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baby johnson

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Sep 12, 2001
dicken's cider, wisconsin
566...your insight is correct imho. the temptation to wager just for the sake of wagering is compulsive to say the least. yet choosing a side which one feels is the "right" side is intelligent handicapping. I for one am learning how to control the urge to just gamble. I've been learning for the last ten years or so, but i feel i'm less stupid as time passes.

thee ahjoah

count zero

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Sep 16, 2000
marin county california
I kind of agree with phoenix too, although it was unwise to phrase his point the way he did. Think about it: if the Jags had been down to one timeout instead of 2, GB would have positioned the ball in the center of the field with a couple of knees, let the clock run down to the end, then kicked the FG and not covered. Or if Brackens hadn't slipped while chasing Favre on that rollout, GB would surely have run on 3rd down (Jax was out of TOs) and taken the FG and not covered. When the cover depends on something like that, the result is just luck.

Where I disagree with phoenix is with the idea that no true 'capper (only gamblers) would have played the side last night. For me, and apparently for phoenix, that was true, but we have no way of knowing how others saw the game, and in any case, I think you have to accept that in the end it's only wins and losses that define a handicapper, not good intentions. You have to eat the losses, no matter how outrageous, and so you might as well take credit (and extend credit to others) for the wins.


Cannabis Sativa
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2001
inside your head
thanks guys. i see how I may have came off 'strong' but believe me when I say I was trying to be hard on myself only. I did not meen to imply that anyone who played last nights game is only a gambler (that would put me in that class as well), simply trying to point out (at least for me) that the gambler in me, won the battle with the handicapper in me yesterday. We are all a little of each here. And I guess that was the main point I was trying to get across.

at least I was able to post some 'winning' pics last night


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

No one will agree 100% of the time. I don't have issue with you over many things, so it's not like we have some ugly history. I am also sorry that I pissed you off with my post, but word for did say what you said! It might not have been how, or what you meant to get across, but can only be read one way.

Originally posted by phoenix566:
I'm a little bent out of shape that my opinion is called out as being completely obsurd. I never stated playing the game means you are not a handicapper, ( did!) but that maybe you are not as serious of one as you think. With 'you' really being me here. To then be told by someone who professes they are trying to become a more serious handicapper, yeah that ticks me off a little. (Now, what does that mean? I am not serious about handicapping, because this game didn't pan out the way I handicapped it? I will give you a chance to explain this, but it seems as clear to me as the first comment you made.

there is some 'handicapper' and some 'gambler' in all of us. YOU need to decide which part you want more prevalent. I will continue to strive to be a better 'handicapper', called out in what I think or not. Just don't bash me for having an opinion.[/B]

If someone writes something insulting, they are likely to get "bashed". Whether you intended to mean it as an insult or not, does not matter.

I may be wrong, but I don't see how anyone could interpret your 1st post any other way.

What I have read, and continue to read in your posts on this topic, is that if a game doesn't turn out exaclty as a person handicaps it, they are "guessing" or "gambling" rather than "handicapping".

If I am wrong, I am sorry. At any rate, I will continue to try and improve on how I wager, and handicap.

I am not holding any sort of grudge towards you, so please.....let's not get into any big pissing match, here. I did not try to insult, or disrespect you here, so I hope you understand that. But, I cannot share your view on this matter.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
well, phoenix, you did get this one on fire.

the silicone butts have kind of soothed the issue, and hopefully i will kill the thread with the following:

while most of us here are handicappers of different sorts, it is one thing to "pick" a few games that we handicap favorably on any given sunday, and another to "force" ourselves to handicap a game where we don't have a clear angle.

thus, we come to mnf. many here, including the both of us, had to get some action, the best of our abilities we handicapped the game. some saw it one way and others in a completely different way. the ones who saw it the "correct" way won, and the correct way was what the final score said.

want to talk about the game? it could have gone either way, it could have been jax and under, had things been just a bit different.

btw, i swept: 1st half under, parlay and teaser, i can't get a pat in the back, especially since sunday was a kick in the butt?

now, here is something to think about:

firm: miami, oak, n.e.

borderline: chi, jax, wash.



