Defending American Lives and Liberty


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
Defending American Lives and Liberty

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush has taken the fight to the terrorists. After September 11, the President put the world on notice that we will hold any person or regime that harbors or supports terrorists as guilty of terrorism as the terrorists themselves.

America will not wait for new threats to grow and fester. We will face new challenges ? swiftly, surely, and with steely resolve. We cannot forget that the terrorists remain determined to kill as many Americans as possible, both abroad and here at home, and would like nothing more than to use the world?s most deadly weapons against us. With such an enemy, no negotiated peace is possible; no policy of containment or deterrence will prove effective.

We will either fight the terrorists abroad, or face the consequences at home. In the long run, our security is not guaranteed by force alone.We must work to change the conditions of hopelessness and resentment that provide fertile ground for terrorist recruitment. Above all, this requires bringing freedom to people for whom it has been too long denied, for free people do not support terror.

Consider the historic gains made by promoting freedom. Under the President?s leadership:

* Fifty million people have been liberated from despotic, totalitarian regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

* The terrorist camps in Afghanistan have been destroyed. The Afghan government is conducting its own democratic elections and is an ally in the hunt to bring Al Qaeda terrorists to justice.

* Supported by coalition allies, the men and women of our Armed Forces have brought Saddam Hussein ? a declared enemy of America and supporter of terrorism who had the capability and a proven willingness to produce and use weapons of mass destruction ? to justice. The brutal regime of Saddam Hussein is gone. An interim government is leading the Iraqi people to freedom.


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Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Ray.were smokin somethin when u wrote this or did u cut an paste it from somewhere
Im sure some of this will be redundant but!!!!!!!!!!
#1 Iraq did not attack us Al Quada did thats where the fight should be taken to but this president has done nothing to prevent them from striking again.
#2 This president will not wait for thraets to fester?????????? Do u follow world events ever. North Korea now can deliver missile's to the west coast. They are so deperate that they will sell to anyone. Does Osama have any?????????? Iran is going Nuclear and Mr Bush sits idly by.
We have liiberated 50 million people??????????? Where???? Afghanistan is now again controlled by Warlords and the Taliban..while our boys sit in Kabul just like the Russuinas did before they bailed out.
#3 What did we liberate the Iraqis to????????? us slaughtering then from one side and getting caught in the crossfire from the insurgency fighters.
#4 Do u think this insurgncy could grow as fast as it is without the support of the citizenry??
#5 I runnin' short but..answer me what do u think will be the outcome of Mr Bush's little fiasco here???? How will it end ????
#6 Where are the troops going to come from that want to die in Iraq?
The game in Iraq is will end badly for us..and will probably rate as one of the worlds great mistakes.
If u know ur history The English marched into Iraq too with a superior modern army and got their asses waxed.
So will we...........but as we speak terror cells are now morphing from the jungles of Maylasia, the Phillipines and the horn of Africa
and we haven't got a clue as to what they are going to do.
George Tenet in his concluding statement during the 9/11 hearings said plainly."we cannot win the war on terror without foregn intelligence" Mr. Bush has managed to sever us from the rest of the world.
In closing........A friend of mine that worked for Araamco for 16 years came back to the US just before Mr. Bushes invasion. He has had an immersion into miiddle eastern life for all that time.
His assessment..2 things must happen if we are to win against terror
#1 Stop reliance on middle eastern oil.............u stop the $$$ that feeds terrorism.
#2 Impose a settlement in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
The other of Mr. Bush's catastrophic failures. Every President since 1967 has know that the middle east could be the sorce of WW Three Mr. Bush's hands off Israel policy let Sharon
blow up what was as close to a settlement as we ever came.
U can thank Bill Clinton for that.
MNF foots awaits...could go on for hpurs
Stick to picking sports Ray Ur over ur head in World Affairs
cant proof read so hope there wren't too many errors


Forum Member
A friend of mine that worked for Araamco for 16 years came back to the US just before Mr. Bushes invasion. He has had an immersion into miiddle eastern life for all that time.
His assessment..2 things must happen if we are to win against terror
#1 Stop reliance on middle eastern oil.............u stop the $$$ that feeds terrorism.
#2 Impose a settlement in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
The other of Mr. Bush's catastrophic failures. Every President since 1967 has know that the middle east could be the sorce of WW Three Mr. Bush's hands off Israel policy let Sharon
blow up what was as close to a settlement as we ever came.
U can thank Bill Clinton for that.
MNF foots awaits...could go on for hpurs
Stick to picking sports Ray Ur over ur head in World Affairs
cant proof read so hope there wren't too many errors

Wwow! far oout. Y didnn't we thinnk of thatt.

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