Dealing With Disappointment


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Forum Member
Mar 15, 2001
i agree with most that an online forum like this doesn't hurt anybody...better to complain here than to take it out on people in real life. Sure, it's not constructive, but emotions aren't constructive to begin can't look at venting frustrations in a logical manner. I too understand Nick's point, in having to dig through the whining here to find solid information , but i think it's worth it because the community here is unlike those at other forums because we feel for each other and have engaged in conversations other than just providing info. to beat the man.


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Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
since the football forums are sort of lethargic, i thought i would make a trip to the almost forgotten general forum.

well, it looks like nick, as a writer, and without using an outrageous theme, got his job done. he did get the reader's attention, enough for a neat 20 reply thread.

nick and nolan do this for a living, and each, in their own way do quite well, and eventually will move on to greener pastures.

i will be willing to bet that once they hit that 50-55 area, they will be so full of wisdom that they will both have worshippers, rather than critics. of course, by then my memory will be so feeble, i may not remember ever making such a bold and silly challenge, and thus, doubt very seriously anyone will collect anything.

as far as the issue, yeah, i kind of lean to the side of doing some whining. after all, mj is our psychiatrist, alma mater, etc., and by federal law must accept whatever crap we throw at it. well, almost.

know what i hate? the flash in the pan, all or nothing, loud-mouth, fly-by-night mjacker who just goes bananas after dropping the entire balance of that new credit card he just received. maybe that was the basis of nick's thoughts.

yes, nick, i think we all need, at least once in a while, to come in here and blast the m...f....b....refs, coaches, qbs, wide receivers, you name it, that did not follow our instructions on the game plan and made us lose some dough (although they may have won the game).

in conclusion, i would like to say that i do enjoy short articles and stories related to gambling. i have read some of nolan's, and especially remember the one about london's prop bets. that was a blast.

if i could make a recommendation to the both of you: use more humor in your writings and you will catch a wider spectrum of readers.

keep trucking, guys.



Vulcan Visitor
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2001
good to get ur feelings off instead of bottling up all the frustration.

what better way to do it than type it online instead of shouting loudly and causing noise pollution..

anyways to each his own ..

let me do my part here .. . what happened to cleveland yesterday ????? :-(


Cheers !!!

Silence is Golden
But its also Boring


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Dec 10, 2000
Austin, TX
Originally posted by Nick Douglas:
Think about it, who wouldn't want to read about somebody else being worse off than they are? It is like if you are walking through a mall with your average looking girlfriend. You want to see other guys with some fat broad rather than a knockout. It makes you feel better about yourself.

Nick, I was sure I was going to get through this thread without feeling the need to respond. Hell, I agree with you about taking losses in stride and realizing that the bad calls and bad breaks do even out in the long run.

But, I have to say that I don't share the view of taking pleasure in other's misery. I'm not trying to get up on my own soap box here, it's just that you made it sound like a universal truth. I would say that I, as I'm sure many others would agree, don't particularly feel better when things are going like shit for me but someone else is worse off.

Good comments on both sides everyone.

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I didn't mean to make that quote sound like a universal truth though I see how it may have come off that way. By the fact that I dislike venting threads it should tell you that I take no pleasure in the misery of others. But I do think it is human nature to want to make yourself feel like there is somebody worse off than you when things are going bad.


Just so ya know, neiter Nolan nor I handicaps sports solely for a living. Nolan is a poker player and I am a writer in addition to sports handicapping. There are some guys here, most notably I.E. off the top of my head, who are actual professional handicappers who make the bulk of their living betting on sports. I can't speak for Nolan but in my case, I certainly make part of my living handicapping but I feel it disrespects real professional handicappers to put me or Nolan in that catagory.

hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001

I have heard you complain or voice your opinions on many things, but your post on this thread was the hall of fame funniest of them all!!!

"Ab-so-fuggin'-lootly!!!" is the funniest thing I have ever heard on this forum and any other forum in the last 2 years since I started betting...hA HAA HA HAAA!!! Ohh maaan, you pulled the golden rabbit out of the hat on that one!!! I'm still laughing at that one,,,wweeeeewww man!!


Texas.....yah, me too, other people's complaining makes me feel better when i lose. After I lose 500 dollars, and then I'm sick, but then someone loses 2000 dollars and I don't feel as bad anymore. Heck, misery loves company. Not to sound negative, but that's human nature. Knowing that I'm the only one who lost makes me feel crappy, but knowing a lot of other people lost makes me feel normal, or atleast better.

Nick Douglas.....I see what your saying about how people complain about losing to get attention or sympathy or something like that, but I see your writings in a similar way......trying to get attention to a certain subject or issue. Heck, Nolan, Nick, VOL and all the other cappers who spend time on here on the free pick section, you guys are class acts and don't bitch a lot, but still, I bet u guys love your pat on the back when you guys win.

You write about how much bitching there is, but like YYZ said, I find the gloating even worse. Someone comes back after a winning day and gloat by saying "20 Units, 5-1 day!!! bla bla bla, I told you so, bla bla bla, stick with me, I'll take you to the promise land, bla bla bla BLA BLA BLA!!!!!!" The absolute worse people are the ones that don't put you down, but does it in a non direct way by saying "Oh, if you read my thread, you would have not picked that game that lost today, and you'd have won." Those people are not directlly rubbing it in your face, but indirectly doing it, those punks are the sickest. Everyone wants their ego fed. No one can tell me that after a big day, and then coming in here to post there specatular record, that they wouldn't want people to respond and give them a "way to go there" or "Nice work my man!!!" I'm not even sure who is genuine or who is kissing azz or just saying that just to look like a nice guy so when they themselves win the next week, they want the same congrats from those who they gave the congrats to the previous week. Do I feel I am right when I say all these things??? In the classic words of YYZ......"Ab-so-fuggin'-lootly!!!"

[This message has been edited by hello there (edited 11-19-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.

have you got a chip on your shoulder?

i started talking about writers, actually praising you for getting the reader's attention. i mention you and nolan both being writers, each in his own way, and foreseen bigger and better things for both.

then, i get to a point where i mention the subject at hand, and start talking about the essence of your article.

i can only imagine you are interpreting my reference to 50-55 as a percentage, and that i can understand, although it was meant to refer to age, as comparing my own experience and professional break-out in the late 40s to the early 50s.

but i still don't understand why you are so jumpy; i have mostly tried to encourage you in many ways on different ocassions, have brought up some of your better threads to highlight your accomplishments, and really don't deserve your reference to me being disrectful to anyone, much less handicappers, a club where most of us belong in different degrees, and where i spend a good deal of my time giving others encouragement to do their own handicapping.

well, i won't dwell on this anymore, but i am glad i came back to set this straight.


Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

You musta just read into what I was saying wrong. I was merely letting you know that guys like Nolan & me are probably closer to you handicapping wise than we are to actual professional handicappers who solely handicap sports for a living.

You know I enjoy reading your thoughts in the forum. You definitely always have a unique, if a bit overly loquacious, perspective on things. Sometimes when I write things they do come off a bit course. I think it is because I am a very direct and honest person by nature.

And as an aside, this is probably a good time to tell ya that I am going to be headed down to Miami for the Monday nighter against Indy in a few weeks. Gimme an email at and let me know if you wanna meet up with me or my friends & me while I am there.
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