creating more terrorists


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Oct 8, 2003
east coast
i usually dont watch any news,i like to get my info reading or on the net.but tonight im watching cnn and their showing bodybags of innocents and people crying(sick to the stomach stuff).no matter what people say i do belive most of these people are innocent bystanders,yes they live among some terrorists but % wise i truly belive they out # real terrorist thousands to 1.innocent people trying to live their lives and may be guilty of being prejudice towards jews.but being a bigot should not mean death,just like the south was towards blacks for so many years.
in the beging of this war it was nice to hear how the muslim (arab part)of world was against hezbolla and what they started and that they were wrong,btw most of the muslim world is sunni and hezbola is shite and have their own reasons for using terrorist tactics and trust me its not to spread and convert people thats propaganda 100% forget about what some of the frontline dummies are fighting the innocent death toll rises hez is getting more support from the public but i think its more of support against isreal.people love an underdog and hate the yankees(funny?a little)
anyway my point is with 1000's of innocent death children,women innocent bystanders affectes 10's of thosands others(kids left with no parents..parents left with no losses sister,husband losses wife etc..)these normally peaceful people are now scarred for the rest of their lives and have to definatley take a hit groups like hez,and alqida have a whole new crop of recruits.i belive most of these people are lower than middle class who are all about family,and now hezbolla or alqida in other regions come in and have i would think an easy time to get some of these people on their front line and be (martyrs).some will go about their lives and realize its war and it suks ,and others will pick up a gun and join the cause for their own reasons and believe the teachings of some of the fanatics,why shouldnt they?many reasons why they shouldnt but losing loved ones in this way can make you a very diffrent person and rightly so....watching this stuff and a post that was closed on here where someone mentioned that maybe theway the thinking was at the beging of this fight the next generation will shutout these extremist preachers got me thinking ,the opposite maybe true.
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Great post Moe. I don't think that we consider the other side's point of view enough and the long-term consequences of war. This conflict in Lebanon is a great case in point.

I think we are also breeding more terrorists in Iraq. I always read in the news (I don't watch news usually either...) about how Iraqis are using terrorist tactics against our troops, road-side bombs and what-not, but if you think about it, our military is so far advanced that you can't blame the people for using these tactics - it is all they have. If someone came and invaded our country and they were attacking my land, then I might go plant a car-bomb at the top of my driveway. But the point is, I would guess that most of these people who are defending themselves in Iraq would not have thought they would be doing what they are doing a few years ago. We are breeding a new generation of hatred towards America. When you are young and see death and destruction so close, it is not difficult to see why. They are surely more open to being influenced by extremist views now than they were before.

Time for a new solution, or else these cycles will just continue, and worsen.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
How about the liberal press and their attempt to aid and abet the enemy--This is just the latest of many where they have been caught lying or purposely proving false facts to support their agenda--

Reuters admits altering Beirut photo

Reuters withdraws photograph of Beirut after Air Force attack after US blogs, photographers point out 'blatant evidence of manipulation'
Yaakov Lappin

A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.

The photograph showed two very heavy plumes of black smoke billowing from buildings in Beirut after an Air Force attack on the Lebanese capital. Reuters has since withdrawn the photograph from its website, along a message admitting that the image was distorted, and an apology to editors.,7340,L-3286966,00.html


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Jun 18, 2002
How about that liar Rumsfeld claiming there was not much looting in Iraq and Fox News championing his statement and saying we keep seeing the same guy looting in all the clips.
If you left it up the Dogs reasoning we can't ever have a discussion because one side is always aiding the enemy. That would be a terrible way to live. Kind of like under the Taliban.

DIRTY Diapers

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Jan 13, 2005
StevieD said:
How about that liar Rumsfeld claiming there was not much looting in Iraq and Fox News championing his statement and saying we keep seeing the same guy looting in all the clips.
If you left it up the Dogs reasoning we can't ever have a discussion because one side is always aiding the enemy. That would be a terrible way to live. Kind of like under the Taliban.

LOL - That's why more people turn into Fox news, because at the very least they are trying to tell both sides of the story, although they slant to the right.


