Congrats NO, but remember

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 5, 2005
Let's all be honest. NO is one of the filthiest, crime ridden, racially stressed cities in the US. 90% of the city pre-Katrina was a slum and smelled like a sewer. Why would you rebuild the city? Just so another hurricane can come? Relocate the city to higher ground is the only viable alternative. The whole city is a SEWER. I have been there 4 times and I will never go back. Did I mention it is also the most CORRUPT city in the US too?


Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Mean Streets
Too bad they took the reps off. It would have got ripped. :mj07:

Although I can't help but agree on a few of your comments.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001

i plan on never going there if at all possible during my lifetime

would rather go to more family friendly places who deserve my dollar much more than this sewer as you so rightly stated


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2006
Wow. What a rediculious statement. One of the most historically rich cities in the United States, not to mention, its containt the most important port in the nation.
We should relocate all of southern Mississippi as well, right? Since Katrina destroyed it too. Give me a break.
I hope those statements come from frustration from your wager.
Put this in the trash where it belongs.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 5, 2005
Did I mention that there were MULTIPLE rapes, beatings and robberies in the Superdome?? I mean please.......

I went very small on ATL, yes, but not enough to get mad, I just get sick of all of this, we love NO stuff. The place is just a cesspool, and it was one before Katrina.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 5, 2005
Wow. What a rediculious statement. One of the most historically rich cities in the United States, not to mention, its containt the most important port in the nation.
We should relocate all of southern Mississippi as well, right? Since Katrina destroyed it too. Give me a break.
I hope those statements come from frustration from your wager.
Put this in the trash where it belongs.

The city is built in a BOWL surrounded by water and it is sinking a few inches every year. Think logically, you cannot rebuild it to be safe enough for the future. It is like a biblical Sodom there, crime, rapes, racism, etc...If it weren't for the tourism it would be a place that no one ever would want to go to, and they are terrified that the tourism industry won't recover and if it doesn't the city would die because they cannot get any middle class people to live there.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
...figures Freeze Dik would show up.... :scared :mj07:

...yeah, Pat O's, hurricanes and *show me your tits* - I hate that place.... almost as much as I hate joe theisman. :rolleyes:

why would i take my family to that lawless, crime ridden, crooked government place???

"cesspool" is a complement for that hole
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The Sage
Forum Member
The city is built in a BOWL surrounded by water and it is sinking a few inches every year. Think logically, you cannot rebuild it to be safe enough for the future. It is like a biblical Sodom....

I thought that was Atlantis?!?!?! It would be hard for Nawleans to *burn from falling sulfer* if it were under water.... :shrug:

...let's keep the *general comments* in the general forum....



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Wow. What a rediculious statement. One of the most historically rich cities in the United States, not to mention, its containt the most important port in the nation.
We should relocate all of southern Mississippi as well, right? Since Katrina destroyed it too. Give me a break.
I hope those statements come from frustration from your wager.
Put this in the trash where it belongs.

Although I do some what agree that New Orleans is one of the most historically rich cities, It does not contain the most important port in the nation by a long shot. Of the 300 ports in our nation, 43% of the goods come through the Long Beach/LA port. The LA/LB port is easily the most important port in the nation.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
It's interesting how easily people want to sell out fellow Americans. New Orleans might be the most historic and culturally rich city in this country. It's sad that too many Americans have no sense of this and would just as soon see the city wiped off the map.

Yeah, it's below sea level. But that hasn't stopped it from existing and thriving for over 300 years. Puny little Holland has no problem investing in a levee system that can protect their country from well well over Cat 5 storm surges. That embarassing levee system was breeched by Cat 1 flooding of Lake Ponchartrain.

All that garbage about rapes in Superdome were completely made up by some fkn neocon blog. They fed ingorant fvks what they wanted to hear.

But yeah, hey remember NO - you suck, your people suck, and none of us God-fearing folks wanna ever see you again. Congrats dbldn, you made one of the most assinine posts of all time.
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