 years--what about Mr Greenie Gore/Clinton

Per the rest--It is speculation on what drilling will find from enough to supply us for 70 years to only changing price of gas a few cents--the truth probably somewhere in between--
What is not speculation but concrete is results if we don't.

Your issue on war is opinion but comes under budget of defence---no secret liberals stance on budget for defence vs social programs in the past--and you certainly got a good one in the running--beating the same drum.


Bush had a bigger reason to start conserving...if we were going to take one of the primary suppliers of oil off the market and Iran (as it should be) is public enemy #1 and 19/21 9-11ers come from Saudi, wouldn't you make some effort to reduce our oil consumption. FYI, I will probably vote for Mc Cain but that's cause Obama will take lots of $$$$ out of my pocket and the dems will screw up health care worse than it is. Our best bet is a mixed government cause both parties suck. But I do hate people talking about the "enemy" in Iraq because I thought it was the Sunni Muslim named Saddam. Now we are fighting Shiites and Al Queda who only came after we started to fight the war. That is fawked up and I shouldn't have to pay $80B. By the way, one easy way to conserve fuel in this country would be more high speed rail. Why should anyone fly from NYC to Boston or DC? Spend the $80B on that!


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Roger good place for the money rail. As for Iraq only way we get out eariler is by voting against Mc Cain. He just loves the place. Our bigest worry remains Afghan. We called down to much to do Iraq. That mistake will and is hurting us.
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Forum Member
Jun 14, 2002
Austin, Texas
what the hell....???

what the hell....???

Are people poor because they want to be poor

Um, yeah, that's, um, how it works....?

Are you seriously asking if poor people are poor becuasr they won't work?

Whatever your point is, people reap what they sow.

Look at all the countries around with low to sub-standard incomes. The amount of work done per person is exceptionally low.

Americans work at their jobs for something like 44-45 hours a week, and we are in the top 8 in gross income per family nations on earth.

European countries, which it's typical to work 22-35 hours a week, a substatial difference, are not near to the US in that category.

So, quite clearly, working lifts you out of poverty, it really does.

Most citizens living in the state of being poor aren't afforded opps for good jobs and wealthy enough to send themselves or there kids to school in order to break the cycle

They aren't entitled to be rich if they refuse to work. Fundamental theorem of society.

I will vote or would vote for ANY canidate regardless of race,creed, or color that is willing to HELP OUT the lower class by taxing the wealthy of this country, is it right:shrug: and I AM NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD BE TAXED, I DON'T KNOW YOUR LIFESTYLE OR TAX BRACKET, nor does it matter to me....but these athletes getting 5-10-25 million a year for entertainment as doctors, cops, firemen, and teachers make just a living as the athletes and super CEOs make million isn't right in my demented mind.

I completely agree. I'd just take their money, period. No one neds more than 2.5 million dollars. Seriously, they don't. This a tough issue, but regardless of how you cut it, athletes aren't as important to our nation as teachers. There is no reason military personnel, and firemen, service people, if you will, should be payed minuscule amounts, such as they are. I, too, would vote for someone who could guarantee a country where Bill Gates makes no more than 6 or 7 times what his lowest employee makes. Which would also require revamping speculative and anti-American activities such as the stock market. Dividends are obviously not what drives that market, and let stop pretending it does. The benefit of being a boss or supervisor or manager is not more pay, but easier work. Let me put it to you this way, gentle reader. If say, ditch digger are really so valueless to a company that employs them at 6.50 an hour, then why even use them at all, and save your company some money....?

I live close to PHILADELPHIA and EVERYTIME there becomes a shortage on jobs and life becomes a little harder to manage due to finaces PEOPLE GET KILLED DAILY, and I dont think its due to BAD PEOPLE

I suppose I'm happy for you, but poor people are poor because they willfully choose to commit crimes rather than work. Not too many multi-billionaires in the system, my friend. But tons of repeat offenders.


Forum Member
Jun 14, 2002
Austin, Texas
Now we are fighting Shiites and Al Queda who only came after we started to fight the war. That is fawked up and I shouldn't have to pay $80B. By the way, one easy way to conserve fuel in this country would be more high speed rail. Why should anyone fly from NYC to Boston or DC? Spend the $80B on that!

First of all, God speaks of Marty Robbins. If you can't believe that, I can't help you.

Second, al-Q'eda has been around a longtime. Did you know that the political faction that Hussein belonged to was trained by Nazis? Who in turn helped to start this al-Q'eda movement...

Hardly anyone in America has ever flown on a plane, if you think we have extra trillions of dollalrs to build a 3,200 PLUS mile railroad, um, yah...

No one even travels between the separate coasts, which is why it costs so much to travel between those cities.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Wrong Tenzing great empire builder comes through my city once a day. And it's full. That means in winter 300 to 350 and summer over 450. And Roger was talking east cost area where they need it.

Roger Baltrey

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2005
First of all, God speaks of Marty Robbins. If you can't believe that, I can't help you.

Second, al-Q'eda has been around a longtime. Did you know that the political faction that Hussein belonged to was trained by Nazis? Who in turn helped to start this al-Q'eda movement...

Hardly anyone in America has ever flown on a plane, if you think we have extra trillions of dollalrs to build a 3,200 PLUS mile railroad, um, yah...

No one even travels between the separate coasts, which is why it costs so much to travel between those cities.

Golden stairway to a zeppelin heaven.

My point is that we have changed the reason we in there 3 times now. WMD to toppling Saddam to fighting Al Queda.....blah blah blah. Usually the sign of a bad idea. We aren't fighting anyone, we are refereeing a civil war. I can think of much better ways to spend $80B a year. And the rail thing was one suggestion to start reducing reliance on Saudi Arabia and other "crazy states" .
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