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Jun 18, 2002
Slant to the right! :142smilie That is precious. No one in America, with a functioning brain, buys that they only "slant" to the right.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
How about the liberal press and their attempt to aid and abet the enemy-
Deflect and spin. You really need to give it a rest. The subject of this thread is innocent deaths and what that does to surviving family members - the probability that more terrorists are being created out of this.

Why can't you ever just simply talk about the topic? Why do always find a way to incoprporate your anti-media, anti-liberal agenda into everything? Can you possibly just deal with a particular subject without your constant, annoying spinning?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
if "the terrorists" weren`t hiding behind the civvies,wouldn`t that have some effect on civilian casualties?....

isn`t sending leaflets into an area that`s to be attacked an attempt to minimize casualties?....and doesn`t israel do that knowing full well that hezbollah also gets the message?....making it tougher for israel to kill them....

and inevitably allowing "the terrorists" to live another day to kill more israelis?.....

what is hezbollah doing to minimize lebanese suffering and caualties?.....aside from causing it all?....and trying to create more civilian casualties....hiding amongst the populace?....

why aren`t they concerned for the innocent lebanese...their fellow arabs? seems they are using them....

is that the difference between the 2 cultures?.....i`m asking...

i wish this was about land...unfortunately it appears to be more and more about genocide....with hezbollah being used as iran`s proxy...

i guess they figure,"the hell with the lebanese"..

we should all be sick for the lebanese....even though they sponsor hezbollah....

if hezbollah were not infiltrated in lebanon,would this be happening?.....

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Registered User
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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
garden, I'm not sure Lebanon "sponsors" Hezbollah. My primary doctor is Lebanese, his entire family is over there now, as they usually summer in Lebanon. He told me couple years ago this scenario would materialize. Hezbollah infiltration of Lebanon is the direct result of a flimsy proped up toothless democracy, just like we are trying to accomplish in Iraq, (best case scenario).


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
they are now a part of the gov`t,shammy....

so,shammy,lebanon was better off with assad and being a syrian puppet?.....

do you recall the demonstrations against assad before he pulled out?

and isn`t hezbollah a result of iranian and syrian influence in lebanon?...

aren`t you missing the whole point?...that hezbollah CAUSED all this?....if not for hezbollah,this isn`t happening....

was it worth invading israel,killing a few soldiers and kidnapping a few others?....

obviously,possibly a thousand lebanese deaths proves that it least to hezbollah...and iran....

they could care less about the lebanese...their brother muslims...who seemed to be doing quite well before the attack on the soldiers....

maybe ahmadinnerjacket figured it was a good idea to create a little the expense of the get the u.n.`s focus off of the iranian nuclear weapons issue...

you need to get out of massachusetts more often,my friend...

i`m getting a "lava lamp urge" just mentioning


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Garden, you say were "they better off with asaad being a Syrian puppet"

they ARE A SYRIAN IRANIAN PUPPET NOW, JUST WITHOUT ASSAD. Hezbollah is indeed part of the government, they have bullied their way into a very small percentage of seats. Regardless Lebanon militarily does not have the assets to eradicate Hezbollah. Never the less there are many ordinary citizens that fish or Farm or trade or whatever that are indiscriminately being killed during these bombings that have absolutely nothing to do with kidnapping or killing Israeli soldiers.

Where would I go leaving Massachusetts, be a Orioles or raven fan L oL


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
""Never the less there are many ordinary citizens that fish or Farm or trade or whatever that are indiscriminately being killed during these bombings that have absolutely nothing to do with kidnapping or killing Israeli soldiers.

i agree....but,what does israel do?....just take it?...allow hezbollah to hit and then hide behind mother lebanon`s skirts?....

do they just allow hundreds of katyashas fired into israel....and sit on their hands as long as hezbollah uses human shields?...

that`s called suicide...

do they allow the infrastructure to remain as to allow syria and iran to continue to funnel more weapons into lebanon?...

is israel held to a higher moral standard?....if so why?...are they more human than hezbollah,iran or syria?

and if they are more human,why do you keep making excuses for terrorists and their disregard for innocents?

the lesson?....leave the joos alone...

