Dealing With Disappointment

Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I wrote this up for my page and I was hoping to see what you guys think of it.


The surest bet in the Mad Jacks message forum is that after any big game or controversial play, a number of gamblers will enlighten the citizens of the message board with the details of their latest failure.

Oh, those incompetent refs. What a load of crap, that inconsistent quarterback. Geez, who would ever expect wild pointspread swings in NBA garbage time. And so on, and so on. It is a neverending river of pointless drivel, trailing off only when the offending parties have put back their last glass of Thunderbird and crawled under the covers of their discount Serta.

Save it. Save it for your wife or your beer drinking buddies or your coworkers. We dont want to hear it. We watched the games. We marveled at the grave injustice your suffered through because we were well aware of the point spread as the game was going on. Other significant people in your life at least have the ability to marvel at your tale of woe. The residents of the message board have seen, read and heard it all, so there is no pity to be found here.

Of course logic dictates this constant whining will never cease. Every gambler who becomes unhinged at a series of bad beats probably has a group of friends and loved ones already tired of their whining over losses. Mad Jacks is a safe haven for bitching. Typing up vitrol directed at incompetent refs or players in a rage is cathartic for some. And even though it wont happen, the complaining gambler holds out hope that their little rant will inspire other gamblers to shower them with pity and empathize with the unfairness of their plight. Complaining gamblers are only a nickname in most cases. Only ones reputation in the small circle of gambling is at risk. To complain at ones job or home, the gambler puts their entire being in danger of being branded a whiner. All it takes to wipe ones image clean at Mad Jacks is a new nickname.

Venting after a tough loss is a natural reaction. It is also a reaction that should be tempered. Sportsbooks prey on the emotions of gamblers. Most gamblers can pick a reasonable percentage of games but the way they lose their shirts is by making bets in unsteady emotional states. After a few bad breaks, gamblers can become enraged to the point that make up bets and action bets can become the rule rather than the exception. Venting on a message board does not assuage this rage, it only fuels it. Whether other Mad Jacks posters agree with your rant or not, it becomes a lightning rod either way. Rather than forgetting about the bad break and moving on towards handicapping the next game, you are stuck reading replies and replying to those replies. That is valuable handicapping time lost at the altar of a game that is in the past. Nothing can change the result of the game but now you are spending added time away from games that could be handicapped to recover some of that profit.

The gamblers reputation is also sullied by frequent complaints about losses. A cursory view of Mad Jacks reveals that there are many successful handicappers in every single sport. If you are losing, it is your fault and nobody elses. It is not as if profitability is nearly impossible to attain. Certainly it is difficult. But by complaining, you make yourself seem petulant as well as incompetent. If dozens of other handicappers are winning, why aren't you? Could be a bad streak. Everyone understands that. So take your bad streak and go back to work the next morning more dedicated than before to winning. If you lose and react by keeping quiet and staying positive about the future, other handicappers will respect you. If you come up with excuses for nearly every poor play you have made, respected handicappers who have been through bad streaks without complaining will brand you an immature crybaby.

This rant is not meant to call for the banishment of all complaining. Just tone it down a bit. In a way some complaining is understandable. A good handicapper will often examine past plays and try to use both wins and losses to find greater success in the future. It is only natural that some of that examination can lead to frustration over bad breaks, and that is where complaining begins. In the majority of cases, though, the complaints posted in the Mad Jacks forums are sour grapes. Every gambler experiences good and bad breaks and a vocal few choose to vent thier frustrations over losses without considering the lucky breaks they have received in the past.

If you do the work and play smart, the breaks will even out over time. You may go through stretches of several weeks or even months where most of the breaks seem to go against you. Bite your lip, do the work and eventually things will even out. You will find that as your bankroll improves, so too will your standing in the Message Forums. There are a select number of posters in the forum that are respected by virtually everyone and it is no coincidence that those people generally refrain from bitching about losses. Take a que from them and you will see that keeping your complaints to yourself will help you be a better gambler and Mad Jacks be a better message forum.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I though from the title.....this would be about relationships.

Ragging about a loss, is as common as betting itself. It won't go away, and it doesn't bother me a bit.

Does it really get to you that much, Nick? I am more put off by the guys in here who tell me how great they are! Those guys can go, and keep on gpoing, for all I care!

Do you bitch about your boss? Of course you do! Do you bitch about your job? Ab-so-fuggin'-lootly!!!

Bitching is a time-honored tradition in life. Always has been....always will be.

