Darryl Strawberry, Ray Lewis, O J Simpson


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Dec 17, 2000
Ray Carruth didn't get screwed, he got caught and then got justice. O.J. should be on death row.

Strawberry is finally where he needs to be, a resident in a treatment center for 2 years, I really hope he can turn the corner on his addictions, I don't consider him a criminal (nor a victim, merely a human being with a sickness).

Ray Lewis - who knows? He should pick his drinking buddies much more carefully but it doesn't look like he was directly involved in the murder.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
skiner is right straw doesnot belong in jail.what he has is a disease/addication, i am an alcoholic and have been clean 3 years as of april 7,so i know thw pain and hardship that goes with this. for those of you that don't have this problem have no clue what it is all about,its not as easy to do as just stop. there are many undelaying factors that go along with this. just by stopping your drug doesnot cure an addication. it is a whole search of your inner sole. sometimes back to your youth.
will it help him.i can not say yes or no,that is all up to him. till a person can say to themself that they have a problem all the help in the world,people bitching and pushing and begging you willnot help.
this is something that must be done by the person for himself by himself. also being accountable for your actions is a must,and without this there is no hope.

[This message has been edited by fletcher (edited 05-18-2001).]


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
I am sympathetic with most anyone who has an alcohol/chemical dependency.

I understand you're facing tough odds when trying to reverse or even curb an addictive behavior.

What rubs my fur the wrong way, and I'm sure most will agree with me, is when a professional athlete commits a felony, be it narcotic/alcohol related, aggravated assault, grand theft auto, etc. and recieves preferential treatment(lighter punishment) because of their name recognition.

That's like professional athletes and the judicial system knocking us to the ground then putting their foot in our face and we're saying, "Oh, I'm sorry. I got the bottom of your shoe dirty."

Have you ever heard of anyone, other than a professional athlete, that did what Strawberry did and got REHAB? Merry Christmas !!!

He was handed a gift and he knows it.

Sure, one part of me feels sorry for him and another part of me is screaming, "You should be in prison, you f***."


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
like i said i would help anyone that shares my problem and wants help,i donot feel soory for them nor do i feel sorry for me its part of life you live with it or you die with it because it isnot going away,but prison would do nothing except cost the tax payers money.
like i said i feel no sorrow for him,myself,or anyone else that is like this,but there is a pain and hell that you cannot even begain to understand or feel unless you yourself has been there,cannot learn it out of a book or in class. this is a life lesson that is learned the hard way and that i wish on no-one.
as harsh as it is very few will over come this and i do feel sad for that,have i myself overcome it,no and if i think that i have i will be the same drunk poping xannax junkie that i was 3 years ago, and that is a place i remember everyday. does it make me a bad person or anyone else bad no,what it will make is a slow and painful life of hell and death in the end if you can't account for your actions to yourself. and that is the bottom line.

[This message has been edited by fletcher (edited 05-18-2001).]

[This message has been edited by fletcher (edited 05-19-2001).]


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fletch, I'm just one of many here at MadJack's, but I want you to know that I'm rootin' and pullin' for you like crazy.

Seems funny how this forums seems to work in my favor. I mean just the right amount of intellectual stimulation, humor, bitchin' and moanin', world news, off-the-wall stuff, vacation reports, on and on.

Sure beats talkin' to the ole' lady.

Think I got off the path a bit, but I said what I wanted to.


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Nov 4, 2000
Fletch nice to know when I get out there. I have someone to drink pepsi with. Coke's to strong. Love A & W rootbeer. All though it does make me fart a lot.
Love ya man.


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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Fletch, probably a lot of we "Friends Of Bill's" one this site. the addictive personality keeps finding a different addiction. My birthday fron drugs and booze was 2/5/1980: Cigerettes was 3/31/1993: gambling...not yet: one day at a time.

Easy does it.

Good luck to you and keep the faith.


Its not about succeeding, its about handling success.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
well now if i make an ass out of myself now i at least can atone for it if i feel that i was out of line. before just didnot care nor didnot have the ablity to use judgement before i snapped


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Dec 17, 2000

If I remember correctly, Strawberry is guilty of breaking MLB rules about drug abuse, of buying drugs, of using drugs, and of walking out of a court ordered rehab center. No violent crimes.

Based on that info, I know of two people personally, who are as ordinary as it gets, who have had the same breaks as Straw. And I'm pulling for them also. I had one other friend who died of alcoholism at age 42 (yes, when you drink so much that your stomach ruptures, and you bleed to death internally, I call that dying of alcoholism).

Little by little Fletch. I went through rehab in 1986 so I think I understand a little bit (but not much really).



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Aug 24, 1999

I know where you are coming from. My father in law went through a very similiar situation nearly 3 yrs. ago. He went to Talbots in Atlanta for 3 months to dry up. It has been nearly 3 yrs. since he took a sip and it would have done no good to put him in jail for his problem.


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.

In response to your comments about Strawberry not comitting violent crimes...

