I agree 1 million percent! I had Creighton teased and won by 1/2 point but it was flat out bullshit. You don’t make that call there same goddam refs as the Super Bowl!
Most here are pissed or happy because they lost or won $$$. I am heartbroken for the kids on the Creighton Team. They certainly played well enough to win & as they say "Left it all on the Court". BTW-I bet on the Aztecs ML(+110) so put me in the Happy Group.
I had Crieghton and you can put me in the “pissed” crowd. But not because I lost my bet. I bet small so it doesn’t really affect me much. I was more pissed for the creighton kids. It was rough game throughout and there were a lot of no calls. Was it a foul? Yes. Were there worse fouls during the game not called? Yes. I felt with the way the game had been called up to that point that it should have been a no call. Tough way to lose after playing their hearts out.