Think about it.....even this thread is a rant!

Yes, complaining falls on deaf ears, for the most part. Yet, these threads can be a place where losers, like me, can find a cup of solace with their failing brethren. I hold no ill-will towards the luckless losers who would dare to crimp the realm of Madjacks armour with such Milquetoast forrays.

You stay up there in the Four Seasons of the forum, Nick, and I'll sit in the lobby of the Motel 6 with the rest of the minion, listening to how they got a flat tire on a game tonight.

"I wrote this up for my page and I was hoping to see what you guys think of it."

I think this forum has done just fine so far. Bitching, whining, etc, included.


If you ever want to come over from the penthouse......"We'll leave a light on for ya'!"


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
lol, yyz, that's about some of the funniest and most will rogerish stuff i think i've ever seen out of you. you crack my ass up.

nick, your point is well taken and articulately presented. such behavior is boorish and some of the worst gambling affectations. i am certain that the divergence of perspection between you and yyz is attributable to age. as you get older, if your paying attention at all, you become more aware of your own shortcomings. you become wiser and more human when that awareness makes you more tolerant of others' shortcomings.

great thread.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 2, 2001
I agree with yyz. I have no problems with guys complaining about 'bad breaks'. I like hearing different opinions about a controversial play or game.


Cannabis Sativa
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2001
inside your head
Well boys and girls, you should be ashamed of yourselves. After Monday night's ugly game, how dare you post messages in a forum regarding it. Forget that this was probably the ugliest game of the year, your actions are unforgiveable. Next time go out and knock off a convenience store or start a fight with your wife or better yet, take it out on your kids. MJ's is no place for venting.

I read every post when the game ended. In fact I participating in a few. I do not remember the majority being 'whines'. Sure some were, but a lot were regarding the shitty refs (which they were) and the shitty call made by Fisher. Everyone who posted must have had Tenn though and I am sure their 'hidden' meaning was to make sure we all knew it wasn't their handicapping that caused their failure that night.

Those that complain constantly are losers. Plain and simple. I believe the board is smart enough to figure out who they are and pay them no mind. A lot of people who posted on Monday have never said a word about bad beats in the past, but they are wrong here as well. You have now been branded an immature baby. Time to change your screen name.

For what it is worth, I posted my thread right after half time. There was a call made that Tenn made an interception. On replay you saw a ref looking right at the play from about 3 yards away. It was so clear the ball hit the ground, yet the call was interception and Balt had to waste a challenge. this was just one of many shitty calls to that point and to come in the game. Was it wrong for me to post my feelings regarding this? Apparently it was.

By the way, I had Tenn +7.5 in a huge teaser that part 1 had already come in. Even though the refs were practically handing Tenn (my side) the game, I decided to try and 'jinx' myself by posting an objective criticism. I guess since I do not have a spot on the free picks page though, my criticisms of bad refs don't count.

And don't forget the extra 20 minutes I spent reading and posting after the game which kept me away from handicapping the next slate of games. I guess I will lose my plays next week because of this. Thanks for pointing out another failing of mine.

Reading this post upsets me more than ANY post I EVER read venting about a game (can you tell?) Just another example of the 'great one' pointing out that if you are not as 'perfect' as him, you are worthless.

Loophole - I think your last two sentences will fall on deaf ears (eyes), but well stated. Perhaps I should learn from you how to articulate better

yyz - you have my vote for a room at the Four Seasons. I think most that read your posts know that you are a true class act.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 29, 2000
In a sick sort of way, I actually get enjoyment out of reading the barage of "the vikings suck" or "freaking refs" posts after a tough losses?

Am I alone here? lol

Its usally the same guys that 4 hours earlier were telling everyone else what "SUCKERS" they are.....(not referring to anyone above)

Bitching doesn't bother me......After a few years around these forums, the only thing left that gets under my skin is threads with titles similiar to...


Keep on bitching, keep on winning, keep on arguing, keep on learning.

I laugh every other week when a barage of do gooders post bullshit like "THIS FORUM LATELY", or "COME ON GUYS", guys that have Marxist Communist leanings that feel the uncontrollable urge to dictate to others how they should post in a forum. They think they do good, because they think they are the model...

Sorry, but Jack and IE are the only guys that should be commenting on what is ACCEPTABLE in this forum.

The arguments on this forum, whether its politics/religion/the value of a teaser/the value of parlay/why tennessee sucks/why the Denny Green is the worst coach in the HIstory of the NFL/ are good for this forum, and they are some of the best reads on the net.