I understand that buying drugs and using drugs and walking out of a court ordered rehab center are not violent crimes, but somewhere in that mix is a felony.

There is a long list of "Joe Schmoes" serving JAIL TERMS for similar violations.

I agree with Fletcher that prison is not the answer for someone with a chemical dependency, but evidently the Judicial system doesn't hold this view, unless you're a professional athlete.

To the most casual observer, this kind of jurisprudence is unfair, unjust and merely reaffirms the belief that we have a legal system that caters to wealthy, media celebrities.


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Dec 17, 2000

In that respect, yeah the high profiles get preferred treatment. There are a TON of people in jail who really should be in long-term treatment, it would save us taxpayers a lot of dough.



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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.

If I sit and think about it, I really have mixed feelings about drugs and drug treatment for users.

Should drugs be legalized?

I work as a Locomotive Engineer. In Chase, Maryland, Jan. 4, 1987, Ricky Gates, A Conrail Engineer, was smoking marijuana while operating a triple-unit locomotive on Main Line track. While "high", he "ran through" a red signal (Stop and Stay), and as a result, an Amtrack Passenger train collided with his train. Sixteen people were killed.

It was this particular incident that created random drug/alcohol testing for anyone now employed by a "surface" transportation company.

Gates served a five-year prison term.

I really dont know enough about drugs or drug treatment to talk about this in depth.

But I am curious.

Should drugs be legalized? I don't know.

Based on the example above, how could they be?

Is rehabilitation or long-term treatment effective? I don't know.

If a user walks out of a court-ordered rehab to use drugs again, should he be given another chance to redeem himself? Is there another choice? I truly do not know.

If a person uses drugs and hurts no one but himself, is that a crime?

Being an adult and understanding the consequences of your actions, has to factor in here somewhere.

I wonder what all those who are serving jail terms for drug use thought when Strawberry got his "reprieve."

I really don't know if there is a solution.

My gripe is because Strawberry got off because of his name recognition and celebrity status.


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Feb 20, 2000
Port Arthur, Tx
Very interesting discussion. Been there and done that. Just a side story, short time after returning home from treatment center, wife and I had an argument. I told her , damn, if this is the way it is going to be, I might as well just go out and drink some beer. She said fine, go. That sort of stopped me in my tracks, cause I guess I wanted to argue some more. I went into the bedroom, kneeled down and said a little prayer. I ask for the thought of alcohol to be removed from me and for it to never reenter my mind again. Layed down and took a knap, woke up and went to a meeting, and for the most part , have been thought free for 10 years. Remember, you can't and he can. If you could, you wouldn't be in the boat you're in. And remember, keep on doin the things you've been doing and you're going to keep getting what you been getting. Turn it over to him, get out of the way, cause you're not going to do anything but screw things up. It's a great world, and everyday can be a good day. Only your sick ass can prevent that. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow ain't here yet, today is all that counts right now. Don't plan to far ahead, just take it one day at a time.

"Rackem Up Henry"


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Dec 17, 2000
Buddy - I'll do my best to answer.

Should drugs be legalized?

You mean, Like alcohol and tobacco?

In the case of Ricky Gates, he was lucky he was only smoking weed and not drunk, he might have gotten a life sentence if he had been drinking. In any event, anyone who causes others harm as a result of their drug use (includes alcohol) should pay the penalty. If weed were legalized, the same sanctions should apply. If a guy is sitting in his living room drinking a twelve pack or smoking an ounce, that's his business as long as he doesn't cause anyone else harm.

CAUSING HARM - If you sit in your living room and drink a twelve pack every night and don't pay attention to your wife or your kids THEN YOU ARE CAUSING HARM. Same for weed, coke, crank, uppers, downers, hallucinogens, over-the-counter drugs, cough syrup, cigarettes, television, porno, gambling, or any other addictive behaviour.

One of my daughters told me once that I scared her to death while driving to Florida for a family vacation. I was speeding most of the way and it really scared her (I was going about 80 most of the way, this was 4 years after the fact, she was 15 when it happened). Since then, I obey the speed limits. I do not wish to engage in harmful hehaviour.

Not to get religious, but I think JC said it best about forgiveness. 'You should forgive 7 times 7 times 7.'

If Straw, or any other human being, needs to go to rehab 7 times 7 times 7, in order to get their lives straight, then I would be willing to pay my taxes to support that, as opposed to sending him to jail and paying my taxes to incarcerate him.






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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
Allnet - Wisdom - Thank You

MPD - OJ is guilty as home made sin. And the knife wielding killer walks free, plays golf, laughs at the rest of us, and will probably DO IT AGAIN given enough time.

[This message has been edited by Skinar (edited 05-20-2001).]


eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
Good to see fellas turn their life around for the better. I've been through drug addiction(youngest brother) and it isn't pretty. I agree that somebody should be offered drug treatment over hard time, but their needs to be some guidelines. Explain why Straw gets treatment and Robert Downey gets time?? I mean Downey had to rat a friend to keep him out this time.
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