Debate Trap Set For Tonight


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Estimate release date is Jan 21st 09. Everything was out in open back middle of July. No one seem to give a chit then. The coming of this book once again was talked about in some advertizing puplication in mid august about new books coming.
The only out fit that must have missed this was Fox. And if Mc Cain people missed it. We don't need them in office.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
She did fine. She got run right over like the PBS guy. Never saw anyone in a debate set the rules like Palin did and then get away with it. Got to love both of their love for Israel? Almost makes me sick to my stomach. Why no mention of other countries but this constant bullshit about Israel. Ralph Nadar is the only person that calls out this bullshit. Pat Buchana does it to, but good ole Pat said Sarah mopped up the floor with Joe. Same thing he said four years ago with Bush mopping up the floor with Kerry.:shrug: I really like Pat but when he gets beat down by the neocons for some of the things he say's, he always weakens and says things like this, how can I take him seriously?


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
Nosigar, just wondering in your analogy about dumb people voting for a dumb Biden...did you happen to vote for George Bush twice? Most don't admit that these days, but maybe you might be entering the black pot kettle zone, if so.

That is correct. And trust me when I tell you that I would again be forced to vote for W if he were to run against Biden or Obama. The neosocialist democrats are incapable of putting a real human being up as a candidate. Bush's problem has been one of fiscal irresponsibility. At least we know he's dumb (right ;) ) but he pretty much says what he means and means what he says (when you can understand him). He is of course, in Lala-land and has no clue of what the hell is going on.
On the other hand you got Biden, senator since he was 29 fuking years old. 29!!! This guy don't even know how to wiggle his dik after peeing. He ain't done chit, had a job, even budget for a tailgate party. Nor has he worked in a corporate environment or in any real environment. All he does is "look out for the little folk" or so he says. I am so tired of this bullcrap, these politicians are not put there to look after anyone. Don't tell me that Americans want help, what we want is for government to get the Hell out of the way and let us do our sh1t. Don't need an idiot, uneducated, inexperienced politician looking over my shoulder to see if i need a handout, or a special piece of legislation in order to succeed... AND I SURE THE HELL DON'T NEED NO MUTHAFUKER REDISTRIBUTING MY FRIKKIN MONEY OR OTHER PEOPLES MONEY to establish fairness and equality and buy votes from the uninfirmed and unfortunate without even putting their own money at risk.

Actually, it's hard for me to vote for any senator of any party. Somenthing serious needs to be done about that body. It is atrocious.

Go, Barack America! kurby

No, really... JUST GO


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000

wtf is a "Nosigar"? Was he trying to spell Cigar?

I am so sorry, se?or. I was not as well educated as yourself in our grate pooblic eschool sistem.

Yu see, I am forener, from other contry and cannot espell as gud as yu.

Y si quieres que te eche el cuento completo avisame y te doy todos los detalles al pelo, comunista de mierda y pendejo que cae por cualquier populismo atorrante y simplista.

And that's all I've got to say about that! :director:



Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Nosigar, I merely was referencing the intelligence commentary that was one of your points. I think it's fine that you would vote for Bush again, sticking to your principles no matter what.

You continue to paint Biden as being dumb, which I think is terribly off base, but whatever. Compared to Bush, he, well, looks like Obama - you know, a scholar with tremendous aptitude and accolades.

I understand never wanting to vote for a democrat on staunch conservative principles. But that wasn't my reference in response to you calling Biden dumb.

Good luck supporting Sarah Palin, speaking of "ain't done chit." Of course, we all have to cut her some slack, cause, "she's only been at this, like, 5 weeks."
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