The forum purpose is for an exchange of ideas, dissemination of info and dis-info, but it is mainly the tool with which we can logically sort out which is which.

ONLY control freaks have a problem with that....anybody can ignore anything, Nick can ignore the "whining posts", and we can ignore Nick.....

Keep posting what you want to post. And the guys that don't like what you post will keep telling you it sucks...thats the way it should be. ONly a contradictory egotist would have the audacity to comment on anothers right to comment.


[This message has been edited by ironlock (edited 11-14-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Sunset Beach, Ca, USA
I am sure that we all agree that "whining posts" serve no noble purpose. However, as long as there is gambling, there will be a large percentage of whiners after every game. I think that anyone who has an IQ above 65 knows this, understands this, and expects it. Perhaps there is cathartic value in knowing that there were others out there "screwed" by the "conspiracy" just as you were. Does this bother me? No. Do I occasionally whine myself? You bet. Does it do any good? Probably not. But I don't see the harm in it. Games like Monday's actaully provide a lot of entertainment when it comes to reading the various posts. Nick, I agree with you in principle. But I wouldn't want to have a gag rule imposed on whining.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 29, 2000
I just re-read that drivel of a post...and I feel sorry for Nick. Nick, the condescension that laces your elementary tirade is all but hidden. Although I am sure it is not your intent, you have elevated yourself above this forum full of incompetents in World Record Speed (1) post.

I know you are having a good year, but so are a number of us. I am also sure that in your brilliance you are also aware that a year of success means very little. So tell me Nick, why the condescension? Did I miss the NOvember Madjack's election for supreme governor?

Listen, I respect your capping...but don't insult your lemmings by talking down to them....its bad for business....

Also, thanks for all of that advice above, and I'm sure I speak for the rest of us Madjack's peasants. We appreciate it....


wannabe whale

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2000
Rochester, NY
I usually don't consider myself a "whiner"-but after Monday night I was. I came to this forum to "vent"for 2 reasons is my favorite place to go 2-most people understand what I am saying when talking about gambling. Trust me my wife is sick of hearing me "vent".
I guess I am taken aback by someone suggesting I go elsewhere to do it. What I love about here is the commradre and everyone looking out for each other. I don't see anyone complaining when we all sympathize over someones death. Not every post is going to be about numbers and lines-they are going to also be about peoples emotions.
Maybe these belong in the General forum.
yyz-well said on your part.
Just my 3 cents!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Nick -- your post is so loaded with BS.....

First of all, complaining is not is a natural reaction after having a misfortune or hard day.....also -- looking for sympathy because of bad fortune WILL be found here, because we have all had bad days when nothing goes right, and a person can get really down if they lose a lot of money in one day, and it HELPS to be picked back up! "There is no pity to be found here" -- only by arrogant SOB's like you I guess!!!!

I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to share his or her thoughts on the games -- including bad calls, and all the HELPS for the future!!!! This is inclusive to every gripe, whining, bad calls, screw jobs, backdoor covers, and everything......who are you to tell us what we can't post? Maybe I should start e-mailing you all my posts so you can proofread it to tell me what "everyone" wants. Also, if you do not vent, you will become MORE likely to take your emotions elsewhere -- whether it be to your family, your office workers, or your book (probably least importantly) where you will lose more money because your plays will be made with stored emotions......encouragement and a dose of reality from other posters will help minimize some of the adverse effects of gambling.

If you think that there is a hierarchy of posters in this forum you are dead wrong too. A few people subscribe to that, and seem to like to kiss ass, and from what i see here, you love to have your ass kissed.....well, you can take that attitude elsewhere because nothing is more annoying than those kinds of people......

I hope someday I will be as good as you and be able to tell all the peons what to say, how to direct their anger, and how to handle their emotions.......oh wait, I AM gonna be doing that....but I can guarantee this --- I will in no way EVER be so condescending as this!!!!!!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by yyz:
I though from the title.....this would be about relationships.

Ragging about a loss, is as common as betting itself. It won't go away, and it doesn't bother me a bit.

Does it really get to you that much, Nick? I am more put off by the guys in here who tell me how great they are! Those guys can go, and keep on gpoing, for all I care!

Do you bitch about your boss? Of course you do! Do you bitch about your job? Ab-so-fuggin'-lootly!!!

Bitching is a time-honored tradition in life. Always has been....always will be.

Think about it.....even this thread is a rant!

