I am playing this fight.
Looking forward to a big win here.
I know both these fighters tendancies and have watched many of their fights.
I have a strong feeling about the outcome and that usually is a good sign for me.
The first fight I have played in 2006.
There is money to be made.
I smell money and it smells green.
God Bless Don King, as he makes it so much easier for me in making winning wagers.
I will be making multiple plays on the fight to come out with a positive cash flow.
It seems simple enough
Looking forward to a big win here.
I know both these fighters tendancies and have watched many of their fights.
I have a strong feeling about the outcome and that usually is a good sign for me.
The first fight I have played in 2006.
There is money to be made.
I smell money and it smells green.
God Bless Don King, as he makes it so much easier for me in making winning wagers.
I will be making multiple plays on the fight to come out with a positive cash flow.
It seems simple enough
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