DIRTY Diapers

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 13, 2005
StevieD said:
Slant to the right! :142smilie That is precious. No one in America, with a functioning brain, buys that they only "slant" to the right.

CNN, MSNBC :142smilie Those TV ratings are funny... Liberal bullshit coverage


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Hey, I completely agree, this is entirely Hezbollah s fault, the Lebanese people are paying a heavy price for being a flimsy democracy that can't eradicate itself from the evils of radical Muslim elements .

But if this is the way to fight terrorism, why are we risking our servicemen lives in Iraq? Our Air Force is certainly superior to Israel s, why don't we just continue to fly over Iraqi towns dropping 300 & 500 pound bombs killing insurgents and civilians alike, kill them all. Why risk our soldiers lives? Are Iraqi people of greater value than Lebanese? Why do we flight terrorism door to door, and watch Israel drop 300 pound bombs? Are there servicemen more valuable than Americans?

Hell I know there are no easy solutions, I know this is Hezbollah doing and from a broader sense the doing of Muslim terrorists. There are no easy answers for Israel, and Hell no I certainly don'tadvocate sitting on their hands. All I'm saying is many innocent people are getting killed, and that doesn't sit well with me either.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'm surprised that Wayne would come out so soon and so agggressively with his spin on this one. The headline of course was spin, in saying that Reuters doctored the image, when in fact the photographer was the one that did some photoshop retouching of the image.

The photog was a freelance photographer and not a staff member of Reuters, and gave a good explanation of what happened, if you care to think with an open mind, of course. He said he was trying to get rid of dust spots (I'd imagine there is plenty of dust flying around over there, right?) and improve the lighting of the photo (I do some of this every day in my job to make a photo more clear and clean). This would make perfect sense from a freelance photographer sense, trying to sell his photo in competition with other freelancers over there taking many of the same pictures.

Of course, it is possible he was doing as Wayne suggests he did in a purely right wing supporting commentary, but I don't think it makes as much sense as the above explanation. At any rate, the post made was patently innacurate, and interestingly done when ridiculing the liberal press in many instances.

I do admire your thoroughness and striving for accuracy in most cases, Wayne, but lately your spin and rhetoric is becoming tiresome. You continually now post about the liberals and liberal press helping the enemy and rooting for the US demise worldwide. This is getting more and more bothersome to me...being a liberal, essentially. I don't want the enemy to win, for crying out loud, and I don't know of many people that are not Islamic extremists that do. There are different ways to look at an issue without having to brand people that don't agree with you.

Both sides spin, no doubt. But some of you guys are spending so much time doing it, you are losing much of your credibility. All in my opinion, of course. And in this case, the presentation was simply innacurate.


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Nov 4, 2000
I saw over 200000 new recruits in the streets of Baghdad this Friday. Or were they burning our flag and saying death to America in thanks for liberating them.


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Just exactly how many incidents retractions from Times mag- NYT-60 minutes ect do you want me to put here--before you acknowledge the fact--then there are the endless parralel articles on Algezeera quoting NYT weekly.

I believe this threads purpose was to point out situations that help recruit terrorists--and if you think the liberal media hasn't done its part equally as well as Algazeera your wrong. In fact NYT out did the prison scandal running it 43 straight days front page to Algazeeras 39.

Bottom line is they will do anything to fullfill their political agenda at any cost.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I believe this threads purpose was to point out situations that help recruit terrorists--and if you think the liberal media hasn't done its part equally as well as Algazeera your wrong. In fact NYT out did the prison scandal running it 43 straight days front page to Algazeeras 39.

Maybe the prison and the acts that were going on there was the cause of recruiting terrorists and not the reporting of it. :shrug:


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
That would depend on which side of fence your on---personally I think humiliation of captured terrorist is no prob and in fact I like the idea---and in comparison to beheading people we might even get a few liberals acknowedging the latter is the greater of evils

Of course maybe I'm wrong--Never thought I'd see day when terrorists rights were so high on list of priorities to some peoples agenda's.
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