Yes, complaining falls on deaf ears, for the most part. Yet, these threads can be a place where losers, like me, can find a cup of solace with their failing brethren. I hold no ill-will towards the luckless losers who would dare to crimp the realm of Madjacks armour with such Milquetoast forrays.

You stay up there in the Four Seasons of the forum, Nick, and I'll sit in the lobby of the Motel 6 with the rest of the minion, listening to how they got a flat tire on a game tonight.

"I wrote this up for my page and I was hoping to see what you guys think of it."

I think this forum has done just fine so far. Bitching, whining, etc, included.


If you ever want to come over from the penthouse......"We'll leave a light on for ya'!"

Oh Captain, my Captain......I am with you in the Motel 6 yyz and I am sleepin on the floor to save money!!!!!
How ironic to see someone bitch about the kind of hypocrisy laced with arrogance which in order for us to buy assumes that we are all idiots is good stuff.......

Nolan Dalla

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
I think Nick Douglas' intent was noble -- which was to point out that "venting our frustrations" here in a public forum serves no constructive purpose when it comes to serious sports handicapping.

Or, does it?

Frankly, I'm of the opinion that when you take a bad beat, putting all the bad "vibes" behind you as quickly as possible is a good thing. Screaming, ranting, raving, writing profanity-laden tirades can be VERY CONSTRUCTIVE. It's a sort of "primal-scream" therapy for handicappers. There are two camps of handicappers among us -- those who are reserved and quiet and stay emotionally detached....versus those of us (me, Jack, everyone I met at the Super Bowl party last year, etc.) who tend to be a bit more vocal in our responses to action.

Does it do any good to scream expletives at the TV set? Certainly, it doesn't influence the outcome of games. But it does make ME feel better. Those of you who scream along with me understand this. Those of you who don't, probably think I'm off my rocker, immature, or both. So be it. Again, to each his own. There is no right or wrong emotional response to human behavior under pressure. Vince Lombardi screamed and yelled at his players and got results. Tom Landry took the completely opposite approach. Both were great coaches.

My personal view is that this forum serves an EXTRMELY IMPORTANT function, allowing the venting of anger, joy, misery, and all the other emotional responses we have to sporting events and gambling. This forum is unique because it's made up of people like ourselves. Most of us have serious relationships. We have wives, children, girlfreinds, parents, etc. However, it's very rare that any of your loved ones, no matter how close you are to family, will understand what you are screaming about when you bitch about a pass interference call in the middle of the third quarter. You can't run in and tell your wife that Bob Sura's three-point shot at the buzzer just killed your UNDER (well, I DO try to tell my wife, but she just rolls over, yawns, and goes back to sleep). ONE OF THE REASONS THIS FORUM EXISTS and is so popular (in my view) is that it PROVIDES A SENSE OF COMMUNITY, an oasis in the middle of gamblers' hell (mainstream society) where we -- as serious sports gamblers -- come to share our ups and downs. It's a support group, a news information group, and at time a circus -- all wrapped up into one. Accordingly, I tend to beleive that posts that full of frustration are not only HEALTHY for that individual and for many readers, but very entertaining to read, especially those who may have also shared in the frustration of losing money on the game. It's somehow reassuring to read a post from someone you NEVER met and who is thinking just like you, and saw the horrible evil that was commited that screwed your winning ticket. No one else understands what it's all about -- but the people at MadJacks WILL understand. You can count on it!

Hence, I disagree with Nick's point -- although I think he was well-intentioned.

Now, let me tell you about that jerk that cost me a an NBA winner. We had the ball with 1:32 left and......

-- Nolan Dalla

Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Yes, I see the irony of complaining about complaining. My only defense to that is that I am pointing out reasons why this sort of thing is destructive rather than constructive.

The bottom line is that if you follow this board and pick out the quality handicappers that consistently post winners without controversy, you will see that they rarely (if ever) complain. When is the last time I.E. or kcwolf or barfly bitched all over the board about a bad beat? I know there are many more that are just as classy but those were just three off the top of my head.

When I was a senior in college current tout and long time Mirage sportsbook manager Jimmy Vaccarro spoke to a class of mine about sports gambling. He went on and on about the fact that most gamblers will lose. When asked why he wins he only gave one reason. His demeanor after a win and after a loss is unchanged. You would never know the result because he doesn't get up or down based on a single result. I agree with that wholeheartedly and if those of you who frequently complain look back and find that you have lost money over the course of your lifetimes, maybe you should think about that.

