Buddy - I'll do my best to answer.
Should drugs be legalized?
You mean, Like alcohol and tobacco?
In the case of Ricky Gates, he was lucky he was only smoking weed and not drunk, he might have gotten a life sentence if he had been drinking. In any event, anyone who causes others harm as a result of their drug use (includes alcohol) should pay the penalty. If weed were legalized, the same sanctions should apply. If a guy is sitting in his living room drinking a twelve pack or smoking an ounce, that's his business as long as he doesn't cause anyone else harm.
CAUSING HARM - If you sit in your living room and drink a twelve pack every night and don't pay attention to your wife or your kids THEN YOU ARE CAUSING HARM. Same for weed, coke, crank, uppers, downers, hallucinogens, over-the-counter drugs, cough syrup, cigarettes, television, porno, gambling, or any other addictive behaviour.
One of my daughters told me once that I scared her to death while driving to Florida for a family vacation. I was speeding most of the way and it really scared her (I was going about 80 most of the way, this was 4 years after the fact, she was 15 when it happened). Since then, I obey the speed limits. I do not wish to engage in harmful hehaviour.
Not to get religious, but I think JC said it best about forgiveness. 'You should forgive 7 times 7 times 7.'
If Straw, or any other human being, needs to go to rehab 7 times 7 times 7, in order to get their lives straight, then I would be willing to pay my taxes to support that, as opposed to sending him to jail and paying my taxes to incarcerate him.