DeJoka vs. Tsonga


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Enjoy the reading, GK

Enjoy the reading, GK

Yeah, I know what you telling me, GK. I also read about the bad foreign decisions in boxing in your thread as well. I think, in boxing, that situation has improved a bit since the days when the hometown judges filled out their scorecards BEFORE the fight. Hmm.. a little exagerting, but you get my point.

Man, I sure am glad I tred out that "in play" thingy on Dimes last night; getting some more Tsonga at great odds made my day even better.

BTW, a place called WSEX, offers great in play stuff. IF they still do it like they used to - you can buy your ticket DURING THE GAME at the current odds when you do so.... AND sell the dang things anytime during the game for the odds at the time you do that. Like buying and selling stocks. A LOT OF FUN and opportunities. You can buy, sell, buy, sell , etc. during the whole game/match. You always buy a bet, ticket at less that $100 and if you hold it to the end and don't sell it during the gameplay, it's worth a $100 if your team/player wins. Great stuff. But I came out a losah.... cause I did that stuff when I used to play baseball... and I've learned since then that baseBAWL absolutely sucks as far as betting goes. Hard to imagine anybody beating that game if they do a lot of playing during the season.

I DO remember though, one time, during an in play baseball game, that they let you pick (when the player got up at bat) what he's gonna do. You know, like strike out, infield out, outfield out, doube, triple... stuff like that. Now, this was well before David Ortiz was known to be a great clutch home run hitter too.
I played him to hit a homer at 25-1 at this at bat. ..... .. . you guessed it, OVER the GREEN MONSTER two pitches later. Yah HOOOO!

I've learned that I only do good in baseball in the playoffs and World Series... FERGET, during the entire season though.... TERRIBLE sport to play. I'll be/and have been just looking for fast horsies this summer instead. LOL

See anything good for the remainder, GK?

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
Went small on your girl Zheng at +340
I think she loses, but worth a shot at the odds
she is playing great tennis
I think the other favorites all win


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
You got a shot

You got a shot

I got Zheng

and Henin "wins 2 sets to 1" (prop. at very nice odds).

Looks like what you wrote... Serena, the fav. , is looking like a winner.



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Ugh, what a beatdown

Ugh, what a beatdown

GK, you watch that match? The Zinger was off her game, prob., shell shocked. It didn't matter though cause I know that she could be blasted off the court by a HEAVY hitter.

What I DIDN'T know is that Henin could/would hit so heavy this quickly in her comeback. Man, she pasted the ball; she's hitting as hard as she did while she was on top of the game, before she retired.

Men's Side
Gotta get one more look at Murray before deciding how I'll play the final (I'm assuming he'll do in Cilic). Not only how well he plays Cilic but how LONG he plays Cilic. The Fed Man is ready but that doesn't mean he's the pick - certainly not after how I saw the shape Murray is in the other night.

Haven't seen the odds on the Ladies Side, not sure if it's out yet (gonna check after this). Really curious what they are going to look like.

Happy Ballin
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