As far as me only saying this because I am having a good year, that is the biggest crock I have ever heard. I personally lost over 10 dimes from about mid September to mid October including a streak of losing 18 of 19 baseball plays where my baseball profits went from $12,000 on the year to about where they finished at about $4,000. Instead of bitching about it I nutted up and I have made about $6,500 of that back.

As far as enjoying reading other peoples' whining, I know damn well a lot of you like to read about that. Think about it, who wouldn't want to read about somebody else being worse off than they are? It is like if you are walking through a mall with your average looking girlfriend. You want to see other guys with some fat broad rather than a knockout. It makes you feel better about yourself.

I know the piece may have come off as condescending but the intent was to help those of you who consistently find yourselves losing money year after year. Keep your cool no matter what happens in a single result. It will help you in the long run.

Night Owl

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 4, 2001
Bremerton, WA
Who really cares if people complain or not?? I think one of the most beautiful things about this entire forum is the fact that we all have a lot of FREEDOM to say just about anything we want just about any time we want to say it! Personally, I try to keep my complaining to a minimum (if not to myself completely) and part of that is the 100% realization that this is gambling...for most it's not easy and there are ALWAYS calculated risks involved. There are no two ways around it. I know I'm going to win a handful of games I had NO BUISNESS winning and I'm also going to experience several so-called "bad beats" because I just did not get any breaks when I really needed them.

That all being said, I think the Cleveland-Chicago game a couple of weeks ago would serve as a perfect example of when TO complain. I had nothing on that particular game but I think EVERYBODY can understand when Cleveland backers came in that day pissed off, can they not??? For good reason they were quite outraged and I thought it served both the purpose of humor (since it was very predictable) and an opportunity for me to lend support. This is as good of place as any to come and get some things off your chest when your team just lost a game in which they had a 2 TD lead with 30 seconds to play AND STILL couldn't cover a +4 in overtime!!! Complaining/venting can help some people. With games like that, you don't just want to let it fester. Then you start thinking about having to get your money back with some other game, etc., and you can easily go from bad to worse in a hurry. Everybody can probably agree it's better to vent and share all your frustrations with other guys who took the same side you did (and posting those frustations in these forums)than it is to race right out and find the next game going and plunk down a few hundred on that one so "MAYBE" you can win and then thereby "feel better." As Nick said, that's when emotional bettors can really lose their shirts. Anway, what's wrong with plain ol' being mad sometimes?? Isn't it to be expected when things go incredibly south in a hurry during a game? Asking "how that could've happened? Or what was the coach thinking? does NOT classify as complaining, in my book. Easy solution for anybody who thinks complaining is actually a "problem." Don't read those posts! I don't think ANYBODY complains just for the hell of it. I think it's all out of understandable frustration and more than likely not intended to be "informative" or serve a "real purpose." Just my 2 cents

Night Owl


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
did you see that rangers game last night, had the under 5.5, and looked good until 4 in the 3rd.

what is wrong in venting, first you can tell the threads that are like this, so you do not have to read them.

also there are many great cappers here but which ones did not have a few terrible weeks, months, or even a losing season or maybe a bad year. This failure probably makes the person a better capper, you learn from your mistakes what you are doing wrong. ect.

you can learn more about your mistakes and failures than you can from your successes. people do not like reading rants then skip them, HK.



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I'll defend Nick a little here by saying he does not have a Holier than Thou attitude at all, so try not to take his writing in that way. He and I diverge on MANY issues, but I don't ever get the impression in our dialogue that he thinks he is better than I. He tries to make you THINK and use those brain cells for something more than alcohol fodder.

What I hate worse than anything (outside of GAME OF THE WEEK/GAME OF THE YEAR bs) is the idiots here that are trying to cash their tickets in the first quarter or the 4th inning. That's for wagertalk, not a gambling information site like this.

As far as the rants we see here for losses on teams like the Mariners/Yankees/etc who lose when they are -240 chalk or Vikings ML at -500, I just laugh to myself at people for betting that in the first place. Always the same guys too. Get a grip and learn to bet!

double down

Hey Nick...Don't see the logic in your post...but, I agree with the right for you to post whatever you like.

I personally do not see how it disturbs someone if another decides to cry about a call or losing a game. If it irks you to no end and compels you to post your feelings and forces you to get on a soapbox in an obscure must be a personal issue and you may want to address it with a professional. (seriously)

In the meantime ....... Whine on Baby!!!!
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