i usually dont watch any news,i like to get my info reading or on the net.but tonight im watching cnn and their showing bodybags of innocents and people crying(sick to the stomach stuff).no matter what people say i do belive most of these people are innocent bystanders,yes they live among some terrorists but % wise i truly belive they out # real terrorist thousands to 1.innocent people trying to live their lives and may be guilty of being prejudice towards jews.but being a bigot should not mean death,just like the south was towards blacks for so many years.
in the beging of this war it was nice to hear how the muslim (arab part)of world was against hezbolla and what they started and that they were wrong,btw most of the muslim world is sunni and hezbola is shite and have their own reasons for using terrorist tactics and trust me its not to spread and convert people thats propaganda 100% forget about what some of the frontline dummies are fighting for.as the innocent death toll rises hez is getting more support from the public but i think its more of support against isreal.people love an underdog and hate the yankees(funny?a little)
anyway my point is with 1000's of innocent death children,women innocent bystanders affectes 10's of thosands others(kids left with no parents..parents left with no kids..brother losses sister,husband losses wife etc..)these normally peaceful people are now scarred for the rest of their lives and have to definatley take a hit mentally...now groups like hez,and alqida have a whole new crop of recruits.i belive most of these people are lower than middle class who are all about family,and now hezbolla or alqida in other regions come in and have i would think an easy time to get some of these people on their front line and be (martyrs).some will go about their lives and realize its war and it suks ,and others will pick up a gun and join the cause for their own reasons and believe the teachings of some of the fanatics,why shouldnt they?many reasons why they shouldnt but losing loved ones in this way can make you a very diffrent person and rightly so....watching this stuff and a post that was closed on here where someone mentioned that maybe theway the thinking was at the beging of this fight the next generation will shutout these extremist preachers got me thinking ,the opposite maybe true.
in the beging of this war it was nice to hear how the muslim (arab part)of world was against hezbolla and what they started and that they were wrong,btw most of the muslim world is sunni and hezbola is shite and have their own reasons for using terrorist tactics and trust me its not to spread and convert people thats propaganda 100% forget about what some of the frontline dummies are fighting for.as the innocent death toll rises hez is getting more support from the public but i think its more of support against isreal.people love an underdog and hate the yankees(funny?a little)
anyway my point is with 1000's of innocent death children,women innocent bystanders affectes 10's of thosands others(kids left with no parents..parents left with no kids..brother losses sister,husband losses wife etc..)these normally peaceful people are now scarred for the rest of their lives and have to definatley take a hit mentally...now groups like hez,and alqida have a whole new crop of recruits.i belive most of these people are lower than middle class who are all about family,and now hezbolla or alqida in other regions come in and have i would think an easy time to get some of these people on their front line and be (martyrs).some will go about their lives and realize its war and it suks ,and others will pick up a gun and join the cause for their own reasons and believe the teachings of some of the fanatics,why shouldnt they?many reasons why they shouldnt but losing loved ones in this way can make you a very diffrent person and rightly so....watching this stuff and a post that was closed on here where someone mentioned that maybe theway the thinking was at the beging of this fight the next generation will shutout these extremist preachers got me thinking ,the opposite maybe true.
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