Conditions on federal aid in Cali

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
1 Voter ID
2 Preventative measures

If true, this will be the first major error in judgment on DJT’s part in his second term.

I most certainly think voter id laws should be in place across the country as they are throughout the civilized world, but I don't think it's fair to hold American citizens hostage over a political matter.

As to the condition on Cali taking preventative measures, I do think that it should be made clear to homeowners and municipalities alike that the state of California will have to practice preventative measures going toward or fema may not provide aid the next time.
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
The problem with voter ID requirements is that it's unconstitutional. I don't give a flying fuck but if we're supposed to use it as the North Star, then so be it. Are we following it or not?

If California puts $5 in the pot and gets $1 back, that's complete BS that they'd be denied Federal support when they desperately need it.

For preventative measures, I think that would include acknowledging the threat of climate change has changed the landscape, which probably won't fly Federally. Remember, according to daddy, it's a hoax.....just live the China flu.
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Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
The problem with voter ID requirements is that it's unconstitutional. I don't give a flying fuck but if we're supposed to use it as the North Star, then so be it. Are we following it or not?

If California puts $5 in the pot and gets $1 back, that's complete BS that they'd be denied Federal support when they desperately need it.

For preventative measures, I think that would include acknowledging the threat of climate change has changed the landscape, which probably won't fly Federally. Remember, according to daddy, it's a hoax.....just live the China flu.

Unconstitutional makes me laugh. as if Black and Latinos don’t have state issued IDs lolol. . Why is it that the judge didn’t mention in his/her original findings that Asians don’t have IDs. Why did he mention Latinos and blacks only? Are those groups inferior to the point they can’t Obtain and maintain state issued identification? Lololol That’s as racist of a position as the New York governor who indicated kids in the Bronx don’t have access to or know how to use phones and computers. It’s an odd take to say the very least

There were conditions put on Louisiana after hurricane Katrina. I didn’t flood, but when I built a house in 2012, I had to build it 56 inches above grade level to qualify for FEMA-backed flood insurance. Also, The state use d federal aid to make some corrections at the mouth of the river, and have since maintained these improvements as mandated by fema. Why would California not do the same?

I forgot you overreacted to Covid, too. Not surprised. I’m assuming you probably still wear masks. I’m willing to bet that you won’t admit, even though it’s already come out very clearly by scientists on both sides of the aisle that myocarditis is a real threat. I would bet my left nut that you would mandate vaccines and boosters for Covid today. You and I both know that you called for people to lose their jobs if they didn’t get vaccinated. I was vaccinated, but am all for people right to choose religious politics. Common sense went out the window. Democrat party, and the extreme liberals like yourself who are the vast majority in that party, supported gestapo tactics to get people to fall in line. That shit was gross and the Biden administration lost me completely right there.
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
What judge? People on the very bottom of the economic system are less likely to pay up for licenses or ID. That's likely why they referenced Latinos and blacks in whatever you are talking about.
I'd prefer a system where everyone was required to vote, like in Australia.

They should have conditions,especially for states like Louisiana that take more than they put in. That's where I think CA has a gripe is they put in way more than they get back.

Why would you assume I still wear a mask? I'm fully vaccinated. If we have another pandemic, I'd be all in favor of letting people go unemployed over their freedumb to not get vaccinated. It's a free country, but you aren't entitled to employment. Why did you get vaccinated? Are you a liberal wimp? Didn't most of the COVID restrictions happen during Trump's administration? Did you blame Trump for the 9 months of mask mandates he had?

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
What judge? People on the very bottom of the economic system are less likely to pay up for licenses or ID. That's likely why they referenced Latinos and blacks in whatever you are talking about.
I'd prefer a system where everyone was required to vote, like in Australia.

They should have conditions,especially for states like Louisiana that take more than they put in. That's where I think CA has a gripe is they put in way more than they get back.

Why would you assume I still wear a mask? I'm fully vaccinated. If we have another pandemic, I'd be all in favor of letting people go unemployed over their freedumb to not get vaccinated. It's a free country, but you aren't entitled to employment. Why did you get vaccinated? Are you a liberal wimp? Didn't most of the COVID restrictions happen during Trump's administration? Did you blame Trump for the 9 months of mask mandates he had?
The conditions have nothing to do with the size of the state economy, rather not paying for the same thing twice without the state, addressing, with federal money, granted, the issue or issues which contributed to the natural disaster.

I have such a strange way of looking at things, but that’s not really what it is. You just spend your time manipulating information to support your ideology. it’s fascinating.

The Jorge speak of is the original judge in 2014 or so who labeled IDs unconstitutional.

The reality is you’re not collecting welfare without a state issued identification. So the poorest people do have identification assuming they receive aid. most civilized countries require identification to vote. Are all of those countries trying to suppress the vote, or are they just trying to make elections more fair and secure?

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
What judge? People on the very bottom of the economic system are less likely to pay up for licenses or ID. That's likely why they referenced Latinos and blacks in whatever you are talking about.
I'd prefer a system where everyone was required to vote, like in Australia.

They should have conditions,especially for states like Louisiana that take more than they put in. That's where I think CA has a gripe is they put in way more than they get back.

Why would you assume I still wear a mask? I'm fully vaccinated. If we have another pandemic, I'd be all in favor of letting people go unemployed over their freedumb to not get vaccinated. It's a free country, but you aren't entitled to employment. Why did you get vaccinated? Are you a liberal wimp? Didn't most of the COVID restrictions happen during Trump's administration? Did you blame Trump for the 9 months of mask mandates he had?
That’s the point, it’s a free country. There should be no federal mandates forcing anyone to do anything medically to their body. I never want see an American president talking about isolating the unvaccinated or removing any of their rights. I recall multiple odd liberals in the public eye calling for unvaxxed to be denied healthcare. Joe Biden himself called it the pandemic of the unvaccinated which the data clearly shows was an outright lie. Rachel Maddow did a 20 minute monologue on how the moment you get vaccinated ends with you and you no longer can spread it to anyone else. Another outright lie. I thought all of that was insanely over the top. I was vaccinated, my wife was vaccinated, and both of my sons were minors at the time so it was my decision as to what we did with them. After speaking with Medical professional friends of mine, I opted to give them each one dose of Moderna to limit their chances of myocarditis

If a place of business opts to require an experimental vax which was rushed through testing , I don’t like it, but that’s a different story as I’m all about allowing business owners to make their own decisions of how they want to run their company.
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