Cannabis Sativa
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2001
inside your head

basically since you played gb last night, you took my post as directed to you. If you read my thread last night I said GB was a sucker play (which may win) and that sucker plays are not healthy in the long run. Even after saying this, I PLAYED GB for the first half and lost. AGAIN, I AM REMINDING MYSELF to stop breaking rules which have worked for ME to this point.

when did I say you are not serious about handicapping? I commended you for trying to become better as you admitted you liked to play for action. I am not the best capper out there and I never professed to be. I rarely subject my 'rules' to anyone else either, I just keep bringing this particular one up because I feel it is an important one. You may have felt like you capped the game well last night, but the fact remains, it was a sucker play. Always has been, always will be. You won, great. It's still a sucker play. Keep making them and you will be re-loading you account in the future.

If someone writes something insulting, they are likely to get "bashed". Whether you intended to mean it as an insult or not, does not matter.

I already apologized about coming across harshly, but obviously to no avail.

What I have read, and continue to read in your posts on this topic, is that if a game doesn't turn out exaclty as a person handicaps it, they are "guessing" or "gambling" rather than "handicapping".

I guess I am just not a good articulator. All I am trying to say is that people who are in this to make $$, stay away from games like this one. You get 15 NFL games a week. If the MNF game was on a Sunday, most people would probably not touch it. But since it is all by itself, many of us need to play it. Why? Each to his own....perhaps some so they can continue to show the forum who's boss. Perhaps some because they can't spend an evening with no action. Perhaps some who knew the refs were gonna hand GB the game as they handed Balt one a few weeks ago...the list goes on and on as do the reasons for playing.

I am an idiot for playing the game. I am not blaming anyone for that but MYSELF. Hopefully putting myself in the spotlight here may help some young handicappers learn from my mistake. If just one does, this has all been worth it.

lets just agree to disagree here and move on. I hold no grudges and have no ill will towards you (or barfly).

Again sorry if it seemed I was attacking anyone. I was not and never will, except myself, when I deserve it. Like after last night.



PS - no more pics for you yyz. I will be putting up a filter so you can not view them in my

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i thought it would be a close game with Green Bay pulling it out in the i took the GB ML.......seems to me that that is exactly what happened so i correctly handicapped the game......thus you are flat out wrong saying that the game could not be handicapped.....GB ML was a solid play......


Cannabis Sativa
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2001
inside your head
for the last time, I am not saying the game could not be handicapped. I am saying it should have been a stay away (at least for me) and anyone who professes that they want to become a better handicapper.

keep laying your chalk doctor.....then in the future you will be able to successfully handicap:

Pay off student loan +135
Pay off bookie -150

did I mention this play was a 'lock'?


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Phoenix was/is dead on with his take of that game last night. Only a sucker thinks laying 3.5 points with a road team is a good play. If you were holding a ticket with the Packers on it, you got lucky-- with a TON of help from the refs--to win that game last night.
I wouldn't have bet that game last night if you were holding a gun to my head.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
No problem phoenix. NO grudges held on this end Dickhead!

Ok, now I'm hoping ya know that was me just joking around

Make mine a Double!,

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
phoenix.....obviously every game is not gonna go as you would think and someone who thought that GB would win this game by 2 scores 60 percent of the time is not a bad handicapper in doing so.....i agree that the game could have gone either way, but saying that because you were on either side does not necessarily indicate a bad handicapper....

you are always gonna miss your fair share of games....the way i like to look at games is gauge outcomes and assess a likelihood to the different outcomes and go from there....last night i thought the pack would blow the Jags out a third of the time, get blown out about a tenth of the time, win a close one about 40 percent of the time, and lose a close one the rest....thus i chose to play the ML on the game.....not too bad of a call....obviously i do not play ML's on many games in the NFL this year, and actually can't remember more than a time or two when I have this year.....but did so last night based on my perception of likely was a winner, and yes it could have gone either way, but all games can do that....late and good luck too ya.....


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